
A Second Chance

Rock was trying to make a living by working overtime at the place where he worked.

But one snowy night, on his way home, he saw a thief steal an old woman's purse and run to her side.

Rock would try to intercept the thief and take the bag from him to help the old woman.

While Rock was trying to retrieve the bag, the thief pulled a knife from his pocket and plunged it right into Rock's stomach.

The thief took out the knife he had stuck and started to walk away with the bag.

Meanwhile, Rock was slumped to the ground, getting closer and closer to death.

Rock was trying to suppress the bleeding and stop the blood, but the blade had damaged his organs.

The pain in Rock's stomach was starting to go numb.

He could no longer feel his body anymore, he was taking his last breaths:

"... the cold is very... irritating..."

["Initializing System..."]

["3.. 2.. 1.."

["System initialized."]

["According to the user's request, the skill [Absolute Cold Resistance] has been obtained."]

"..Haha.. I'm a very weak person.. I die with a single knife.."

["According to the user's request, the skill [Strong Body] has been acquired."]

"I wish I lived a longer…life…

["According to the user's request, the skill [Absolute Immortal] has been acquired."]

["Random selection for remaining abilities...."]

["Congratulations... You've earned the [Absolute Absorb] skill."]

["Congratulations... You've earned the [Law of Space and Space] skill."]

["Congratulations... You've earned the [Absolute Necromancer] skill."]

["Congratulations... You've earned the [Absolute Potential] skill."]

["Congratulations... You've earned the [Synthesis] skill."]

["You have reached the skill limit."]

["...You're dead..."]

["The necessary conditions have been met. You will be reborn."]

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