
reincarnation of the void god with system

the strongest God in the god realm named link who is the void god was betrayed by his other god kings and was killed by them he reincarnates in the world of swords and magic with the system who will help him to take revenge on them

Star_Truth_Seeker · Action
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The previous owner is the youngest son of the sword king who is also the Duke of this Holy accedian empire whose name is merlick steelhart ,

Who is one of the four Dukes of the empire

Today is the day of his awakening according to his memory children's of this world awakens Aura or mana atthe age of 10

By using awakening stones

Most of the people mainly awaken aura because mana is very rare to awaken and

Those who awaken mana are called treasures

Of empire

He entered the room which was filled with people's who were discussing about him

Then he sees a person sitting at the throne

Who was looking at him with beast like eyes

Covered with sharp dark blue aura

So this is the aura of a sword king

Cultivation of Aura is divided in nine levels

Each star represents a level

And those who have reached 5 stars are called sword master

6 stars are called sword grand masters who can manifest aura at any thing and make it a deadly weapon they can convert a stick into a

Sword just by manifesting their aura

And those with seven stars are called sword kings they hold enough power to destroy a kingdom alone they are like nuclear bombs

They are the top power houses in the empire

There's only two sword kings in the whole empire

Huff. such a terrifying man is my father

While walking he thinks

Greetings to the great Duke steelhart

That man just said humm and signaled to start the awakening process

I am the only one in my family who hasn't awakened

My other brothers and sisters has already awakened

A man said young master put your hands on the awakening stone

Ok then a dark aura emerged from the stone covering the whole hall

Ding....ding ...

A voice sounds in my head

[Congratulations to the host strongest God king system is finally activated].....