
The Ancient Catacomb Secrets

"I cannot believe that you were able to bond with the dragon. I thought that no one would be able to tame a dragon that definitely proves that there's something different about you Gilltrude". Binyail said to me as he saw me walk out of the secret chamber riding the dragons back.

"You will show my master the utmost respect. I would have only accepted the most honorable of individuals as my rider." The dragon said to everyone as he reacted Binyail said.

"Well this is quite an accomplishment. For it is said that only a hero of legend has the ability to ride a dragon." King Austroon said out of shock.

"I do not care what you say father. I truthfully will not believe that this filthy swine of a dwarf who started out as a commoner and became a member of this household purely based off of his deed rather than his birthright could possibly be one of the heroes of ancient legend." The eldest Prince said arrogantly as he waved his fist at me but he stopped as soon as the dragon growled at him.

"I will not tolerate you to disgrace my master. Perhaps you would like to be burnt to a crisp as a reminder of the power that I possess as a dragon?". Dragon set is he snarled at the eldest Prince and stretched his long neck out at him.

After that everyone in the room began to take sides in this argument all over the customs and what they were going to do about this new development.

"You will be silent!" King Austroon yelled in a deep and commanding voice that caused everyone to go silent.

Every time that someone tried to speak the dwarf King stared at them with a glare that made them quickly go silent once again that was except for whenever I chose to speak.

"So what will we do now?". I asked the king so that I could break the silence.

"Well Gilltrude did you know about the origin of the legendary dragon guard and how it does have some similarity to the dragonborn race?" The king asked me.

"No I do not if you would enlighten me; that would be a worthwhile story for me to hear". I said as I bowed my head out of respect so that he knew that I truly wanted to learn about this.

"Well I will begin telling you the story after we make it to the catacomb archives under our Royal archives. There we have stored secret documents that only members of the royal household are allowed to gain access to". King Austroon said as he walked out of the throne room and waved his hand for all of us to follow him.

I started to ride on the back of my new dragon companion when I followed them through the palace to the Royal Archives.

"I suppose that Robert was correct in believing that knowledge was always power and it could also lead to more. It truly was surprising that I was taking a page from another member of The Reincarnation Protocol on this day since we did not normally socialize with each other often enough.

As I rode on the dragon doing the palace all the members of the royal dragon guard bowed to the king and then kneeled as I approached as if they were respecting the dragon.

"Well it seems that at least some people have not lost the etiquette to being respectful to a dragon. I honestly thought that politics and racial differences were going to cause everyone to forget; but it makes me happy that at least one group of people still remember a bit of the old days." The dragon said to me as he elegantly lifted his head up high as we walked to the archives.

The archives were a grand library full of a large library with books that contained knowledge that was both legal and illegal to read. The room felt quite massive and I could tell that this part of the royal castle was large and it became difficult to breathe as I walked through the room due to the dust that blew off of the old books as I walked past them.

The king pulled a lantern that was on the left side of a bookshelf that cuz the room to shake a little bit and a secret door slid open that led to an ancient dimly lit stairwell as if this was a secret area that was not frequently visited.

We all walks down the stairs keeping our hands against the wall to our right so that we would not fall off the edge until the king stopped moving about halfway down the spiral of brick stairs.

Where he had stopped I saw some symbols that I recognized they were actually written in a language that I did not recognize. Above the letters I saw symbols of a dragon's head that was carved into the stone wall.

King Austroon entered the secret passageway by pushing in one of the dragon heads and turning it sideways which caused the secret passageway to open.

This secret area was actually quite well lit compared to the rest of the castle because it was lit by solar powered light bulbs. It also made it clear for me to see everything that was in the room which was a large variety of different paper documents as well as a giant metal coffin that hand the same kind of symbols on it that were on the door.

While I was not amazed by much of this because it looked quite simple and I was used to the form of energy that solar powered lights gave out everyone else seem to drop a jaw out of amazement except for the king as if they had stumbled upon a new and wondrous thing that they had never even thought was possible before.

"Well allow me to begin the story by explaining about how we ended up making a pact with the dragons and why we did. It started over 500 years ago when the dark summoner began trying to take over the world by enslaving the dragon race." King Austroon said as he started to walk around the coffin.

Most of the members of the Royal household stayed silent as the king spoke; but Binyail started to speak in response.

"Wait are you telling me that this is where the dark summoner rests father?"

"Yes son you are correct. The reason why I brought all of you here was because the original founder of the legendary dragon guard was also the hero who slayed this summoner.

The only thing that is keeping The Dark Summoner from returning and bringing havoc to this world is the legendary sword that rests in his chest". The king said is he pointed at the sword that was sticking out of the coffin.

"So this is the legendary foe of my people. I hope that no one is ever foolish enough to remove this sword because I remember how things happened on that fateful time of my life as if it was only yesterday". The dragon said as he started to explain the story to us all.

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