
Chapter 10: Helping and Destiny


Gratitude is that thing you received when you do good.

It might be the 'good' you believe is good.

Or the 'good' that the other people think is good.

Confusing right?

The truth is, that's what I'm feeling right now.

"Thank you for your help, Miss... Really, really thank you. If it wasn't for you, I don't know what to do anymore, if something happened to my mother... I, I... *Sniff* So, really thank you!!"

Said, by the thankful nurse which also the daughter of that elderly lady.

I know you're all confused right now, right?

The truth is it was all because what happened a while ago....

When I was still on my way window shopping...


I was walking on the street, still not able to move on with the fountain 'event'.

I was still in dazed, and even confused to what really happened there. It was as if it was just a dream, but at the same time it was real.

I was walking... And walking, and walking... Not far away from me, I saw an elderly lady was walking down the street carrying lunch boxes.

'She seems having trouble...' I thought.

So I decided to come forward and help her, when suddenly...

...she collapsed.

Luckily I was quick witted enough and immediately went towards her, holding her and her things I immediately hailed a a cab.

Flashback ends~~

So, we can see why I'm in this situation... Arriving here, I immediately called a nurse, who could've thought that the nurse I actually called out to, to help me carry the elderly lady, was actually her daughter...

And, that old lady's destination was actually in the hospital. Because she was actually planning on surprising her daughter with some lunch after all...

Who could've thought?, such coincidence...

That nurse then told me her name...

"I am Glaze Mae Xu... You can call me Aunt Mae. How about you?, what's your name deary?"

Aunt Mae introduced herself warmly to me, she was a middle age woman, maybe in her early 30's. I can't really say, but if you let me guess, i think she's already 32.

So, I answered her politely.

"Hi, I'm Luna Sakura Smith, but you can call me Rue... And, it's fine. Anyone who saw what happened there would undoubtedly tried to help too." I told her.

Well it's actually true... Besides, their were really people who wanted to help the elderly lady when she collapsed, it's just I was the one fast enough.

She invited me to a table and we end up having an idle chat.

In our chat, I found out that my guess was actually right, that she was actually 32 already... And has a son, who is 12 years old, and his husband who is also working here in the hospital, who is now 38 years old.

"My son's name is Aster Zero Xu, and my husband's name is Sian Zed Xu." She said...

Our idle chat finally stopped, when an hour had already passed, and so, I bid my farewell and decided to go home.

It was already 4 in the afternoon, when I noticed the time. I was already practically out of the hospital's vicinity when, not so far...

I saw a blue haired, blue eyed cute little girl, walking and even skipping cheerfully...

It would have been cute, really cute... If she just didn't have done it at the f***ing middle of the road.

*Sigh* I'm sorry for cursing, but I can't help it... Because this cute little girl right now, is...


Seeing the big truck driving towards the girl's location... I couldn't helped but shout and run to her.

"Watch out!!!"

The girl, seemingly heard me, so she lifted her gaze and looked at me in...


*Honnnkkkkk!!! Honnnnnkkk!!!*

The girl hearing the honk, turned to her side... Seeing the truck coming towards her, her eyes widen and---


She was rolled to the side of the road.

She was hurt, her body was in pain... Her vision was blurry but, she knows...

She isn't dead yet.

And, somehow someone saved her.

Before her eyes closed, she saw a goddess with a silver hair, encasing her inside of her embrace.

Looking at her worriedly and saying something, that she couldn't hear anymore... Her eyes closed, and she fainted.

Luna, jumped just in time to push the girl out of the truck's track. Because of the momentum they ended up rolling towards the side of the street.

The little girl was injured even when she was in the protective embrace of Luna, how much more Luna, who was visibly open?

Her forehead was bleeding, and she got a slight scratch on her elbows and a little on her knees.

But, she didn't care about this... The most important thing right now was the girl who lost consciousness, she was afraid that the girl got an internal bleeding.

People who saw this, was shocked and awed by Luna's bravery, so when Luna needed help on finding a cab, almost everyone on the street helped her hail one.

Arriving in the hospital once again, Luna ran as fast as she could, ignoring the numbing pain on her knees... She arrived at the emergency and called out for a nurse, which coincidentally brought her to Aunt Mia, once again.

"Oh, My!! What happened??" The 32 year old nurse, exclaimed.

Helping Luna put the girl on the bed and gave orders to the other nurses to call the doctors.

When the doctors arrived and checked the girl, Aunt Mia the nurse then, ushered Luna out.

"You, should go take care of your own wounds too... Come on." Aunt Mia, let Luna sit on a bench and cleaned and dressed her wounds, and jokingly said.

"In no time, you could really be given a medal someday for being a hero, Rue." She says, and Luna just smiled wryly.

"It's true... You just went out awhile ago, and now you're back with someone on your back again..." Aunt Mia continued to tease while giving finishing touches to Luna's wound dressing.

"This must be Fate..." She mumbled. Luna looked at her for a moment and smiled bitterly.

When, suddenly a nurse went hurriedly out of the emergency room, Mia saw this and can't help but called out and asked the nurse to what was happening.

"The girl who was send to the emergency room needs a blood transfusion, but we can't find someone with that rare Rh - Blood--" before the nurse could complete what she was supposed to say, Luna already cut in.

"We have the same blood." The nurse and Aunt Mia looked at her surprised.

"I would like to donate some of my blood--" she the continues to says but then got cut.

"No. You are injured yourself. So--" Mia started, but got cut by Luna again.

"But, she needs it. Besides, I'm not going to donate everything, if you want you can look for other people with the same blood type too... But, for now, because it isn't available yet. So, let me voluntarily donate some of mine... Okay?" Luna reasoned to them.

The nurse, and Mia seems conflicted but then, Mia said.

"Okay fine, but after this you need some rest. So, come on we will test your blood first." Luna smiled happily and follow Mia.

Mia, then ushered Luna inside the testing room and took some of her blood. She then went to the other room, to give it to

Dr. Sian Zed Xu, who was her husband and the one doing the testing.

While the test was commencing, Luna and Aunt Mia was outside the emergency room, when the doctors then came out and say, that they already found a blood that matched the girl and already proceed with the transfusion.

'So, my blood was just wasted then huh?' Luna meekly thought.

The doctors apologized to the paled and exhausted girl. Luna waved her hand and said it was fine...

While the girl was finally stable and was sent to her own private room. Luna and Mia then went to visit her...

Mia, seeing Luna looked so tired, told her to go home and rest, and not to worry be anymore for she had called the unconscious girl's brother already and informed him what happened.

Luna then smiled and thanked the nice nurse, Aunt Mia. Luna then looked at the sleeping girl and helplessly smile thinking.

'This girl... If she's this playful and all, if I am her brother, I would really tie her up, so she won't cause trouble anymore...'

After thinking about this Luna, then continued her way out.

While waiting for the elevator to open. While waiting and waiting...


A nurse called her.

"Miss! Can you come with me? The Doctor, Dr. Sian wants to talk to you..." The nurse say that it made Luna somewhat feel confused.

"Okay...?" She followed the nurse still somewhat confused, while walking away...

Finally, the elevator door opened, and a certain someone then went out of it and went to the opposite side Luna went to.

Who was that someone?

Well, you already met him before...

The guy who was on that fountain, just awhile ago...

He was walking and walking... To that certain hospital door...

Luna on the other hand was still following the nurse, arriving at the doctors office. The nurse greeted the doctor and left Luna there.

The doctor greeted Luna, and smiled.

Luna, then greeted the doctor back and the doctor asked Luna to sit down.

"Hi, Miss Luna, I am Dr. Sian Zed Xu, I think you heard my name from my wife? Nurse Mia, right?" The doctor asked.

And, so I nod as an answer. Then the doctor continued.

"I called you here right now, it's because, I have a question for you... Is it okay if I ask?." The doctor said in seriousness.

Without thinking much about it, I nod.

"Okay..." I answered him.

He sighed, and looked at me straight with firm seriousness...

"Luna, do you know that you are sick?"

"Huh?" I didn't get what the doctor just said

"I, know it's not right to say this to you without your parents here, but I just really want to know... Did you know?" He asked again.

I can't understand what he was saying to me...



I don't know?

"What??" I asked confused.

The doctor seeing Luna like this finally found his question answered.

"Miss Luna, can you call your parents here,? I need to talk to them." The doctor stated.

Luna, knew that something is wrong. And it's about her. So she said.

"No! What you need to tell them, you can tell it to me first."

The doctor was in a moment of surprise. But then continued.

"Miss Luna, this... You can't handle this on your own, so you---" but, Luna cut him.

"This is my body. This is my life... So I have a right to know." She said firmly.

Dr. Sian looked at her for a moment, conflicted if he'll tell her or not. But, then...

"*Sigh* okay, miss Luna... Okay..."

"But, be sure to be calm... When I'll tell you about it, okay?" Luna slowly nod and breathed in and breathed out.

Then he started.

"When, you decided to donate some of your blood, while testing it, I somehow found an irregularity in it. What I mean is, your blood isn't in its perfect state." The doctor pause for a moment and look at Luna, who was still calm.

He continues.

"Ms. Luna, you, *sigh* you have leukemia." Luna, flinch.

It was silent...

"I am dying?" Her voice was calm, but it couldn't hide the fear it contains.

The doctor hesitated, but looking at Luna, who was firmly looking at him... He knows that the girls wants to know the truth, no matter what it is and how will it hurts.

"It is spreading. Spreading so fast, I can't say if--"

"I am dying?" Luna asked again.

"We, I... I still need more test so--" but, Luna once again cut.

"I am dying." It wasn't a question, but a clear affirmation.

That, she...

Is dying...

She knows...

She can feel it.

The doctor looked at her, but seeing her in daze, he then averted his eyes and said.

"There's a great possibility that---"

"Dr. Shun! Please..." Luna's voice faltered asking the doctor to just answer her question.


There was silence...


Hearing the doctors answer Luna was silent, for a moment she didn't move, and by the time she did...

She stood up and bowed to the doctor,

"Then, I thank you for telling me that early on doctor... Then, I guess we will be seeing each other most often then. Dr. Sian."

Luna said with a calm voice as if that the doctor was talking about just awhile ago wasn't about her...

She then turned around and walked towards the door.

"Wait! Ms. Luna--" Dr. Sian called out to her.

Luna stopped from her track and without looking back at Dr. Sian, she said.

"I will be back tomorrow Dr. Sian, so you do not need to worry... For tomorrow I will make an appointment to you, to talk about the treatment."

Dr. Sian was hesitating, but Luna didn't care for his answer and just left after saying.

"Have a nice day."

Dr. Sian couldn't help but looked at the closed door where Luna just went out to, and couldn't help but pity the girl.

Luna was walking out of the hospital, dazedly. Her eyes were seem lifeless and devoid.

Immediately after stepping out the hospital's vicinity...

One step.

Two step.





After just three steps, that she took. Just three steps...

Three tears also have fell...

Standing there was Luna, tears was falling and heart was aching...

She didn't know what to do, but tries to wipe her tears...

But, the tears kept falling,

and falling,

and falling...

Seeing that she can't stop her tears...

She had then fallen to her knees, and release...

All her,

Hidden pains...

Her hidden sorrows...


Her hidden cries, for help...

The girl who was just like a calm as the sea awhile ago...

Who was just awhile ago, was in a perfect control of her pent up, heavy, painful emotions...


Was now, breaking down...

Screaming all her pain,

the ache,

the hurt...

Hoping that it'll go away...


Her sorrowful cry and her painful sobs echoed towards her, to the surroundings and to the darken sky...

"aaahhhh-- *sob* huhuhuuuhhhh!!"

Her, screams was seemed to be heard and answered by the sky, for it roared so loud and released, a chains of endless droplets, and so a rain was send...

To accompany her to this cruel and despairing world...

In her lonely and broken silhouette of herself...

She released a sorrowful cry...

A cry, of asking them...


A cry, of questions...

Will... I, really die?

A cry,

A simple cry...

A cry which was consisted of those endless tears and heart shattering cries...

Covering her face, covering her eyes...

But, her flowing tears have still didn't die...

Covering her face, covering her eyes...

But, her painful smile was still on sight...

Covering her face, covering her eyes...

But, her despairing cries were still in its might...

Clutching her heart...

Clutching her heart...

Why is it so painful?

When, from the very start...

I already know, that my end, was already timed...

Why is it so painful?

When, from the very start...

I already know, that I am going to die...

Why is it so painful?

When, from the very start...

I already know, that I was never seemed alive...

How pitiful I am...

To even try,

To wish that I...

Could have,

...a normal life...

Oh, silly me.

Can't you see?

From the start...

You're already fated to be...

...to be the [Main Villainess]

...to be used


...to be...

... Sacrificed...



A silhouette of girl who was in despair...

One hand on her face, hiding the endless bitter, painful tears she shed...

And the other hand, on her chest, clutching her heart with the stabbing, numbing pain...

She, was the girl who's name was, Luna...

Luna Sakura Smith.

The destined...


The fated,


...[Main Villainess]

•Chapter 10 Ends•


[The Prophecy Read by the God of the Underworld]

"I must find them, for they are the ones who was chosen in the prophecy, to stop the end's end once and for all."

"Once the 3000 world's ends comes...

The malicious evils will make their moves...

Afraid they'll be stopped,

Hence, send the chosen ones to their utter doom.

But, Time, Death and Fate may be playful.

Still, these three heavenly beings are ought to help...

Help the destined ones to rise once more..."






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