
Chapter 4: Love and Downfall?

As I walk far away from them. I slowed down my pace, couldn't help feeling sorrowful, a split of a second, and back to normal.

I shouldn't feel this things. It's just useless.

I was near the canteen already, I was here... Obviously, to eat.

As I enter the vast room that is full of students, with different groups of people together. Some were alone... and some were with their friends.

I went to the lady in the register that was selling a slice of pizza, and also bought some cola.

As I went holding my tray of food, my I eyes went on a scavenger hunt to look for a table I can sit on.

As I was looking, I somewhat spot a red haired girl, also known as the spoiled Villainess. It was no other than Dahlia Clover Kent, Damon Crest Lim's fiance.

She was just there alone in the table, no one was sitting with her. Maybe it was because how she looks at them? I don't know, okay? But, even when she's looking at someone even though she's just looking at them with just a natural normal gaze, but it still somehow gives people the feeling of being intimidated and oppressed.

Which doesn't help, especially when she really wanted to have a friend, which was a failure, and a difficult task to do, right now... With how she looks at them.

As I was looking at her, my gaze unconsciously look pass at my surrounding. Still thinking Dahlia's somewhat unnoticeable sad lonely face, I couldn't help but secretly sigh. Looking at my surrounding again. I found the other two Villainess...

One was near the drinking fountain which was near the entrance, being pushed along the crowd of students that was on a frenzy to enter the canteen to, obviously eat... Especially, the pizza that was sold in the canteen, is already 50 servings per day, and with hundreds of students here. The reason why everyone is in frenzy.

And yes, the girl who was just pushed and pulled by the crowd is no other than, the silent, shy and sad villainess. Ace's personal maid slash servant, Geranium Ivy Simons.

She was holding her food tray tightly, I'm impress she has a control over her balance that even how much push and pull the crowd of students did to her, the food in her tray are not still spilled.

Not also far from her, an innocent looking girl with yellow golden hair and blue eyes, was not far... Clutching her laptop tightly in her embrace. While she's doing her best to get out of the waves of crowds.

Yes, it is as you guess. It's that serious fighter Spade's stalker-- I mean loyal follower and admirer, Camille Iris Chan.

Seeing her finally, getting out of the crowd she was standing near the drinking fountain too. Overlooking the crowd, I think she's looking for a vacant table too.

Okay, I guess I should do my thing now, shouldn't I?...

I clutch my tray firmly in my hands and release a determined breath.

'You can do it Luna! I know you can! Just think of the ending they'll have, if you won't help them, right? They're like you. You don't want them to experience what injustice you experienced right?. So do it!'

I acknowledged my thoughts and my resolves firm. I'll help the Villainess.

I walk towards the waves of the crowd and grab Ivy's hand, I know it's really difficult especially I'm still holding a tray both with my hand, but still I was still able to do it. After grabbing her, she looked at me confusedly but still let me pull her out of the crowd.

When were almost out of the crowd, nearing the drinking fountain. I stopped and let myself have a breather, and then look at her. Ivy looked at me shyly and murmured.

"Thank you..."

Which I just replied with a nod as an acknowledgement, that I acknowledge her gratefulness, with a slight smile too.


I gestured her to follow me, she at first look at me as to ask why, but she stopped herself from doing so, and just obediently followed me still with her head down. I'm really curious, how she walks while not making an accident when her head is always down. Do she still see the way where she's going, when her head is down? Really doubtful...

Where am I going? I was walking towards the other Villainess of course. Who? The one who's standing in the drinking fountain of course. When I arrived in front of her. She looks at me, warily and questioningly as if asking what do I need with her.

I gave her a brief nod, and gestured her to follow me.

"Come, follow me."

She was confused and still looked at me confusedly. While Ivy looked up and look confused as well, but nothingless, Ivy still followed me.

I looked at Camille while she was looking at me innocently still holding her laptop tightly in her embrace. I sighed at the sight.

"Come on... You're looking for a vacant table right? Then, just follow me then."

I told her. She seems understand what I mean, and acknowledge it and so she followed. I continued my walk towards the lonely spoiled Villainess who was alone in the table.

I stopped walking in front of her, and put my tray on the table and sat on the chair. She looked at me surprised and was to say something when I cut her off.

"May I sit down?"

I asked politely, she was clearly baffled by me asking, that's understandable because I already took a sit in the table already, but still asked. Before she can reply me, I already thanked her.

"Thank you, Miss Dahlia..."

I thanked her, and also gestured the other two who was still standing behind me. After seeing me, gestured and telling them to sit. They slowly went, and sat on the table.

The table was for six person rectangular table. I sat in front of Dahlia, and next to me was the quiet and shy Ivy, and in front of her was Camille, which means Camille and Dahlia sit next to each other.

The surrounding students looked at us, surprised. Why? Of course it's because we Villainess are known in school as the top beauties, you know. And of course with our family background, well... Except Ivy whom is a servant, who was enrolled here by the family of Ace, so Ace can have a personal assistant.

No one was talking, and it seems the three of them was awkward. While I act like as I didn't notice, but the truth is I just didn't care.

All I want was to gather the Villainess, because the three of them seems lonely, and all they can think about was the capture targets that will be the reason of their ends. Which I don't want to happened to them.

"Why aren't the three of you eating yet?"

I ask them, as I gave them a look.

"I, I am... Just mmmmm...."

Dahlia answered flustered, and just continued eating, cheeks covered with a tint of red, seems embarrassed from how she flustered answering me.

See? Even how they say she's scary, and intimidating, she still a girl who knows how to get embarrassed, shy and even can get lonely, you know.

"Let's eat."

I smiled at them and gestured us to eat. Ivy nod shyly and started to eat, while Camille looked at me and slightly smile and took her sandwich and started eating too. Looking at them I smiled, a sense of accomplishment surge in me.

I decided to start a conversation with them, but thinking to what the topic might be... It was difficult to choose from. So I decided to do the basic things first.

I introduced myself.

"Hello everyone, you might know me already, but still, I'll introduce myself again... My name is Luna Sakura Smith, the student representative this year. If you need anything or wanna ask something, just ask me. Okay?"

I tod them, and smiled at them...

They were somehow stunned from my sudden introduction, and maybe also shocked from my OOC, Out Of Character...

Which they may have heard of already, that I am a stoic face emotionless girl, but now the me in front of them was, a friendly, cheerful me.

The first one to get over the shock was Ivy, which not surprising, especially maybe she already encountered this kind of things already, from her masters slash bosses.

"H-hello everyone... I'm Geranium Ivy Simons, but you can call me Ivy... And I, mmm... Nice to meet you!"

She shyly introduced herself with a little embarrassment. The next one who introduced herself was the techno stalker-- I mean admirer, Camille.

"Camille Iris Chan, at your service! As you can see, I like techno things and proud of it!"

She declared with a proud smile on her face, which I smiled in reply. Then we look at the remaining girl who's still not introducing herself.

Dahlia seems to get why we we're looking at her, so she silently muttered her name enough for us to hear her whole pouting.

"Dahlia Clover Kent, heiress of Kent Worldwide Network Law Firm. 16years old... Aspiration to be a great Lawyer and Wife to my future husband."

She say, hmmm... She isn't bad, but still... Why did she mentioned marriage here? Sigh.

Guess can't be help.

"So, that future husband you mentioned, Miss Dahlia, isn't he Mr. Damon Crest Lim?"

I asked, as if I didn't know, which I already did. But still I'm asking to see how would she answer and also to observe her reaction, and her feelings for that guy.

And I was right after I ask her that she suddenly becomes confident and proudly answer me, of how great his fiance is and everything about him. The discussion swerve into the other guys.

Ivy, talks about her young boss, telling how talented he is, and nice, and all. You can see how passionate she is while telling us about his boss, Liam Ace Brim. Her shyness disappeared once she talks about him, that shyness was replaced with passion.

After talking, it jumps to a different topic again and the topic swerve to, Camille's first love then, which she told us about enthusiastically, of how was it was like a fairytale dream. The guy she was talking about was no other than, Spade Adam Fistler.

As everyone started getting along, talking about love, their experience and even laughing in simple topics and things. I smile at the view.

Finally, they smiled, not because of that delusional hopeless love, but instead because of a pure friendship. Which in the game they do not have.

A while later, the topic went to me and my supposedly childhood sweetheart, Jacob Sky Peters.

They asked me many questions like.

"Do you dream of a having a family and happily ever after with him?"

"How did you know you fell in love with him?"

"Was it like a fairytale dream story too?"

They questioned me, imagining things that maybe I myself have a happily ever after story I can share with them, but I'm sorry everyone... Because those things you're imagining about me having happily ever after will never happen.

"I'm happy to what we are now..."

I gave them with a vague answer and a undecipherable smile.

I continued.

"Loving someone can be a great feeling, for that someone who's giving and someone who's receiving... But, not everyone are willing to accept that love... And not everyone are that strong enough to endure and wait for an eternity for that person they love to accept their endless pure feelings and love."

I tell them.

"So, when you feel tired, and exhausted already, even it might be difficult, try opening your eyes for once and see, if that person is worth suffering for... Don't be blind because of love, if you're not meant to be then you're not. Just,"

I sighed and unknowingly I looked at my hands.

"And just, let go... "

When a while later, I realized what I just said, I immediately look up and tried to explain to them, when suddenly as I look up at them all I saw was them looking at me, understandingly, with a smile of understanding.

How could I forget.

Even them, their self know what I mean...

After a second later

Suddenly, someone called out to me, when I look behind my back... I was frozen shocked.

Behind me was the Heroine herself. Immediately I look behind her, just to see... No one was there. I released my breath, which I didn't notice I actually held.

She looked at me, sadly-- wait! Waahh!? Wait a moment!! Did she just heard me talking!? Oh no!!!!! This is embarrassing!!

I look at her seemingly not affected, with my real mood of being embarrassed and looked at her inquiring why is she here, and what does she needs.

"Oh- I, hmm... I'm actually here to say thank you, and also to apologize about not able to help you, with the misunderstanding back then, and also I guess, also to apologize from overhearing the talk you were having."

She fumbles her fingers together, embarrassed and at the same time apologetic. I know she didn't mean to overhear us, and I know she's sincere.

I smiled at her.

"It's okay Miss Belle, have a seat and join us."

I invited us over, she was surprised to what I said and didn't know what to do, when I gestured her to sit, she looked at the others first. When seeing them, just silently looking, and didn't care that's the only time she sit down.

She took a sit beside me. So it's like I'm between her and Ivy now. I told her to introduce herself, when she meekly stood up and was about to introduce herself. Dahlia interjected her.

"I know who you are."

She said pointedly, and seemingly glared at the Heroine. While the other two just, Ivy looked down, at her hand as if her hands were the most interesting thing in the world. While Camille just looked over the Heroine briefly and continued typing in her laptop.

Silence descended us. I understand why they are so wary of the Heroine especially, just a moment ago, the guy, they admire actually started to take interest at her, you know.

But, still... I sighed, I'm really feeling helpless now.

I already decided to make the Heroine and the 3 Villainess to befriend each other, you know. I already decided to help Belle and Jacob end up together, so the other Capture Targets, can be with the other Villainess, which I'll help them too, to capture their destined target's heart.

But, now seeing them like this, sigh. This might take a while.

I decided to break the silence.

"Cough. Hmm... Girls, this is Azalea Belle Roberts, I guess you already know her from what happened early morning at the assembly, right?"

Giving them a brief introduction to one another. The surrounding still seems tense, just when I was about to say something... Camille break the silence.

"You won't hurt Spade's feelings right?"

Camille questioned the Heroine, pausing her hands from typing on her laptop, she looks at the Heroine.

Belle on the other hand was confused, to what and why, Camille asking her this question, but then maybe realizing something. She immediately answered Camille.

"No, no, Miss Camille... I, You-- you misunderstood!! I do not like Spade romantically or anything, we're just acquaintance, or I guess you might also think a friend. But, I assure you, I'm not romantically involved with him, I promise!!"

She was flustered at explaining her side to Camille, and she looks at the rest.

"I'm not romantically involve to any of the guys, not Spade, Ace, Damon nor Jacob, you must believe me!! They only helped me that time, that was all..."

She explained, everyone was silent again. After the Heroine's explanation.

Then my voice broke the silence...

"I believe you..."

I told Belle that I believe her and patted her shoulder. The other looked at me their eyes full of questions.

I smiled at them helplessly.

And said to them...

"A person's heart is cannot be forced... If they care, they care. If they love, then they love... But, when they don't..."

I looked at them one by one and smiled at them.

"Then, they don't. It's that simple."

Yes, some things are just cannot be forced. Especially love.

But, I don't need to think about that, thing anymore... For I'll never experience that kind of thing after all, because even if I did try and experience it, experience love... nothing will change...

I'll still receive my downfall.

My downfall as a...


•Chapter 4 Ends•


WhiteSunflowerS2: I didn't expect that from you Luna. *Grins*

MC: *confuse* Expect what?

WhiteSunflowerS2: Oh no.. nothing. *creepy smile* Oh look!  A red haired guy is looking at you Luna~~

MC: Ah what? ^-^?

Hidden Capture Target: ...

*Whispers to himself*  How long do I have to hide? 






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