


Rose stopped at the big white door. she inhaled deeply and looked at Anita.

"Anita." rose called her and she looks at her master.

"We are gonna be going to have a messy and petty little war with my so-called family. I need you to stay by my side and do nothing. understood?" rose said and Anita without any questions just nodded her head which rose finds so cute so she unconsciously raises her right hand to pat Anita's head and with this action, made Anita blush.

"Master. Anita will forever stay and obey you" Anita sincerely said. rose's lips lifted a bit, satisfied with Anita's answer

Rose then, pushed the door to open and her eyes directly landed on the man sitting leisurely at the center. he is wearing a black and white formal suit. he looked five years older than his original age, he has a big belly and a chubby face but you cannot deny the blood of glassglow family by looking at him because of his eyes. beside him stood two ladies that she is very familiar with.it was the woman that is legally married to her father and their eldest daughter.

she felt mixed emotions as she looks at them. these are the people who started her demise. Rose clenched her fist. there are also some people on the side, the maid and butlers and her other siblings watching amusingly. it's too late to go back now.

"Rose come forward" he ordered which rose followed and Anita was just behind her.

"Father" she said with a serious expression, her attention was just on her father when suddenly she felt a sudden pain in her cheeks! her sights got blurry for a second. she touched her cheek that is now reddening and it stings. she felt it but ignores the pain and she slowly looked up to her second sister Pamela who came running just to slap her in the face in front of everyone.

Seeing this made Anita move to rush to aide her master when she saw her hand signed her to stop. she remembered what her master told her earlier

'I need you to stay by my side and do nothing. understood?'

Anita endured not running to her master. she believes her.

to everyone's surprise, rose didn't do anything. all of them expects her to cry and wail that she normally does but she just looked at her second sister with a serious expression. Pamela was taken aback. there is something wrong with her, she looked at rose and for an unknown reason, there is something telling her that she has to stay away from her!


"Rose! you ruined our eldest sister party and now that you just woke up, you didn't apologize! how could you?" Pamela loudly said balming her, but to her surprise, Rose leaned towards her

"Remember, this is the last time you will be able to hurt me." rose said coldly

"Wha - -what?" Pamela asked confused but rose ignores her and looked at her father, straight onto his eyes without any fear and is full of determination

"Father, can you please tell me in what way did I, a seven years old girl can ruin eldest sister party as what they are accusing me?" Rose asked that made everyone baffled. the way she talks right now is way out of the ordinary.

"I got a report that you caused a commotion." he simply said

"Father, this daughter was pushed to down into the deep cold pond and nearly died, as I was drowning, everyone was just staring while drinking wine, please tell me, can that be a commotion if the guest was entertained? I thought you would protect me but instead, you as my father together with everyone is accusing me and telling me to apologize" he mockingly asked that made everyone sweat. how can she taunt and dare to ask the general like that!

Rose felt the very sharp eyes of her stepmother glaring at her and unknown to them, the eldest miss is also flaring inside. cursing her in her mischievous mind.

"Rose, how can you boldly talk to father like that? please show some respect." Janice her eldest sister suddenly said with her very soft and gentle voice.

Rose glimpse at her eldest sister

'you! look at me you damn whore'

'you are nothing but a sacrifice for me'

'you know nothing, you act nothing, you say nothing, you are nothing!'

You scheming bitch!

Rose shook her head as she remembers some of the harsh sentences shouting like a witch in her mind. when she was at her downfall in her past life. her eldest sister showed her true face. she was the first to torture and looked down at her like she is a pest.

I Remember and I will get my revenge

I Promise!

"My daughter Janice. she is only but a child. she won't understand the word respect" the woman said that is standing right beside her father. a woman that is like a snake, her so-called stepmother.

"Father, Firstly, as your daughter, I have the privilege to attend our family's party, eldest sister also invited me herself so if I do not know what is respect, I will not go, second is it my fault that I was not given the same treatment as my other siblings and caused other nobles to mock me?" Rose stated that made the general angry and upset because each word she's saying is all true, he can't refute. everyone listening can't believe what they are hearing, how or when did the youngest miss talk like this?

"Are you saying that I'm not a good father!?" The general can't help but to shout at her, because of anger, the general stood and glare at her whole being, everyone got nervous, no one has seen the general this angry.

"because you had asked, I dare to answer, Yes." Rose directly answered, that made all the people astonished, they are praying for the young child's life. no one has ever talked to the general liked this

"You! - -" he was about to scold her when she cut him off

"Mother just died, did you know that?" Rose frankly asked him, he was caught off guard by her questions and he calmly answered

"I was informed just now"

"So, you do know father, that I, your daughter had just lost her mother and yet, you still all accuse me?" Rose asked like she has been wrong immensely

"It was all because of your unacceptable behavior!" The general burst out, reasoning so that to defend himself from the accusations building upon the listener's mind

"Dear - - calm down, we called her because of a reason didn't we?" the woman beside him touched his shoulders, calming him and reminded him of their main objective.

"Good riddance, I will die early because of this hateful child. good thing that you are always beside me my wife, always reminding me" he looked at the woman with desire on his eyes. looking at them makes rose wants to puke. one is a snake and one is brainless

"Estelle Rose of glassglow, because you are an unfilial daughter and doesn't have the character of a proper noble lady, you are to reflect on your own actions, you are ban from entering the estate and will be transferred to live in the mountain of thorns wherein you will learn and build your character" her father seriously said looking directly at her eyes

"You will do this to me even I was falsely accused, nearly died and lost my mother without any proper investigations?" her eyes started to tear up but all was for an act but it made the people watching feel pity and sad for her dearly

"Investigations will just cause time, money, and trouble, there is no need for that, it's just merely one small maid" the general answered, rose clenched her hand tightly, how can he say this to her mother?! she felt great hatred and disgust seeing all these people.

I shall remember all this humiliation and in the near future, I will ruin this house you all are proud of!

on the other hand, listening to this made everyone feel bad for the little girl but great disappointment at the general, not just this but negative words describing him are forming in their mind. how can the general as a father of this child dare to do and say this?

She just lost her mother at an early age, has to work, has not been provided with her needs and she is his daughter for christ sake!

while their thinking about this, rose felt glad about their reactions, she can sense what they are thinking, at least, she may not have avoided being banished but she gained the people's heart. and being away from this mansion is what she really wanted. she would be free and can do what she has to that's why she didn't refute about her punishment.

"I will follow you but I have one condition" Rose boldly said again

"You are in no position to demand a request - - " her second sister was about to say when their father cut her off.

"Hush. what is it?" he asked

"My maid, Anita will have to go with me into the mountains, she is a gift to me by grandfather so it is just right that she has to come with me"

"Go Ahead."


"You will leave tonight. everyone is dismissed"

and he waved his hand

Next chapter