
Chapter 2 

Willian woke up refreshed, washed his face up to the bedroom mirror. The man he saw in the reflection had gray hair, a trademark of the royal family. His face was slightly pale, with regular strokes. He seemed to be completely devoid of personality. He had not done much physical activity, but since his body gave himself up with Itachi's skill model also underwent a mutation to adapt the skills.

- In the next few days, I will be able to gradually improve and improve this life from today I am Roland Wimbledon.

- System open the menu.

- Opening the menu.

- Roulette

> Silver Spin (10,000 Ps.)

> Gold Gyro (25,000 Ps.)

> Diamond (50.000 Ps.)

- Shop

> Animals

> Plants

> Projects

> Lineage

- Backpack (can only Store what was purchased or earned on roulette.)

Roland decided not to do his shopping for now, as he would have to know where he starts so he would have to see how things are around him, even though he has knowledge of the story he should still be careful.

Soon when Roland finished getting ready, one of the maids, Tyr, repeatedly recalled that the assistant minister wanted to see him. Roland, you asked the maid to find Barov, who was waiting in the living room.

The maid was surprised, not to be harassed by the prince, but did not say anything and went to seek the minister.

Seeing Tyr rush out of the room, Roland suddenly realized that, he goodwill different from what she used to do, but didn't call because he would have to change his habits.

In the living room, Barov was already freaking out on anxiety. The moment Roland left, he asked:

Your Highness, why didn't you order her to be executed yesterday?

"The day before, the day after, what's the difference? " said Roland clapping, warning the servants to bring him breakfast. "Sit down, Barov.

- A day later, you can bring other witches to the scene, my crown prince. This is not the same as your previous shenanigans during this chaos. - warned Barov.

How can you say that? Roland asked, frowning, "I thought you could tell the difference between superstition and truth."

Barov seemed perplexed:

What superstitions?

"That a witch is evil and a messenger of the Devil," Roland did not seem to care and patiently answered the question. Isn't that what the Church teaches us? They don't interfere here, I think it's actually the other way around. Their official propaganda is that witches are evil, and until we decide to actively hunt them, all people believe in these shameless superstitions that the Church spreads.

Barov would be shocked:

"Maybe ... maybe the witch really...

"Really bad? - Roland asked, " How what?

The assistant minister paused, trying to decide whether the prince was deliberately mocking him.

Your Highness, this matter will be further discussed later. I know you don't like the church, but it's not productive to conflict with them.

When Roland's breakfast came with toast, scrambled eggs and a bottle of milk, he took two plates, one of which he gave to the helper.

"You haven't ate so far, have you? Roland asked before he started eating. The maid told him that Barov arrived from his quarters at dawn and immediately asked to meet him, so that he did not have time to eat. He decided not to imitate the former prince's life, he also decided to start changing the way people see him.

Barov took a glass of milk that Roland handed him, but did not drink, said anxiously:

"Your Majesty, we still have problems. The guards said they discovered a suspicious witch camp in the western forest three days ago. As they fled in a hurry and did not clear their tracks, the guard found him at the camp.

He took a coin out of his pocket and put it in front of Roland. It was not the common currency, at least according to the memories of the former Roland, he had not seen such a coin. It wasn't even local, not even made of metal.

Feeling it in his hands, he was surprised to find that the coin was hot, and the deputy minister certainly wasn't the source of that heat, at least forty degrees Celsius, that reminded him of the moment he was showering.

What's it going to be? Roland asked.

"I thought it was just a dirty trinket that the witch made, but it's actually much more serious. Barov paused, wiping his forehead. "The printed design is known as the Devil's Eye of the Sacred Mountain, which is the emblem of the Witches Cooperation Association.

- Your Majesty, you haven't seen any real witches before, so it's okay if you think your skills are somewhat exaggerated. In fact, they can get hurt, they can even bleed, and it's no harder to kill them than the rest, but this is just about witches who can't resist. When they gain the power of the devil, he can shorten their life expectancy, but it also gives them terrible power. Ordinary people just can't compare to them. When the witch gets older, even the army will have to pay a high price to kill her. Their desires are almost impossible to suppress, in the end they always turn into servants of the Devil. Therefore, the Church proclaimed the Holy Inquisition, if women have at least a chance to be witches, they must be captured and immediately executed. The king passed this decree and, in fact, these measures proved to be effective and the incidence of witch panic attacks has dropped significantly since the last century. The sacred mountain or, as they say, the gateway to hell, remained only the rumors shown in the Ancient Book about this era.

- Barov leave this witch talk for later we're going to finish eating. – says Roland without further interest in the conversation.

Barov stepped furiously after the former prince's indifference, but decided to remain silent.

As soon as they finished eating Roland asked the minister to take it to the witch.

Sir, do you want to see the witch?

Yes, now.

The dungeon was small. This arid land can't accommodate many prisoners. Most days should occur to the court in would be released or distribution.

In addition to Barov, the Knight Commander, the director and two guards.

There were only four levels in the dungeon, as walls were built with granite blocks. Roland was in place for the first time, he was in this corridor, the narrower he became. The number of cameras also did. He thought they first dug a hole in the shape of an inverted cone and then layer by layer, equipped it with stone.

This coarse design, of course, did not have a good drainage system. The wet floor and dirty sewer flowed up the ladder level.

Suspect, the witch was being held at the last level. At every level they're going to raise, the stench.

Your Highness, you are too risky, even if you are sealed with Medallion of God's Judgment.

Still ignoring the Knight Commander he continues his walk, no matter how much knighthood.

There were far fewer cameras on this level, there were only two. The warden lit the torches on the walls and, in the darkness of the clearing, Roland saw a witch bent in the corner of one of the cells.

It was late autumn and the temperature in the dungeon was low or enough for people to see the white mist while breathing. He donned a fur coat with a silver lining inside so as not to feel the cold, but the girl wore only rough rags that did not completely cover her body, so that her icy blue arms and legs came out from under neath them.

The suddenly flaming houses made her shudder with her eyes closed. But soon she was able to open her eyes and look at them.

The girl tries to get up, leaning slowly against the wall, as if afraid of falling. But in the light end she herself. and, limping came out illuminating, leaving the light

Such a simple move has already caused everyone around him to breathe cold air and retreated two steps, only the Knight Commander, who was in front of Roland, resisted.

What's your name? Roland thought, patting Carter on the shoulder to show that he didn't need to be so nervous

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