
Meeting K.A.R.M.A

Alex awoke in a pure white plain with no form just his conciousness. He was dazed and confused the events leading up to his current state a blurr. Time slowly passed his life passing through his conciousness. He never did to good or to bad he always kept a nuetral balance between everything he ever did. His last moments where going to his buddies frat house to celebrate his 21st birthday. The party was going down in the frats history as one of the greatest parties ever. Alcohol flowed like a river. His last memories is grabbing a white hoodie and pulling up the hood over his head. Then scaling the frat house. Standing on the roof he screamed "Leep of Faith!" Then jumped into the pool. He failed to realize in his drunken state it was the middle of December in Northern New York and the pool was drained. A stunt that would have ended with him hurting in summer left him dead in Winter

As he floated in the plain a flash of golden light proceeded the entrance of a man that appeared to be in his early twenties in a golden sweat suit. He was about 6'4" and had spiked gold hair and deep golden eyes

"Hello Alex I am the God of Reincarnation you can call me Rei. Normally I would go through this long process to find you a new life depending on your preference. But to be honest with the population of Earth on the rise and death rate rising I am getting tired of all the work. I keep missing my shows and loosing game time pawning Uber noobs in online play. So I created a system for you."

After Rei finished speaking a searing pain flashed through Alex's body as something murged with his conciousness and soul.

"Well Alex it's game time and American Guy is on man I love that Alien Regdor."

Before Alex could get a word out the supposed God Rin had left. At that moment a feminine voice sounded in his head.

"Good day host. May I call you Alex?"

"Yes who and what are you?"

"I am you Karma Accumulation Reincarnation Management Assistant. Otherwise known as K.A.R.M.A. So you can just call me Karma."

"Well Karma what do you do?"

"Based on your actions I keep track of positive and negative Karma values. Do good get positive do bad get negative. This will effect not only how and when you will die but what happens after. If more good then bad you will live longer. If more bad then good your death may be very interesting such as getting eaten alive by squirrels. After death you will become a spirit and gain abilities based on your Karma balance at death. How you use the abilities will determine if you ascend or descend. You will spend time in heaven or hell depending on you karma values. These values will turn into unholy or holy power levels allowing for you to used abilities gained in heaven or hell.at the same time your karma values are reset and you go through birth memories intacted."

"So you keep track of Karma values, unholy/holy power values, and I assume any skills or powers I gain through repeating the cycle."

" That is correct seeing as you had a neutral value at death you will be reborn without going through the process but have given you a Golden Karma Box to open later to give you a bit of a boost. Talk to you again once your conciousness awakes again."


Alex couldn't finish speaking before he was pulled forcefully from the white plain and his conciousness falling into slumber.

First original story done on my phone so I hope you enjoy the first story. I don't have a set schedule but plan to write at least one chapter every day or two if I can.

EonElderDragoncreators' thoughts
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