
Relishing the rage of Reyan

Jenny decides to study abroad to reach her goals. Little did she know that fate has planned to take her on a dangerous trip once she reached New York. She gets kidnapped and the monster behind this threatens her with the life of the family living back in her country. But who is this monster? Why did he have to abduct Jenny?

kynaKelly · Teen
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25 Chs

Be my girlfriend ..

Two days passed by without any chaos. I didn't think about starting up an argument with them. Everyday Reyan made food for me and helped me with my chores. There was no friendly conversation. He never spoke until I initiated a conversation. Whenever I asked him something related to my stay in that house, he would give me a cold look that gave me chills.

After two days my head finally got back to its original state. My body was feeling good. Reyan came in to hand me some snacks. He sat on a bar stool at the workstation playing with his mobile. After a while of hesitation, I walked up to him and stood leaning on another bar stool. I knocked the table, to get his attention . His cold gaze flashed at me.

"What do you want from me? " – I was struggling to maintain my calm.

He dialed to Sarah. "Come on up baby, Annie wants answers." – His resonance was not even close to how a guy would talk to his girlfriend.

Sarah was taking her time. I assumed that she lives in this house.

"How big is this house, that she is taking such a long time to come.." – I wanted to break the ice.

"She doesn't live here." –- He doesn't give a chance to extend the conversation.

"Who lives here then ? " –I was not ready to give up until I get some information.

"you and me". ----- Seriously !? only us both.

"Does it belong to the firm of yours?"

"No, it belongs to me. And everything in here belongs me." – With this he grabbed my hand and made me sit on the bar stool I was leaning on.

"Leave my hand." – I said struggling to escape from his grip.

"I just said you are mine. I have the right to hold my things." –There was no hint of compassion.

"I would prefer you to stop calling me yours. I assume your girlfriend Sarah might not be pleased." –His countenance changed immediately. It was not cold anymore. He smiled warmly. Just by mentioning his girlfriend's name he became happy.

Suddenly doors opened. I turned around and saw that it was Sarah.

"How's it going baby.." –-She walked confidently with a smile on her face.

"My guest here thinks doesn't want me to call her 'mine', because she's afraid you will be upset". –He said with a sarcastic smile.

"Why will I be upset?"

"Apparently you are my girlfriend" – With this both of them broke into laughter.

I felt like I was third wheeling them. Two attractive people in a room with a hideous looking girl. I felt like running away. Meanwhile Kenny also walked in. Wonderful ! The whole punk gang was here.

"Kenny, did you know I had a girlfriend?" – Reyan's tone was sarcastic. All of them exchanged looks.

I guess I was wrong about their relationship. But they call each other 'baby'. That's not common among friends.

"We call each other as 'baby' in our firm. We are not supposed to call our peers by their names. You'll know this soon". –Kenny was the only one who decided to fill me up with the information.

"Oh .. and .." – Before I could finish Reyan interrupted . "Are everyone here?"

"Yes, We can start."

"Get to work then." – Reyan waved his hand, telling us to leave.

"Annie please.." – Sarah showed me the way.

I walked along with her. I felt a bit comfortable with Sarah. This is the first time I walked out of the room. As I stepped out I observed the villa. The room I stayed was on the first floor. There was a huge living room, with a dining hall juxtaposed. The kitchen was right next to dining hall.

The room next to mine had a dark theme. "This is Reyan's" – Kenny said slowly following us. I could not walk into that room. The inner circumference of the first floor was itself huge. There was another room next to Reyan's. It was locked. I was taken to the room next to it. It looked like it was a open space. There were cloth rails with gorgeous gowns. There was a huge mirror with myriad cosmetics. There were some more people in that room. They looked like the backstage staff from Victoria secret.

"Guys this is Annie" –Sarah introduced me to them.

"Annie, you can feel at ease. I will be right out of this room. They will help you get ready." – Sarah's words were warm.

Sarah left the room. A lady in her thirties asked me to pick up an outfit. I picked a red outfit. Then she talked to the men next to her. I sat in front of the mirror. After a while they went out of the room and told me to change into the gown. I wore the outfit and looked at myself. I couldn't believe my eyes.

This was the best I have ever looked. The make over was subtle. My hair was tied into a pony. I walked out of the room. "You look…" – Sarah stopped.

"Do I look weird?" – I was unnecessarily nervous. I didn't have to look good with these strange people.

"like a princess" –Kenny continued.

Sarah then took me to another room. I saw Reyan wearing a blue suit. Anybody who doesn't know him well would think that he is a gentleman. He was wearing a white shirt with a blue stripped tie. The entire outfit flaunted his long legs and muscular physique.

As soon as I went in Sarah left. I was left alone with Reyan. Chills crept throughout my body. There was a tripod with a camera. He gestured me to stand in a mark.

"What are you doing here with this set up ?"

"Another word from that mouth results in a death in your family." – He was assertive.

After this I dared not speak a word. I followed his orders.

He clicked some of my pictures. I had to smile for some of them. He then took a red cloth and walked closer to me. Blindfolding me he said "Stay still. Don't worry I won't click any obscene pictures of yours".

He placed his hands around my waist. I could feel his hot breadth on my neck. I push him with my both hands placed on his chest.

He then took off my blindfold.

"Go straight into your room. You are not allowed to wander around the house."

He took the camera and left the room. When I left the room, the house was empty. Sarah, Kenny and the other people left the house.

I went back to my room. After a while Reyan came back with a tab in his hands.

"Here's your task." – he handed me the tab.

There was a picture of me and him together. The ones he might have clicked with my blindfolds on. But in the picture there were no blindfolds. We looked like two people in love. This is a very misleading picture.

"What does it mean. You clearly edited."

"Nobody cares. What will happen if your mom sees it".

I know my mom. She would never believe me in this situation. I had no words.

"So what now" – I was disheartened.

"There is a party that I need to attend in a couple of months. You'll be my girlfriend." ----- Wow. Great way to ask for a date. -----

"What if I mess up at the party?"

"You'll be punished." ---- He then left.