

I am really tired of this life, I have no friends , no loved one , I have nothing. All the Gods and celestial being suck up to me because I was gifted with universal power, and the all seeing eye of the Gods, and to top it all I have this amazingly stupid body and face.

Were ever I go I cause havoc , everything I do they worship me, I have no friends cause they can't have an astral being as a friend cause I am just too mush trouble, my so called mother had made it a mission to destroy my life, I was a tool to my mother because she was once a nobody but as soon as I was conceived she had become royalty over night .

My father the ruler of all, one of the only figure possessing the sovereignty mark, I don't know what happened that he ended up impregnated a low life demon , I was the result of a mistake, my father died because of me, apparently the fusion of an astral being and a malevolent being was against the rule and since there can't be two rulers I had to absorb my father when I was eight.

( back to the story )

" I can't bare with this any longer, I have to die, surely death should be more peaceful than this " astra said to him self , he had his mind completely made up.

' now how do I die' Alaric thought, completely aware that he was gifted with eternal life ' gift Humph more like a course '

" jade " he called as he went into his chamber

jade his personal maiden he wouldn't say she was a friend , she was just someone he talked to .

a beautifully girl with long purple hair and purple eyes stood before him with her head hung low.

" my Prince you called " jade said with a sweet voice

"I want you to gather anything poisonous, the strongest once" Alaric said emotionless.

" eh!, are you sure" she asked as she raised her head to see Alaric emotionless face, she shut her mouth and quickly dispersed.

' why the hell do master request for such an odd thing, if he wants to kill someone he could just do it with a snap of his finger ' jade was completely puzzled about her master but never the less she did what she was told.


jade and some other maidens had successfully gathered all the most poisonous things they could find , ( well not successfully enough , three maidens lost their life as they accidentally touched some poisonous plant)

' I guess these should be enough' she turned around to see the maidens in a fearful state ( because she wanted to know how poisonous some of the items were she asked some of the maids to test them, the unlucky maidens couldn't deny her request because she was a maniac )

" I guess you guys can leave , I will bring these to master " she said with a sweet smile .

{ but the maidens were not fooled by that angelic smile, they new what that smile meant }

she went to prince Alaric's chamber to inform him of her findings.

" my prince , this was all I could find" she said with a courtesy bow

" that should be enough " Alaric said as he inspected the items she gathered.

Next chapter