
The Legend Ends/begins

Chapter 1: The Legend Ends/begins

"We have you surrounded, you need to surrender to the inevitability of your demise" a solider in battle armour said while staring at the two people that were in front of him. "I, Nehanda will never give up, you may defeat us today or even kill us, but I promise you that our bones will never rest until we DESTROY YOU ALL". Nehanda said with a solemn look on her face, on her right cheek, blood was still dripping down her face, but that didn't seem to diminish her ageless beauty.

Torrents of memories started flooding in, she had never lost a fight before, this was the first time she felt a feeling of impending doom. She had vowed to never get married until she accomplished all her goals, at first her father wanted to force her into an arranged marriage with the prince but she left home. She had dedicated all her life to training so that she wouldn't have to be forced to follow any ones orders as the world is dictated by strength.

"Just surrender yourselves, and I General Wolfgang promise that I will spare your people" General Wolfgang had a sincere look on his face, he wanted the battle to be over soon. Although he was confident in winning this battle, knew that it would have dire consequences. It was a fact known to all that Nehanda battle prowess was unparalleled, in this encounter alone she had massacred thousands of soldiers from The Great Empire.

A bloody stench wafted over the battle ground, it was so intense that it could make one vomit their bowels out. Thousands of lifeless soldiers could be seen, laying on the war ravaged ground, some were decapitated, some were missing limbs and other were half burnt. It was truly like a scene from hell.

"Your greed will be your demise…. Just know I will never…." Before she could finish talking Nehanda felt something sharp pierce her back."WH…ah" she was so shocked, she hadn't anticipated something like that would happen to her, she had been well on guard against her enemies.

"YOU….. wh… why Kagu..vi" she started laughing hysterically at how cruel fate was, she was betrayed by the only person she had ever trusted. She, a person who had only known the bleakness of solitude had found a beacon to rescue her from the pits of despair, her only friend Kaguvi. He had used up the last motion tattoo he had served up, to swiftly deal a hefty blow to Nehanda because he knew he had to be decisive.

"I'm.. sorry, I had no other option...… forgive me Mi. Lady" she hadn't put up her guard on Kaguvi, they had been through multiple life and death situations together. Although Nehanda was drowned in pain but this physical pain didn't come close to emotional one that was wrenching her heart like a thousand hammers. Nehanda struggled to swallow the all the ginseng roots she had left with the hopes of quickly healing, but it was to no avail as the spear Kaguvi used quickly drained the ginseng energy before the energy could heal all her wounds. Nehanda knew that it was all over, she felt all her energy leaving her body. She was struggling just to stand upright.

"just rest up….." Kaguvi said softly, his face was plagued by guilt, it could be seen that his decision could not have been easy. "hahaha…, I knew you would come through Kaguvi, I just didn't know you would be willing to kill her…truly spectacular" General Wolfgang was in high spirits, he was grinning from ear to ear. "I get it, believe me I get it, as a man how many years were you going to be Nehanda's loyal pet….." before he could finish Kaguvi interjected "SHUDDUP!!, just do as you promised, my people surrender, but they will not be forced to do anything just take the mines and leave us in peace"

"I already gave you my word, but if don't trust this Generals' words we can sign a contract of mutual agreement" General Wolfgang said as he sent his lieutenant to fetch a piece of paper, which was the mentioned concession between the two parties. Without taking long the lieutenant came holding a golden piece of paper which he handed the General.

Of course Kaguvi was sceptical, he was a cautious man but at this time he had no other choice, he looked at the concession carefully and after about two hours of meticulously probing the concession he found no flaws on the paper. "I General Wolfgang do solemnly swear to uphold the terms of the concession" as soon as the General finished reciting his oath he cut his finger with a pocket knife, a dripped a drop of blood on the golden concession. Soon Kaguvi followed suit and he just placed a tip of his finger with his long spear which he had used to pierce Nehanda, soon blood could be seen dripping as the spear was sharp beyond measure on the contract. "It's over you can now remove your soldiers in our city as the agreement stat….." before Kaguvi could finish he saw the concession glowing from a golden colour then soon turned to crimson.

Suddenly, crimson chains emerged from the scroll and pierced heading straight to Kaguvi's direction at a speed faster than the speed of sound. "WHA..." Kaguvi was so perplexed with what was happening, thankfully he was quick to come out of his stupor. Without waiting for the chains to stab him he released his spiritual energy. Suddenly, the temperature across the whole battle field had a dramatic increase. "what's going on, he shouldn't have this much energy left, right" a middle aged person wearing a normal soldier armour said with an astonished look on his face. "hahaha, you people never seize to amaze me, but just give up no one has ever escaped the Devils Hand " General Wolfgang said while displaying a look of contempt towards Kaguvi. " so it was actually the legendary Devils hand seal, no wonder I didn't sense anything when I was holding it….this is over-kill " the middle aged man with a hooked nose wearing a lieutenant uniform mattered to himself.

Surprisingly Kaguvi just stood stationary while waiting for the two chains with nothing but his jet black spear which had turned purplish while emanating a strong heat aura. He just stood still while emanating an imposing look, his snow white dreadlocks fluttered in the air like they were charging off the energy he was releasing "what is he trying to do, wait, don't tell me the fool actually thinks he can face the Devils Hand with only a spear, Hahaha these people are truly entertaining" Wolfgang said without for a second forgetting to hide his look of utter contempt. "Death!....Pierce" Kaguvi yelled on top of his lungs as he his spear clash with fast approaching chains .

CLACK! The sound created by the collision created vibrations that were so intense that many foot soldiers could be seen covering their ears while kneeling on the ground some who were weak were even bleeding from their eyes, nose and ears. Where the collision had taken place a body could be seen rolling on the ground endlessly, unfortunately this was Kaguvi, he looked dishevelled he tried to stand up but he immediately fell to the ground and ejected a mouthful of blood. The clothes he was wearing were tattered, and he had lost all his imposing aura, even his spear was no longer in his hands it had vanished into thin air, and it was most probably lost in the rebound.

"Ahhh…..but wh.. why we…. Surrendered already you can have the spiritual stone mines so why" Kaguvi struggled to speak as he spits another mouthful of blood. "Ha-ha you are indeed a fool, you actually thought we only wanted the mines" General Wolfgang said this while laughing like he just heard the most hilarious joke in his life. "it's amazing to think that he actually thought he could face off against the Devils Hand seal, truly deserving his nickname The Spear God" the hook nosed lietanant said while exhibiting a facial expressing showing both pity and ridicule. "too bad, the Spear God is only human after all with a measly cultivation hahahha" As Kaguvi was struggling to get up the Devil hand chains continued their mission still aiming for Kaguvi's head.

"STOP!" Nehanda yelled on top of her lungs, it was a heart wrenching wail. Surprisingly she was still alive, it was clear that Kaguvi had missed her vital organs, she was drained off her energy though by Kaguvi's spear when it pierced her. " what! She's still alive? That fool didn't kill her. Tom go and capture her dead or alive we need both their spirit seeds, remember, although she is in a weak state now she is still the Battle Goddess Nehanda"

"Yes, sir" the hooked nosed lieutenant said with enthusiasm he knew that the general had actually done him a favour as the amount of battle merit he would get from capturing would exceed everything he could think off, Nehanda was their greatest foe after all, he wasn't the least ashamed that his opponent was already in a weakened state because he knew that under normal circumstances he wouldn't even dream of looking directly at someone on Nehanda's level.

In the blink of an eye the crimson chains had already approached Kaguvi when he had just managed to get up on his feet. STEEL CACOON! Kaguvi yelled with all his might, as his pure white dreadlocks moved like live snakes as they pierced deep into the ground as a result creating a fortrace whereby Kaguvi looked like he was in a cocoon. "WHAT!, he still had energy to create his cocoon defence?, but it still is to no avail though I admit his cocoon is formidable but this is the Devil's hand" General Wolfgang muttered to himself as he gazed at Kaguvi's, right now he had lost all his ridicule towards Kaguvi after all the strong are respected by all.

At this moment the crimson chains were approaching fast, they were moving like arrows, in the blink of an eye they reached Kaguvi. CLANK! A loud noise echoed throughout the battlefield, it could be seen that most of the chains were blocked but unfortunately some chains had penetrated the cocoon. "Ahh…" Kaguvi could be heard groaning at the same time the snow white dreadlock that were covering his whole body slowly retracted to their original size, leaving Kaguvi clearly visible.

He was severely battered and bruised, crimson chains had penetrated his scalp. Blood was a stream gently dripping down his forehead to his eyes, it's looked like his was crying tears of blood. On his face the serious look he had disappeared it was replaced by a smile which wasn't quite a smile. It exhibited a plethora of emotions but regret wasn't among them he had no reason for regret he had done everything he could for his people, he was even willing to betray his friends in order to protect his people, how could he blame himself...how?.

In a distance, where Nehanda lay she could see everything that was happening clearly, as she stared at Kaguvi's lifeless corpse's

eyes her breathing became erratic, the tears in her eyes felt like her soul was bleeding. These changes happened in only a short amount of time but immediately Nehanda's eyes became lifeless. With her voice sharp as a sword she cried "Soul…Split!". Suddenly, three corporeal figures emerged from Nehanda body, these bodies looked like they were made of energy, strangely they all looked like Nehanda, and two of them had a vicious look on their faces."Wait!, Tom get back here…..everyone get your asses behind the shield hurry" General Wolfgang yelled with all the strength he could muster, he couldn't get rid of the feeling of impending doom he felt. Unfortunately, he was too late.

"LEVEL THE EARTH!" BOOOOOOM! BOOOOOOM! The whole battlefield was engulfed in a sea of purple flame, many soldiers died withouth even knowing was happened to them, some had summoned their protective treasures but it was all to no avail as they were all burnt to crisp by Nehanda's wrath, it was as if an apocalypse was happening as many chasms were opened, all the soil turned to magma. The once beautiful forest had turned into hell, where you could hear screams like a thousand souls suffering the unimaginable torture.


One day the earth will swallow the evil.....
