
A Deal

"Revenge? Explain that to me." Edward spoke, looking at Amelin, who raised one leg, resting it on the windowsill while placing her hands on her knee.

"The man you killed yesterday, the emblem on his clothes, I know him," Amelin said, resting her head on her hand above her knee.

'Understood, so she saw...' Edward sighed, shrugging as a wave of mana coursed through his body, causing the towel to disappear, leaving him dressed in his uniform.

"What do you know about them? And furthermore, do you plan to kill them?" Edward spoke, standing up and walking towards her.

'Hmm, what's going on here?' Litty thought, observing the strange atmosphere in the room, her gaze darting from side to side.

"Well, it seems like both of us showed our true selves pretty quickly, huh?" Amelin gave a smile, looking directly into Edward's eyes. "And to answer your question, kill them? That's too little. They should pay for every drop of blood they forced me to see."

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