

Work, work, and some more work are all I've known for the last few days not that it bothered me though. For the past few days, I've been creating and testing various serums in the pursuit of the SS Serum and it was only a few hours ago that I finished my second project.

"Ready?" I asked Dad.

"Yeah son, I'm ready." Dad said as he laid back in the Vita pod.

"Don't stress Dad, by the time you wake up everything will have changed." I said with a smile before using magic to put Dad into a deep rest while numbing his body so he would feel no pain.

Currently, I was in the lab preparing to inject Dad with the Super Soldier Serum while Alice continued drawing with a beautiful smile as always, Bella was also here but she was outside with the Cullens waiting her turn.

I could have let Bella in so she could watch but I'd rather not put her in a situation where she has to withhold information from the Cullens because I would have told her to not tell them about anything she saw in here if I had let her in. Bella is a lot closer to the Cullens than I am and that's a fact, since the day I went to their house I didn't go back or speak with any of them while Bella had gone over every day and stayed for many hours at a time.

Now, although Bella was becoming a vampire soon that didn't mean she had to stay weak as a human hence the reason she's going to take the Super Soldier Serum which I perfected so that the side effects that were in Marvel didn't occur here.

Also, my reason for not letting the Cullens into the lab was fairly simple, I didn't trust them and I don't think it's a problem to do so. When I went to the Cullens last time and told them my race I was instantly exposed and although that was their duty it told me enough to not expose my secrets to them and my lab has many secrets.

With Dad now asleep I began the procedure of turning him into the world's first Super Soldier. Slowly the Super Soldier Serum began to surge into Dad's body causing his veins to bulge and with that, I knew it was time to begin the second stage of the procedure.

"10%" I said as I slowly raised the lever which was in control of the Vita ray pod.











"100%" I said with a smile as a cloud of vapor was released from the machine Dad was in.

"Success." I said as I pressed the button to open the pod revealing to me my sleeping Dad.

Just as the SS Serum did with Captain America, Dad had bulked up considerably while regaining his youth, no more was the 40-year-old police officer who groaned when he got up.

Saying Dad had regained his youth was definitely an understatement, he had regained his youth while becoming as handsome as his genes would allow, and from the pictures I had seen of Dad in his prime, it was easy to say that he said he would have no trouble getting a girlfriend from now on.

Waving my hand slightly Dad's eyes fluttered as he began to wake up.

"Everything go well?" Dad asked as he rubbed his eyes, clearly he had slept quite deeply.

"You tell me, old man." I said with a smile as I put a mirror in front of him.

Immediately Dad's eyes bulged as if they were gonna pop out, I didn't tell him everything about the Serum so he expected to become a little stronger but nothing more.

"Wha- how?" Dad said dumbfounded as he touched his face.

"The Serum I made you is called the Super Soldier Serum, it provides many benefits, and a body that is at its full potential is one of them so regaining your youth while looking better is obvious." I said with a smile.

"I, uh..." Dad said unable to find the right words to describe his emotions.

"I get it, why don't you throw on these clothes before headin' back to the house." I said suggesting for him to chill out for a few hours before talking about everything.

"Yeah, alright." Dad said as he released a sigh before changing into the clothes I set on the table for him, I had prepared them early since I knew he would bulk up.

Dad threw on the clothes before we walked to the Lab door while talking. I told him to be careful and gentle with everything he does since he's much stronger than he was before.

"Next, Ms.Swan." I said with a smile as I opened the door allowing Bella and the Cullens to see me and Dad while the unintested Alice sat in the back still drawing a picture of me.

"Woah..." Bella said with wide eyes as she looked at our rejuvenated father.

"That's Dad?" Bella asked me.

"Yup." I responded as Dad looked around.

"Remember what I said Dad." I told him as he walked around everyone after speaking some.

"Yeah, be careful with everything I touch." Dad said with a smile before he began walking down the trail that led to the house.

I planned to teach dad about his newfound abilities and strength but I didn't have the time at this very moment so he would have to wait for a bit.

"You comin'?" I asked Bella who was looking at our departing dad oddly.

"Am I gonna become a muscle woman?" Bella asked worriedly.

"Haha, no, you're simply going to reach the maximum potential of humanity." I said after chuckling some.

"You sure?" Bella asked still skeptical.

"I am, now c'mon, I've got things to do." I said to Bella who turned to Edward.

"I'll be back soon." Bella said to Edward who nodded.

With that done Bella and I made our way into the lab while the Cullens waited outside albeit reluctantly, I could tell they wanted to come inside but I wouldn't be letting that happen anytime soon.

"Don't be so nervous." I said with a warm smile as I looked at Bella who was fidgeting.

"But..." Bella replied clearly nervous even though she had no clue what was happening.

"You'll simply fall asleep and when you wake up everything will be done Bella." I said with a smile trying to ease her nerves which seemed to have worked some.

"Okay." Bella replied as she took a deep breath.

Bella and I conversed some more as we walked through a clear path in the lab until we could be seen in the room that held the Vita pod.

"Go into that room and change into the gown." I said to Bella as I began preparing for the second procedure of the day.

Bella nodded at my words before taking the gown and walking into the changing room.

"Ready?" I said to Bella who had just walked out of the changing room.

"I guess..." Bella said regaining her nervousness.

"Jeez, woman." I said with a smile jokingly before continuing.

"Lay down in the pod." I said as I pointed to the open Vita pod.

Bella followed my words and soon laid down in the pod while playing with her fingers.

"See ya' soon." I said with a smile before putting her to sleep.

With Bella now unconscious I began the procedure just like I did with Dad.

"10%" I said as I slowly raised the lever which was in control of the Vita ray pod.











"100%" I said with a smile as a cloud of vapor was released from the machine Bella was in just like how it did for Dad.

With the procedure now done the Vita pod opened revealing to me a Bella different from before. Unlike her previous frail and slightly sickly appearance she now looked as healthy and beautiful as she could ever be.

"Bella." I said with a smile as I woke her up.

"Huh? What'd you want?" Bella said with a sleepy tone, she had forgotten where she was.

"Nothing much, just wondering how long you planned on staying in the pod." I said with a smile causing Bella's eyes to widen as she remembered where she was.

"Oh, yeah, is it over already?" Bella asked oddly.

"It is, now go change into these." I said as I set down a new set of clothes for Bella to change into.

Bella was still slightly distraught due to waking up so suddenly so she didn't offer much of an argument. Walking to the changing room Bella soon entered and screamed as soon as she did, I knew she had seen herself in the mirror.

"OMG!" Bella shouted with excitement clear in her voice.

"Oh! My!! GOD!!!!" Bella screamed again.

"Tristan you're the best!" Bella shouted again before coming out of the changing room with a big smile on her face, I'm certain she was super happy about her appearance.

"I know I know." I said with a smile before continuing.

"C'mon, your mate probably wants to see you." I said before leading the jubilant Bella out of the Lab.

"Alright vampires, I present to you the new Bella Swan." I said with a smile after I opened the lab door getting all of their attention.

With that said I moved out of the doorway allowing the Cullens to see the the Super Soldier Bella, which caused Edward to freeze completely, Bella was far more beautiful than she once was so I'm sure he was surprised.

"Yo!" Bella said with a smile, she had grown a lot more comfortable with the Cullens so her true personality was present when she was with them.

"Damn dude, hell of a thing you're doing to them." Emmett said as he thought of my Dad and Bella, they had changed plenty so his words were reasonable.

"Yeah." I replied before looking at Bella.

"Remember what I said." I said to her knowing that like Dad I would need to teach her to control her strength.

"Yup, be gentle with everything." Bella said as she nodded, she didn't doubt my words.

"Good." I said as Bella turned back to the Cullens and continued her conversation.

Bella and I were very close when we got to Forks but we've drifted apart since getting here. I was caught up in the creation of the Limitless Serum and the SS Serum while she was always with the Cullens integrating herself into their family. We were both doing our own things now even though we had once been inseparable and although it was a bit uncomfortable to think about I understood it as well as many other things.

Just like me, Bella didn't have many friends but she did want them, and the Cullens were those friends she wanted so it made sense that she wanted to be with them a lot. Edward was the love interest she never had but wanted so she also wanted to be with him as much as possible even if that meant sacrificing time with me to do so, but I wasn't mad at her for doing that, I did that with Alice too.

Bella was finding a place where she was welcomed, loved, and appreciated, that was with the Cullens, but the same didn't apply to me which was a reason we were drifting apart. I had a lot of things on my mind and so much to do while Bella had the Cullens and Edward on her mind, our interests, desires, and goals were different. I wanted to protect Bella from everything while she lived a carefree life with the Cullens and her mate. I would accomplish this no matter what, no matter how much we drifted or how much she forgot about me and our relationship, I as her older brother would provide her with everything she needed to have the best life possible.

"I assume you guys can help her control her strength?" I said to Carlisle who nodded.

"Yes, we can." Carlisle replied with a smile.

"Then I'll leave it to you." I said before looking at Bella who was speaking with Edward as she smiled happily.

"Call me if you need me, Bella." I said to my sister.

"Okay." Bella replied as she looked at me before back to Edward.

"See ya'." I said to the Cullens but only received a few goodbyes.

'They didn't even ask about Alice...' I said to myself slightly angry they weren't paying any attention to Alice when she was so close by.

Just like Bella and me drifting apart the same applied for Alice and the Cullens which I didn't like seeing. I couldn't help but feel responsible for it as well, Alice did everything to be with me as much as possible and that meant she was sacrificing time with her family to be with me. Although Alice checked in with them a lot it was different from staying with them every moment of the day like she was before.

With that done I closed the lab door before walking to Alice who was still drawing but could sense my feelings.

"Don't be sad, she's just growing up." Alice said as she got up and hugged me.

"I'm not sad, just uncomfortable, she and I had been together since childhood and now we aren't." I said as I held Alice tight.

"I get it..." Alice said with a sad tone of her own.

"They didn't even try to speak with me..." Alice said as a sad expression appeared on her face, although she was with me a lot she always made sure to go home and check on the Cullens but it seemed they weren't as caring for her as she was for them.

Alice and I didn't exchange any more words and just held each other. We were both feeling down about the people who were close to us and only our own company could make us feel better.

To be continued...

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