
Good news for grandfather long

Inside the Long Mansion a man in his 60s is sitting outside on a Comfortable lawn chair, Drinking his tea and playing Chess with his Good old Friend Adam Who he knew for 30 years, When all of a sudden His Personal Butler walk Closely to him and said respectively.

" Excuse me, old master, Young master secretary is on the phone, He says he has good news about young master".

" Skews me, old friend Adam", After excuses himself from his friend he Slowly went inside and took the call.

" This better be good, I was playing a good game of chess".

" Please forgive me for the interruption chairman, But I have something to report that will change your mood".

" Spill it out Connor!! I don't have time".

Connor didn't hesitate and reported everything to old Chairman, From the incident in the shop, And the background check, And also the slight change of expression his boss had today, He didn't leave anything out, After secretary Connor finish saying all of this. The old chairman Eyes Became more livelier and with happiness in his voice he said.

" Finally, that Brat Took too long, That statue finally became interested in a woman, If not for his character, I would've become a great grandpa!!! Connor send me every Detail you have on her, I'll use my connection to find the rest".

"Yes!!, chairman".

After that, they both hang up. The Butler who is still standing close Sense his master was in a good mood.

" Old master William, If I may be bold, May I ask what has the Young master secretary Inform you of".

" Oh!!, Drop the formalities Alfred, Seeing that I'm in a good mood I'll tell you, hahaha.....Seems that Brat has Taking a liking to a woman, He's been trying to get every information on her, but A few Pieces to the puzzle is missing, So Now is my job to Find it, Contact my personal agents make sure they find everything on her ".

"Yes!!, master William".

After his personal butler left, old master William was left in the study room, With Determination in his eyes he said, " You Brat, You should be glad that I'll be helping you, I won't let my granddaughter in law Escape hahahaha!!"

With a mischievous laugh, Old master William didn't notice a presents that was standing behind the door.

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