
To the capital

She was shocked at how stunning i look but also my eyes. one eye is golden and one is silver and they don't glow. they just kind of sparkle.

"your eyes. why are they two different colors." asuna

"it was just the way i was born. my silver eye is silver because of my really high affinity to the spacial element. my other eye is gold because of my other element that is really high." shiro

"other element? what other element." asuna asked interested.

"sorry but the other element is private. it has to do with when i was less than two years old and i don't want to remember that." shiro

I put my mask back on then pull my hood back over then turn back to look at the road.

"oh, ok." asuna

"you look so young, how old are you." asuna

"me, im 15 years old." shiro

"15, so your the same age as me." asuna

I turn to asuna.

"do you want to see something cool." shiro

"sure, but what" asuna

I raised my right hand to show her and i mixed lightning and rainbow magic together and purple lighting started to buzz around my hand.

"now watch and hold on to something or your going to fall off." shiro

I take my right hand with the lightning on it then touch the cart. the carts wheels and the horses feet suddenly have lightning arcing across them but the horses didn't act scared or didn't get hurt. the carriage suddenly jolted forward incredibly fast. we travel like that for about 30 minutes before i stop it and slow back down to regular speed.

"how was it" shiro

"that was incredible, can you run that fast too." asuna

"well yeah but i can go three times as fast. we most likely just traveled more than half of our journey in that run tho." shiro

when asuna heard that she was shocked.

"magic is incredible, is there anyway i can learn it." asuna

"yes you can, everyone can learn any kind of magic, besides a few such as gravity or spacial magic, but even tho you can learn them everyone is born with a talent. if you have the fire magic talent you learn fire magic faster or you might have a talent for a weapon such as a bow or spear." shiro

"so is there a way to know my talent." asuna

"system how do we know her talent" shiro

[you insert mana into her then let it cycle around in her to help her awaken her talents. after that draw your mana back out and the color of the mana you get back or the type of elemental mana you get back is her talent.]

"ok there is a way for me to check. sense im a mage i can put some of my mana into you and awaken you magical talents, if you have a weapon talent nothing will happen. you need a warrior to awaken you weapon talents. are you sure you want to find out." shiro

"yes please do it." asuna

she looked determined to find out.

I put my left hand on her forehead and start to cycle my mana through her body. then pull it back.

"do you feel any different." shiro

"yes i do, i can feel a power within me, its flowing like water through my body all over." asuna

"thats mana, you need mana to help you cast spells or use the magic." shiro

I look back at my hand and there light mana surrounding it.

"system can you tell me how good her light magic talent it." shiro

[sense the light element mana you got back is pure her talent is high. i would say 3 star low talent for the light element and you probably cant feel it sense the mana is pure but there darkness element mixed in. about 1 star mid talent for darkness element.]

" so princess do you want to know which element." shiro

"yes!" asuna said excited.

"well princess you have magical talents in two elements and there both rarer elements the the five basic elements." shiro

"really" asuna

"yep, you have a 3 star low talent for light element, thats pretty high actually, and you have a 1 star mid talent for darkness element. now the darkness element talent is actually pretty low but if you learn it, it will still be alot faster then learning a new element." shiro

"ok so what can i do with light and darkness element." asuna

"well for the light element you can form light into anything, swords, shields, walls. at low levels with enough practice you can distort the light around you and become invisible. i can already do that, but at high enough levels you can travel at the speed of light kinda like flying through the air but you become light and travel 20 times faster then we just did with my lightning." shiro

"really, that sounds so cool." asuna

"what about the darkness element." asuna

"with the darkness element you can form things like with the light but with shadows, plus what ever you form will be sneaky. if you form a shadow puppet you can have it sneak around and almost nobody will know. at the middle levels you can become one with the shadows and travel through shadow, not being seen by anybody. at the high levels i have no idea what you can do." shiro

"really that sounds so cool." asuna.

I stoped the carriage .

"why did you stop." asuna asked confused.

"because there are bandits in the trees, just sit back and watch, ill use the light element to show you want it can to." shiro

"ok" asuna


15 bandits walked out of the trees into the road to block our path. a big guy with armor on and two one handed axes on his waist walked a little forward.

"I didn't think you would find us, we where hidden pretty well." bandit leader

"well if you call your stench hiding well then sure." shiro

"STENCH, you can smell us. we were over 20 feet away." bandit leader.

"20 feet, its not that far. I can smell every thing within a few miles from here." shiro

"oh, your interesting. whats your name." bandit leader

"oh don't you know manners, your supposed to introduce yourself before asking for others names." shiro

"my names goro nice to meet you, now whats your name." goro

"shiro" shiro

"well now down to business, why don't leave your carriage and the girl to us and we can let you live." goro

"let me live. by the time im done you won't be living, so why don't you leave now and i won't have to kill you all." shiro

"hahahaha, did you just say kill us all, your to funny." goro

"men kill him" goro

"wrong choice" shiro

I lift my right hand and over 100 arrows made of light simmer into life above me. I flick my finger and they shot forward.

all the bandits end up getting impaled by arrows besides the leader, who seems to have taken out his axes and started to cut down the arrows. hes the only one to survive.

Asuna was just sitting in the carriage wide eyes and in wonders about what light magic can do. I jumped off the carriage and landed but 15 feet from from goro.

"you will pay for that." goro started charge me.

"mana scythe." shiro

In my right hand a scythe starts to form. black metal with red sharpness that can take a life. I raise my scythe up into the air, and then the blade of my scythe started to leak shadows.

"shadow strike" shiro

I slashed my scythe and a black blade keep cutting through the air. goro stopped where he was and put both his axes up to defend.

when the strike arrived it stoped at his axes blades for a bit then cut through them and sliced him. he now had a huge gash on his shoulder going all the way down to his stomach. he then fell down.

I threw my scythe and it dispersed into thin air, i turn around to walk away.

"wait, please end me, i. i dont want to suffer here." goro

I turned back to see goro's head looking at me from the dirt.

"its strange that you survived that, but if that is your wish." shiro

I formed a gun with my hands and slowly a bullet made of light started to form. when it was done. i fired.


The bullet cut through the air then his brain and he died. I made my way back to the cart and sat back down then look at asuna.

"so how was the magic display." shiro

"it was incredible. both the light and darkness magic, but what was that scythe. It didn't feel as though it was made from elements." asuna

"thats because it wasn't. that scythe it a special skill i created." shiro.

"ok but how are we going to go forward if you aren't going to move the bodies." asuna asked confused.

"oh that." shiro

I lifted my hand into the sky and 15 arrows of black flame showed up. then each one flew to a body and within a minute all the bodies were ashes. I then waved my hand and the flames went out.

"it that better, and don't ask what that was ok." shiro

"yeah, and ok." asuna

And so we continued on our way to the capital. at night we stopped next to the road. I got off the carriage and i walked up to a tree and tuned back to asuna.

"you can sleep in the carriage, at our speed we should arrive at the capital sometime tomorrow." shiro

"ok but where are you going to sleep." asuna

"here" shiro pointed to the tree.

"your going to sleep in a tree, why." asuna

"because i love them of course, i love nature." shiro

I turned back to the trees

"oh spirits of nature hear my call and please leaned me your power." shiro

I then began to glow green. I lifted my hands and the trees started to move they formed a small hut with a bed made of thousands of leaves. when it was done i stopped glowing.

I turned back to asuna who was shocked by this.

"see, ill sleep in the trees." shiro

"that magic, what was it." asuna asked curiously.

"druid magic" shiro

"druid magic, but that magic is the magic of the elf's, humans aren't capable of using it." asuna asked confused.

"yes humans can use it. they just don't know how. the elf's are born in the forest and live within the forest, they become part of nature itself, in order to use it you have to live within nature for years." shiro

"then how can you use it." asuna

"because when i was little i was wondering the forest, living without a family until an elf found me. he brought me back to the elf kingdom where I lived for years. I grew up with the elf's and as such i obtained magic power beyond that of humans. if i so wished i could go back to the elf kingdom anytime i want, because the man who found me was the elf king himself. i was named his son and im now the 3rd prince of the elf kingdom." shiro

'ok so i lied but i need info and the princess is great source of info. oh well, the elf's keep to them selves and do really socialize so its not like she can check.' thought shiro

"your a prince !!" asked asuna in shock

"why yes i am princess." shiro

"now why don't we go to sleep now" shiro

I walked into my wooden hut and feel asleep, while the princess was laying in the carriage in shock.

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