


AliceM6760 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

chapter 1



"Anyone that doesn't want to ally with us, kill them all. It doesn't matter who they are" I ordered some of the rogues who were chosen to attack the remaining packs.

Why do you think I ended up this way? Hot-tempered, brutal, independent and Fearless. Yes, I had to adjust to life to survive. The world doesn't like weak, it's an actual disaster. Weakness is a disease that devours your every flesh, and sips your every last breath until you become lifeless and useless. I could take in any feeling, humiliation and pain, but definitely not rejection. It is the most brutal form of wickedness and punishment. No one deserves to be rejected, nothing, not even an animal. I was rejected!

I had to kill to survive, it doesn't matter who. I turned out to be a merciless leader that steps on the cruel and crush them with my feet. I am going to destroy all of the packs with the rogues, and then Derrick is all mines.

Wondering who Derrick might be? He caused my greatest pain. He looked down on me even when he knew we were meant to be, because he couldn't suffer the humiliation of mating with an omega. He turned his back on me when I felt I had found hope again. He sent me away and into the wild. When the war is over with the other packs, I will go back to my root, and make it mine.

Just like people would say, you don't get to choose how you are born, but you get to choose how you wish to live, how you wish to be seen and your purpose. It wasn't my fault that I happened to be an omega wolf in our pack, so why would the pack blame me for being an Omega. When he sent me out to the rogue, I couldn't just accept it and be called weak.

I got to realize that living as a rogue gave me more freedom than when I had lived as an omega. I could do anything and not watch my back. I wanted to pay them back, the humiliation I experienced. I want vengeance and the only way I can get that is to conquer the packs that won't bow to me. I became that ruthless.

Why don't we talk about this from the very beginning where it all started? As an omega I had limited rights to almost everything. I have to apologize for what I didn't do, surrender in a fight I didn't participate, eat the smallest piece after hunts, run errands for the pack and as well face the mockery of the werewolves with a smile on my face. How could I possibly live like this?

One day, a day before the full moon, everyone was getting ready to experience their shape shifting. Getting their chains ready and as well disposing every silver objects that would be of harm to them when they change form, I got an intriguing idea. At some point, I got tired of being there. They were supposed to be my family but it was the other way round. I wanted to leave. I had a plan to runaway and escape through the boundary of the pack.

They say when we turn into wolves on full moon, we tend to take several actions and forget them thereafter. These actions we take are built in our subconscious as a human. It was a perfect time for me to escape without having to seek permission from the alpha. I just needed to leave the pack boundaries and be forgotten.

I got my chain and snuck out of the woods, heading to an old abandon house built with woods. The house had been known to be empty ever since I was little, it was kept as a play house for us then, but as we grew, we stopped going. The house was some feet close to the boundary, the plan was to chain myself in the house in a loose chain and run off the boundary when I am fully transformed. The chain isn't going to hold on for long since it's going to be loosed and my subconscious wouldn't disappoint me either. To me, it was just the perfect plan to get me out of my pack for good.

"Jasmine. Where are you going?" came the beta's daughter , Becky Mendes.

Becky Mendes was the beta's daughter. She was my one of the ruthless wolf that had always bullied me and beats me to pulp.

I immediately hid the chains behind me. I was on my way to the abandon house to prepare for the full moon, time was running fast and I wouldn't want anything to sabotage my plans. It was my only shot to getting out of there.

"I am…just doing what everyone else is doing" I stuttered. Telling even my shadow about my plans wasn't part of it.

"You do that a lot when you lie" Becky came closer, while her eyes lingered around my body as though she was suspecting me of something, and she was right.

"I do what? Don't be ridiculous." I scoffed trying hard to keep the acting real.

"You know you can tell me anything Jas." She said calmly glaring at me.

She was the closest friend I had, but something wasn't at all right. She knew when I was lying, I was still adamant and refused to give in to her kind acting, I didn't want to let her know because she was one of the high ranking werewolves in the pack.

"Tell me. I promise not to let anyone know" she insisted staring deep into my eyes.

That was always my weakness. I trust easily. Her words got on me, and I decided to fill her in.

"Alright" I responded and went close to her ears and whispered my plans to her.

"That's risky Jas" Becky shifted away.

"I am willingly to take it. I can't continue to live like this."

"Jasmine" Becky called out pitifully. I could see how scared she was.

"I just need you to pretend you didn't see me. Please." I walked away. I could bet with my life that she wouldn't say a word. Becky was always known to keeping to her words. "Send me a letter sometimes" She smiled and turned away. As one of the major werewolves, she could control her form through the help of a ring forged to keep the high ranking werewolves in their human form during full moon.

I was excited she didn't talk me out of it or threatened to report or bully me. I continued and went on my way.

I had reached the abandon house quickly and started attaching my chains to the wooden parts of the walls that wouldn't hesitate to detach if I even try to drag. Everything was perfect and as planned. It was already getting to midnight, and I pulled my clothes and pushed it into my bag pack and tied it to the chains.

I looked at my work and gave a wide grin. I felt brave and fulfilled. I was desperate, I wished the time could go faster than it ever was. Soon, the weather became cold, and the trees were making wavy noises because of the heavy breeze, it was almost midnight.

"Finally" I sighed and went closer to the chains and picked it up.

I locked the chains around my feet first and then my arm. It was getting to midnight, the whole pack was quiet. I could hear the birds squawking from the woods. I was certain no one was around or any close to the boundary.

It was midnight already and the full moon was up. I could hear the cry of the wolves. I was already feeling my bones breaking until I fell. Just when my bones cracked and my claws were finding its way through my fingers, I could feel the pain piercing through my fingers, I could only let the pain roll down my face while I kept my mouth glued to each other. Then suddenly, a thwack, and the door was burst open, I slowly lifted my head up. My eyes were already turned yellow, and my visions were more enhanced that I could see more clearly in the night. It was Becky Mendes.

"Hold unto the chains and lock it tightly to the walls. She tied it loosed" She instructed.

"No!" I let out a loud cry.

"You can't cheat your purpose Jas." She uttered while glaring into my eyes.

The werewolves she came with held unto my chains and tightened it to the walls so I will not get to run off as planned. She betrayed me.

"I will not forgive you!"

She scoffed.

"When she comes back, bring her back to the pack" She walked away, leaving the wolves she brought, to watch over me.

My plans were ruined and there was no way I wasn't going to be punished. I should have listened to my instinct. At that moment, I felt numb, I could barely feel the pains of turning into a wolf any longer. My once closest friend pierced my heart with what was worst than a silver blade, betrayal.

"What was I thinking?!" I yelled, loosing all my strength to the transformation, and then slumed.

I had wished I never had to wake up the next day. But, what was this humiliation that the alpha and the pack will give to me, when they find out I tried to leave the boundary