
Reincarnation of a Vigilante Gunsmith

My name is Rey McMillan and yeah I'm a vigilante. My gig is all about killing villains with the gun's I made from the games I love. yeah a lot of FPS, Third person, and post apocalyptic games with guns. So yeah I just wanted people to live easily without issues and killing them is my only option to avoid any future crimes made by the same villain. So c'mon now let's blast some villains and Corrupt heroes head and turn them into minced meat. This story is also available in FanFiction.net (Warning: My Proof reader has some issues)

Mart_Lopez · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 3: Fun times with my gunsmithing

After making the two guns he wanted to make he was asleep for now. As for today it was the same as usual for his morning routine he usually does some home workouts and stretches and jogs around his neighborhood. After that he ate his breakfast and then does some research on guns mostly as well as some tools or even computer parts for his personal gaming PC. And listen to some classic 21st century music by Ed Sheeran and even Charlie Puth to vibe around. Then he leaves his home to work even thought it doesn't pay that much but atleast it's something than nothing. He does do investing on stock trades as well in his free time as a mask for where he get his money if he is working as a vigilante.

After working he went to a military surplus store to buy the following. Military Boots, Cargo Pants, Backpack, Holster, Vest, Balaclava, and coat. Which cost a lot and it made him hurt from the money he loose because some of them cost more than the others. When night begins he was excited at the same time serious about his job being the Vigilante he always wanted to be since then. As he grab both his hand cannon and his sniper rifle and left his apartment and locking it as well.


At the dark parts of the city there was crime and illegal activities happening from gangs. To robbery and even kidnappings as well and there were no heroes on site. Or so they thought but there were some of them who were criminals in disguise. And Rey has arrived in those dark parts as he was on one of the rooftops with the Breakthrough sniper rifle as his target was a corrupt hero with some shady deals the scope was digital thankfully as it automatically zoomed in to see what they were dealing as it was shady Illegal drugs as he never hesitate to pull the trigger as he did both the hero and the dealer were dead on the spot as the round penetrate them easily. Which it ricochet right to another shady guy by "Accident" by coincidence was one of the witnesses who is also a shady dealer with illegal drugs. He then continue his hunting with not just drug dealers but also night bank robberies and even Kidnappings using both his rifle and pistol together there were so close moments that villains or corrupt heroes began to spot him but many were not fast enough for his guns as many wither have large holes in either their heads or torso in which it was somewhat satisfying killing scumbag heroes and villains.

In the morning as news outlets began to report about the missing and found dead bodies of heroes and villains having large holes and have missing several parts of their bodies. In which many mourning about the death of those heroes until they discovered that they were corrupt as many were in denial about these heroes doing shady stuff and illegal things. As for the good heroes many have to keep their eyes peeled at night since and as for villains they wanted him so dead for killing their kind or one of their boys as they also wanted to kill him as well.

With Rey's P.O.V

He is currently making an Assault Rifle from COD since there were Soo many gun variety from futuristic to modern looking guns as well as old WW2 guns. He has to find a gun befitting for his AR Loadout because that was the issue what gun though. As he began to read sources from old website with the list of guns until he found one that intrested him in making one. From the 3rd black ops game of COD He found one called the Man-O-War assault rifle with that he check on the variety of attachments and mods to put on the rifle as he decided what to put but first he needs to build it. He first focused on the attachments he prefers to have reflex sights for his rifles and the rest were as follows suppressor, Grip, FMJ modifications, stock, and a fast mag attachment meaning a dual mag.

As he work his way from each part and attachments working on properly as he finished 3 out of the 5 two more which was the modified FMJ cover for the gun and the suppressor. As he began to work on which was a bit tricky since his tools are limited but it's something he can improvise like he made a homemade Blowtorch even though it's just a petroleum Gas tank with a hose tightly sealed with braces and a blowtorch head. Atleast it was something than nothing but the question is it safe but for now he continues making his new gun.

Several hours later he was finished the Man-O-War with all of its attachments fit perfectly like a glove as well as the ammo he made for the gun. As he load a magazine with all of the bullets loaded in he racks the bolt and load in a bullet as he feels like he wants to raid a building or a den full of criminals. But it's not complete without the most essential gun that most real life military personnel needs a side arm an automatic pistol so he searched the same site to find a good pistol he found one that is slick and not bulky like the M.R6. The pistol is called the R.K5 and he looks at more details about the gun as he looks at the attachment as he is now seeing vision and flashes of the weapons from production to bullets and even attachment he wanted to add.

As he finishes building the pistol he began to add the attachments and modifications to peak it's performance easily and befitting for him. He adds the E.L.O (Emitted Light Optics), and added the quick trigger modification, and extended Mag. As he look at his new tactical Loadout he was satisfied to look at his new guns.

At a drug den

In an Alleyway there was a illegal drug den where dealers get their supplies as well as the man who is the head of the operation seeing the many drugs he have created as well as some illegally made drugs for quirks that many heroes need to up their game. But little do they know that there is a man who will destroy every single crime and drug dens and even did research and asked informants about the number of heroes who were listed down to ruin their reputation as heroes and make civilians and good heroes prosper. But also wreaking havoc towards the scum who have infested the lives of every person.