

I really can't thank Mai enough. She is like a godsend with how much she has saved me.

"Really Alisa, you make such good points. When can I read one of your novels?"

Lily was a bit of a flatterer but I guess I can't blame her. It has been a few days of me in this class and I have already made a good impression on everyone thanks to Mai and the teacher.

Lily was one of the few who also liked to write stories in this drama class. She wanted to pursue script-writing in the future and I had enjoyed reading some of the things she wrote.

I would give a few feedback here and there and it had ended up with others who also approached me for the same reasons. I ended up gossiping about my old works from the past and it became a common thing for us to review each other's writing now.

"Wait, no fair. I want to read it too. Please let me go first. I can speed read way faster than Lily." Even Matthias was pleading.

"Okay, hold on, hold on. I don't even know if I'll be able to find my old novels now. I kind of stopped writing at some point."

Let's be honest, I was reborn in a new world. What writing? What novels? I wrote novels in my past life before I died, of course, I don't have them here. They're all stored away in my mind.

I'm going to have to write them all out again, aren't I?

It's not like I've forgotten any of my stories. It's just I had a lot of chapters to my novels. I can only imagine how much time it would take me to write them all out again.

"I can absolutely wait. I'm so patient. You can take your time looking for them. Just please let me read too. Pretty pleeease."

Goodness, even Joseph wasn't letting me off.

"Okay, okay. I'll start looking for them, but I can't promise anything."

Really I couldn't. It might take me a while to even finish them. Although, I suppose I would have eventually needed to write them all out again anyway.

I didn't stop looking for websites for web novel writers, but I didn't find any either. They were all professional sites that only sold novels by professional authors. It made me wonder if this world didn't have any websites for hobby authors.

"Okay class, break time is over. Let's do our next exercise, facial expressions."

Miss Flamingo called us back away from our small huddle.

She truly had an interesting name.

When I first met her, she was a very friendly teacher who didn't question why I wanted to change my classes, but instead asked me about my passion for writing and how far I wanted to pursue when it came to drama class.

To make things short, she was a friendly woman but she was also a very dedicated teacher. I was surprised how beginner-friendly her classes were.

Who knows, if things didn't go well with the writing career, maybe I would pursue drama in college. With the way, Miss Flamingo taught, even someone like me would learn something.


Since many days now, much had changed in Alisa's life when it came to school. Students still gossiped about the girl behind her back. But it was no longer the same rumours wondering what was wrong with the strange beauty.

No, her current aura was the complete opposite. Especially when she smiled or laughed. It was such a world's difference from the old her that extruded a dangerous aura. No matter how pretty people thought of her before, their natural instincts told them there was something wrong. Yet now, that was all replaced by the new Alisa.

She was so different, that students stopped using rationality when it came to her.

Ever since she had revealed her superb physical abilities in sports class, she had started attracting the attention of the female populace in the school. It was also because of this that the male populace wondered what all the fuss was about.

If only the drama class didn't leave the doors open to the theater room when they had their classes, maybe then Alisa's fruitful hard work would have been exposed to the mass.

The teacher of the drama class was thorough in what she taught. She didn't allow Alisa to come into her class just to have an easy time. No, she taught her well, just as she taught all her drama students.

Even if Alisa was initially a complete beginner, she was also a hard worker. She listened well and asked good questions. She practiced well, and even the students of the drama class accepted her easily. How could they reject her when she showed so much effort in class? Even they could see, she was a good hard-working student, she did not come here to cheat.

It did not even take long for her to master the control of showing expression and emotion when it came to portraying a character. She truly could enter the world of drama and storytelling.

Whether it was good or bad, many had witnessed the huge change in Alisa. And because of this, many had admired, but many also desired. Somehow amidst this all, a secret fan club had been born. Alisa's fan club.