
Rock Anaconda

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Let's kill him together!" the middle-aged demon tamer frowned, Li Changshen's lack of response making him restless. However, the arrow had already been nocked on the bow, it was too late to backtrack now.

Both demon tamers summoned their demon pets, and with the disappearance of the blood-red hexagrams morphed two different demon pets before their tamers.

A Rock Anaconda and the Wind Wolf appeared respectively. With a length of around 10 meters, the Rock Anaconda had scales an earthen brown reminiscent of stones and a fish-like tail. Its aura, in comparison to the Wind Wolf, was much more oppressive. As expected of a solid Middle Order demon pet.

The middle-aged demon tamer had been forced to show his hand at the start, for he was the kind to exert all his efforts even if it was an easy battle, let alone now when he was wary Li Changshen.

Li Changshen shook his demon pouch as his opponents summoned their demon pets, revealing the Heaven's Fowl and the Gopher.

"Heaven's Fowl, Gopher! Crap! Those were Middle Order demon pets as well!" Looking at Li Changshen's demon pets, the storms of worry brewed harder in the middle-aged demon tamer, and he felt as of all of his worries jumping at him at the same time, discomfort spreading in his chest like wildfire.

He had gone and kicked himself a metal plate this time!

However, the main focus was that these were merely Li Changshen's temporary demon pets.

If this was the caliber of Li Changshen's temporary demon pets, one could only imagine how strong the demon pet he had bound with was.

"My Lord, this is all a misunderstanding. We've made a terrible mistake. But if only you could be so kind to forgive us…"

Quickly, the middle-aged demon tamer bowed his head. What was dignity in the face of survival?

Only for Li Changshen to interrupt before he could finish his plea.

"Quit your bullsh*t! Finish them!" Not only had his opponents attempted to rob him, but they had threatened his life as well. How could Li Changshen possibly just turn a blind eye?

Fortunately, Li Changshen was the stronger side, for he would truly be at their mercy if had he been weaker than his opponents!

His two demon pets assumed offensive positions under Li Changshen's instructions.

Touching the surface of the ground, all four of the Gopher's limbs glowed a yellow radiance as it began to tunnel ceaselessly in the earth below.

In a quick second, the ground beneath the Rock Anaconda shifted. The mud below turning into sand and begun to swirl like a whirlpool. It was too late before the Rock Anaconda could react, for its massive body had already begun sinking into the quicksand.

It had no other choice, for the Rock Anaconda itself was a heavyweight that lacked speed and agility. Not to mention how its demon tamer was not providing instruction, the Rock Anaconda could hardly be blamed for reacting a second too slow.

The Rock Anaconda writhed in the quicksand, but to little avail due to its weight. More than half of its body had been submerged within it, there was no escape no matter how much more it tried to struggle.

Right at that moment, the Heaven's Fowl dove down. Spinning its body, it's sharp beak gleamed under the sun, aiming to peck right at the Wind Wolf's head.

The Heaven's Fowl was fast, and it was already too late by the time the Wind Wolf motioned to pounce, as the Heaven's Fowl had pecked its target with its long and sharp beak. 


Accompanied with the sound of fracturing bones, a hole had formed itself in the Wind Wolf's skull. Brain bits flew everywhere painting the ground with splatters of red and white remains, as the Wind Wolf dropped heavily on the ground with a thud.

After it's last dying twitches, the Wind Wolf laid limply, unmoving and still.

The young demon tamer underwent a rebound at his Wind Wolf's death. His consciousness suffering from the mental shock, he tasted something sweet creeping up the back of his throat. Coughing a mouthful of blood, he did not look so well.

Having killed the Wind Wolf instantly with one shot, the Heaven's Fowl spread its wings and flew towards the Rock Anaconda.

The Rock Anaconda could have the strongest defense and yet would not have held too long if attacked by both the Gopher and the Heaven's Fowl.

"This is bad!" The middle-aged demon tamer's expression did a 180-shift, and with the use of his omniscience, he called forth another two demon pets.

He called respectively, the Fire Mare and the Sharp-Mouthed Porcupine.

The Fire Mare burned with varying shades of flames and had not even one hair out of place. The horsehair on its tail sparked alight. Similar to the Lighting Zabra, the Fire Mare was also a rideable demon pet.

Perhaps from having spent a long time with the middle-aged demon tamer, both demon pets bore strength that was easily a match for Lower 9th Orders. However, they have yet to fully accomplish their breakthroughs, perhaps due to the limitations of resources and their grades. That might also be the reason why despite his age, he was still a level one demon tamer.

Under the middle-aged demon tamer's instructions, the Fire Mare puffed a pillar of scorching flames right at the Heaven's Fowl.

Next to it, the Sharp-Mouthed Porcupine vibrated. Lifting its white quills with a pop from his back and suspending them in the air, looking ready to shoot them at the Heaven's Fowl from all directions.

God's Aegis!

The Heaven's Fowl slapped its wings right in time and conjured a pearl-white sphere that shielded its body from all directions.

Both the pillar of fire and the quills fell onto the shield and clinked softly upon impact. Alas, save for the ripples on the shield, there were no other signs of damage.

"My Lord. I admit this is all our fault. As long as you spare us, I promise, we will certainly reimburse your losses!" The situation before them only seemed to worsen by the minute, and with the idea of 'where there is life, there is hope' the middle-aged demon tamer pleaded. After all, as long as he was still alive, there would surely be chances to take revenge.

"You wish!" Li Changshen pursed his lips, how could he possibly let them leave? Though he could easily defeat them now, Li Changshen was still a level one demon tamer. Who knew if his opponents had stronger family and friends? What if they returned with more trouble in the future if he let them go now?

To sow the seeds of calamity was something he would not, and did not, want to do. He followed a very simple motto, to remove the root before it could grow into a problem!

The Heaven's Fowl sharply changed its course, no longer aiming for the Rock Anaconda and flying straight at the demon trainer instead.


The Heaven's Fowl gave an exceptionally clear cry as it soared, its body glowed brightly and concentrated the light into a sword around ten feet in length, ready to strike at the demon tamer.

"Hold it back, Sharp-Mouthed Porcupine!" Hardening his resolve, the middle-aged demon tamer had no other choice but to sacrifice it to save himself.

Without hesitation, the Sharp-Mouthed Porcupine began to shine. It spun its body and dashed towards the sword of light.

Only for its spinning to be forcibly stopped at the point of contact, its eyes clouded with potent fear.

The Sword of Light pierced through the Sharp-Mouthed Porcupine before it could begin to move again and left a bloodied scar in its wake. The light expanded until it exploded, spewing white spots of pure energy everywhere over the land a few meters in diameter.

The Sharp-Mouthed Porcupine could be seen laying on the ground by the time the light had dissipated, wounds that adorned the entirety of its frail body seeped blood that dyed the ground it lay on red. Though the Sharp-Mouthed Porcupine was lucky to keep its life, it had lost all of its combat power.

The situation was far from his favor.

"Argh!" This was dangerous. Making a split-second decision to flee with the Fire Mare, the middle-aged demon tamer ignored his younger teammate and mounted the Fire Mare.

"You can run but you cannot hide!" Li Changshen bared his teeth.

A purple hexagram appeared.


With a howl that rattled people in their bones and the fierce bloodlust of wind, Ai Xi appeared before LI CHANGSHEN with its head held high.