
To be Presumptuous

Roland felt he had suddenly skipped two chapters from the original story.

It was not so weird since he did the stunt of freeing Anna right off the bat, and even after all he had done, it was still the first day.

Not even half a day had passed too. The order of events was totally messed up.

His adaptability to this whole thing was better since he already knew about days to come that he could do these things. It really gave him a strange feeling.

Looking out the window, although it was still early in the night, he was wide awake for hours from now. It was his own fault to sleep instead of napping, but at any rate, he had nothing to do for the moment.

Talking to Anna? Nah, she was probably still sleeping like a log. As a gentleman, how can he barged in and looked straight at her figure wrapped in a glamorous nightgown without a proper reason?

Shaking his head, Roland who was still in the drawing room once again looked around. The drawing room was basically a study, but there was barely anything inside. The shelf still had some books to decorate, however, and Roland figured he should try reading his boredom off.

As he expected, the books wouldn't be something like wonky novels and instead much formal. Most of them were about the history of the Kingdom, with few were regarding some stories describing famous and influential figures.

The writing system of this world was unlike he had seen before, but his possessing the body of the prince completely made the problem of the language barrier to not present. He had thought that this was worthy of being a cheat for people in this kind of story, but now he experienced it himself it turned out knowing the native language should be just the minimum welfare.

Picking one book randomly from the shelf, he noticed none of the books was thick. If he desired it, he could probably finish it off all in one night. Only, history wasn't something he really interested in.

Still, thinking about it as some asset that might be useful in the future he managed to force himself flipping some of it.

The Graycastle Kingdom was one of the four big Kingdoms, and it had been several generations since the founder.

Really, despite the name, the history book didn't detail much about history. Most of it was a brief description of important events. There were some of those important events that were memorised already in his memory while others were either vague or new. As he read more, the last couple of pages featured Roland's father, who had some valiant exploits.

From the start of the story, Roland's father the King was already ill and old. It also wouldn't be long before he died in a rather meaningless way. Reading the short summaries of his youth that made him like some famous general and hero of the country was really strange.

There was also a book that described more recent stuff like the famous Gerald Wimbledon. He was young when he already showed interest in the military and showed great talent in it. Many people guessed and hoped he would be the next king, who knew there was this nonsense of working territories before deciding who would sit on the throne.

Roland recalled he got caught in a conspiracy. It was a pity since he looked somewhat the decent sibling out of the monstrous royal siblings. Be it the women or men; the grey-haired royal family members had severe problems.

Garcia was a crazy woman who made pirate fleet and for the sake of expanding her power as quickly as possible, probably had robbed and sank numerous ships in progress. She was also the one that planted a spy and tried to assassinate her brother who most pitied from having low intelligence.

Timothy was the ambitious brother. Roland remembered Gerald was done by him. Although there were some strange parts that he can't quite explain, even if he wasn't really the culprit that took the life of his own father, it was the fact he made the situation that forced his own brother to his death. In this aspect, it was clear he was at least as cruel as Gracia.

Tilly the youngest was probably the smartest one. While the chapters he read didn't really describe her, the memory of Roland was enough. She was a prime example of excellence and for a period of time, was the little girl Roland bullied.

He didn't know what she was doing now, but at least she didn't look like she was hungry for power. With her intelligence people spoke so highly of, her chances to die from assassination should be much lower than Roland.

Tapping his finger, Roland looked around and noticed there was a bundle of white papers in the drawer. It was not as good as one he used to, but it was somewhat apparent with the way the level of technology here.

After wetting the dried ink, dipping the feather pen, he wrote words in his other mother language that got sided when he came. This way, unless there were also people on that side coming with him that also happened to know his otherworldly language, his was probably the most encrypted.

The content was not anything complicated. It was just a simple outline of the story from the hundred chapters he had read.

First, the information about the witches was very misleading. People often said a witch lifespan would be shortened dramatically from obtaining devil power, but it was just because most of them died from not using their power. It was a terrible concept for the witches when thrown to a setting where they were hunted for even giving the slightest hint of witchcraft.

He didn't doubt some witches probably already noticed the simple solution, but it remained that people impression of them were already low, and any attempts to correct them without going a long way would be hard.

Roland felt silent after writing them.

The witches were indeed pitiful, but saying they didn't individually hold very potentially dangerous weapon would make him purposely be ignorant on the matter. Like, even for ordinary people some acted horrible deeds naturally despite having no troubles. Most witches were oppressed, how many would have the sober mind to stop thinking of not doing evil acts, even if it was just to give meaningless revenge against the unfair world?

Writing some more, Roland noted some things.

People died, and in this world, some died miserably.

To elaborate what he thought a moment ago, his brother Gerald would die from a horrible conspiracy. It would take days, weeks from now on to happen. But could his fate be changed with him around?

Roland in the story, while he was amazing, he didn't know some background things. With his army equipped with modern arms, probably the inevitable dealing with Timothy and Gracia wouldn't be too troublesome matters in the end so long he didn't get caught in some ambush.

But he was different.

This Roland had few bits of knowledge about the future, but not the ability to tide the current with revolutionary ideas.

Goodness, not only that, he only managed to read a hundred out of over a thousand chapters! And it was still on-going!


But would this be useful for him?

It would be fine even if this effort of his turned out being dismissed as a joke, but what if some malicious eyes turned to him even faster?

Silence fell. Unconsciously, his breathing gradually became thin.

It didn't last long before a faint sound of slapping at the table could be heard from the room.

He had come to a decision.

The new Roland Wimbledon had come to a decision.

Gritting his teeth, Roland took another blank paper and wrote a bunch of paragraphs, now in his new world language.

The address was Hermes, the so-called new holy city, and it was to be sent to Gerald Wimbledon.

By the fourth Prince, Roland Wimbledon.

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