

Wow, it takes a lot of time to write a single chapter. Hats off to all you writers out there. I can't imagine sitting in front of a laptop for hours, let alone writing by hand. I have so much respect for you all.

But, as I mentioned earlier, I want to make it clear that I'm not making a commitment here. There are still many commitments outside of writing that I need to fulfill.

So, for the readers of this novel, please feel free to give me one or two suggestions. These suggestions can help me improve my writing skills and make a better novel.

As for this novel, I've said it from the beginning: I don't want the protagonist to have overpowering skills. Most of the decisions in this novel will be decided by me, others and dice, what happens to the main character will be random. The storyline will build up based on the randomness of events.

I haven't decided on the events in this novel yet. Roughly, there are some common events, but since my philosophy is to be random, I'll have to think carefully about each event that occurs.

Feel free to to give me your feedback so that i can make some improvement.

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