
Driving Down the Road

The distance between Border Town and the witch cooperation association's camp was actually not that far from each other if one using the standard travel time of the medieval age. The town was called the frontier for a reason after all, as it was created to face the direction the demonic beasts came from, both from forest and mountain, where part of the latter was the camp whereabout.

Of course, without the aid of a horse or similar transport, it would be still a tiring journey. Although demonic beasts had yet to come out, the wild terrain was quite rough to traverse and the cold atmosphere during winter would sluggish one's body.

In that aspect, while the carriage drawn by a hitch of four horses dubbed by the prince as the coach might seem unimpressive at first glance, only those inside the passenger seats could tell that it was unlike the ordinary one, and not because of the size. Both the bumps against the terrain and coldness actually lessen by much. It was not the first time Roland impressed Nightingale during their short time together, but his novel idea certainly established a new image of him inside of her that she thought as an unlikely chef and cunning man.

But although she truly didn't expect that she would return inside a warm carriage, the real surprise came in the form where she was together with new friends from Border Town.

The chief knight, Carter. The head maid cum former spy, Tyre. The young witch and her father, Nana Pine and Tigui Pine.

With the exception of Nana's father and their first meeting that was a moment before departure, the others were people she got to know with during the winter's first rainy days.

Originally she was supposed to come back alone. The carriage was still something Roland also offered at first, but since she was alone, they initially scrapped the idea off. But the discussion reheated with the young witches, Anna and Nana joined.

Although Nana had no idea about how Ronald knew about these things, Anna that was also present during his revelation understood. She unexpectedly voted for Roland's reckless plan, the kidnap them plan. This suggestion drew slight ire from Nightingale, but Anna calmly rebuked that from what she gathered from their retelling, some witches were not actually comfortable with their lives in the camp.

Nightingale calmed down, but she didn't intend to pursue the line of thought. If she continued, perhaps she might get swayed herself.

Living in the middle of the wilderness, when many of them not too long ago were just normal girls. Naturally, they couldn't prefer something like that wholeheartedly. Even if they knew it was for their own sake, that it was safer than living in their respective towns and cities, especially where the church influence was strong, it was still not an easy task to do.

Nightingale had her share of suffering, dirtying her hands, and crawling on the ground. But even she needed some time to adjust such living.

Anna used Roland speech about how Mystery Moon who was forbidden to use her ability could manage to pass through the ordeal while the twins wouldn't. It was most likely because they can't handle such life. Anna could understand if that was truly the reason because she was once like that.

When hearing Anna's brief history that led her to where she was now, Nightingale fell silent.

In a way, Anna had a lot of similarities that reminded Nightingale of her past. Their happy childhood was no more, and their relative sold them out in a heartless manner. If she didn't meet Wendy, she might end up like Anna. Tied up and waited for her death, she would also lose her will to live.

But Anna had been slowly regaining her vigour, why? Because she was saved by Roland.

Although the castle can be said a cage, a giant one it might be, she was never feeling oppressed. She would eat delicious food every day, sleeping in a comfortable bed behind a warm blanket, learning much new knowledge, be useful... and not resenting her very existence.

The so-called mention that she was saved was not because he denied her execution, it was because he showed her that life was worth living.

Roland also had promised to change the town and Anna believed him. Nightingale could see no lie from Roland's reaffirmation, she couldn't help begin to believe that perhaps the extreme method might not be so extreme.

Holy Mountain was said to be the home for witches, but why should they go there in the first place if they already had somewhere they could call home?

In the end, Anna didn't end up joining Nightingale's trip of going back. In her stead was Nana, and her father who came for support. Tyre offered her help, and following her was Carter after the chief knight had a discussion with Roland.

Though they came, they were not supposed to go with her all the way to the cave where the witches' camp. They were there as emergency hands, one that revolved around Nana ability to heal.

Although she didn't want to believe it, considering he showed that he really knew a lot about many things, in the off chance Cara really that kind of person... If she revealed sinister ambition behind her sincere leader person when she told the sisters about her short but wonderful experience in Border Town, a battle like in Roland's story could really break out, and medic might be necessary.

So far, Roland never told her a single lie. No, he did tell her a lie at the end of the discussion. Recalling it, Nightingale felt warm in her heart and her lips curved into a smile.

But it was just the worst scenario that she hoped never to occur. She had decided not to risk things and she would just ask Airy and Abby directly. If they consented, she would immediately escort them out to the best of her ability.

In the camp, the twins indeed didn't use much of their abilities. It made sense since even with dozens of witches, only a few actively using theirs. While it came to them naturally like breathing, many witches, especially the new ones or those that had been following church teachings felt uncomfortable with their new profound, even devil like abilities. There were also cases where some witch abilities proved to be a hindrance for the camp activity like Mystery Moon's and were discouraged from using it.

As before, Nightingale never had much interest in Holy Mountain Cara spoke of, and she believed a lot of other witches were like her, only sticking around because everyone was there to lick each other wounds. If they all could take shelter in the warm Border Town castle, how wonderful it would be.

The journey to the witch camp would be divided into two parts, the first one was to the entrance that would take a day with the carriage, but only if one pushed the horses to travel without rest. Though Nightingale was tight on time, she didn't push it and they most likely only arrived by the second day. After that, the second part would be a bit tougher and they needed to walk two to three days through the rocky hills.

During the first part was where the thing was easy, and a bit boring.

Nightingale hit up a conversation. She wanted to lighten the atmosphere and she was being honest about somehow curious about it. "I heard His Highness suppose to make a speech after our departure?"

The chief knight was the one with the most information regarding it, but he was busy being the driver. Riding a horse and driving a carriage were both something he could do, but the latter was something he terribly lacking in experience and required most of his focus so he can't join till the change of shift.

Carter felt a bit of regret about being the driver. He should ask some of his close aides to join, even just one would do. Because his intention was originally to keep Tyre's close watch, being a driver, how could he do it in his state? It would be good if she didn't stab him from the back.

At some point, Carter had become warier to rats and spies than witches he used to fear and detest.

As for the possibility of the knights being rebellious since it was basically rescued mission for witches, he scoffed at the thought. Many of them actually already knew that Anna was a witch, His Highness didn't do a very good job hiding it and he even had a suspicion that perhaps it was deliberate.

They, especially the younger ones just didn't feel much and judged less based on church doctrines and more on personal interactions. They already knew the whole story behind her murdering a person, she never harmed anybody in the castle so far, and she even helped in to develop a valuable and amazing product like cement. Though a bit cold, she was a lovely young lady.

While Carter absentmindedly driving with those thoughts, Tigui Pine who had some involvement decided to share. "Apparently there are three things His Highness want to talk about."

"What are those?" His daughter asked beside him. Though she and Anna often being accompanied by Roland during their practice time, their chats contained less politic and more education.

Tigui Pine smiled faintly as he answered. "It's proclaiming his intention to not going away from Border Town, asking people to do the same, and lastly, requesting them to apply to the militia."

But then he remembered that his daughter was basically among the first that already drafted behind the scene as she was vital for treating injured people. The bulky doting father's expression sunk and turned bitter.

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