12 Chapter 12: Leave or no?

She called her parents the next day, but she was nervous as she did so and felt shameful for how she has been acting towards them. She stared at her phone feeling much more guilty than before and thinking back on how bad of a daughter she had been.

She swallowed her saliva and took a deep breath before dialing on of her parent's number.

Pamela put the phone to her ear and at first, all she could hear was ringing on the other end of the phone. After a few seconds, her parents picked up the phone and said that they missed her and hoped she is okay. They asked if she was okay and wondered why she had called them.

She wanted to cry because the first thing her parents did was told her they miss her and not belittle her. She made small conversations with her parents before asking them about where she should go with her education plans. They told her if she wants to continue her education she can always come back because they will welcome her with open arms.

After conversing with her parents on the phone a bit more, she told them she will think about it and then they hung up. Pamela started to wonder if she had been making the right decisions in her life as well as what has she been doing.

Later on during the day, she wanted to ask Topias if she should ask her parents to help in some way. Topias looked really upset and told her that he is the man and should be the one to provide for her. She felt really bad for asking him about getting help and went in the room to cry a little bit. She wondered if she asked a horrible thing or maybe what happened was that she somehow hurt his feelings.

She felt that Topias might get more upset if she asked him about getting help and decided to drop it for a while.

He stormed into the room moments later and yelled at her saying that she needs to remember to rely only on him. He said because she belongs to him, she has to listen to whatever he tells her.

From that day on he treated her a bit different from usual and he became more possessive over her. Topias made sure she did things how he wanted and told her that no matter what happens she should always be on his side.

He tried to show her that he was of the man of this relationship by constantly asking her to have sex with him. Although she did not want to do it, she did not want to keep making him upset and so she gave into him. He no longer bothered to foreplay with her before sticking in his cucumber and that caused to be in a lot of pain.

She did her best to not make a sound as she thought he would not stop even if she did.

To Pamela, he felt even more rough than usual and she did not enjoy a moment of it even though Topias seemed to be having fun.

He pounded her like she was some toy that felt no pain and then he did something that she really did not like. Topias started to play with her other hole and at first, asked if it was okay to do so.

However, Pamela was so scared, so she said no and he did not seem to care as he shoved it into her other end. Pamela screamed so loud that he stopped for a second before he kept on going with his plan.

She started to bleed as he pounded away, and she could not stop him so she cried as she did her best to alleviate her pain. As soon as she felt that he was done she ran into the restroom with her clothes and cried for a good while. She did her best to clean herself up before hearing how upset Topias was with her.

Because she yelled at her, she got startled and refused to leave the restroom for a good while before she got brave enough to go out. The moment she stepped out, he got furious with her and yelled some more before he seemed to calm down.

When he apologized later he seemed sincere so Pamela forgave him, but she did not like how he has been taking up attitude with her. When she asked him if he could try to be a bit nicer to her he got upset again and almost yelled at her.

Pamela told him she was thinking that it might be better if she went back to her parents to finish her education.

When he heard that his face seemed to have gone pale and told her he will change for the better and become a better man for her. Because she believed his words she decided she will try to stay and find a good school.

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