
Reincarnation: Is this really happening?

Seth is a 35-year old loser stuck at a dead end job. He wasted his youth in a vain attempt to stay popular, forgoing his studies just to party. Seth, like many others, regrets the path he chose himself. He wished everyday for a chance to prove his life was worth something, but such things only happen in fairy tales...right?

Otaku_Central · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Deltune's Birthday [2]


The Months

1. Zerach [End of Ash] [33 Days]

2. Jopha [Start of Blossom] [33 Days]

3. Zabar [33 Days]

4. Gielaph [End of Blossom] [34 Days]

5. Kiriel [Start of Sorrel] [Current Month: Day 31/33]

6. Ariel [33 Days]

7. Zielaph [End of Sorrel] [34 Days]

8. Ufael [Start of Ash] [34 Days]

9. Rielah [33 Days]

The Days

1. Camue [Start of New Week]

2. Adrah

3. Zadkir

4. Manael

5. Gadraf

6. Jundail

7. Jeha [5/31/AE795]

8. Achiel [End of Week]



Th next couple of chapters will contain content that some viewers might not find suitable! Implied nudity and sexual relations are mentioned. Petting takes place several times throughout this chapter. Recommended Age Restriction of 18+.



"Anything gives me quite a leeway in what I could ask of you." Deltune grinned at her red haired lover.

"And I would have to do whatever it is you ask of me. I gave you a gentleman's promise, after all. But Del, my dear..." Sona smirked at the blue haired Goddess. "You wouldn't happen to be planning anything naughty in that beautiful head of yours, would you?" He reached his hand out and gently ran his fingers through her hair.

"That you did, and a promise is a promise." Deltune smiled softly and a touch of red graced her cheeks. "Maaayyyybeeeee..." She cooed innocently and giggled as Sona played with her hair. "But you said you had to do it, so..." She kissed his chest once more before closing her eyes and resting her head on his chest.

"Well, I never go back on my word, dear, sweet, Deltune." Sona smiled as she laid her head on his chest. He continued to run his fingers through her hair all the while. "I guess I'm in for a lot of trouble. I should have chosen my words more carefully, but I didn't want you mad at me, so it was the quickest path to forgiveness." He looked up as they rounded the second to last bend before the pier. 'A hydrogen bath, huh? That will be a unique experience.' He thought to himself.

"Hehe. It's because I know how to play you like a fiddle." Deltune giggled innocently. "I promise not to abuse the power I hold on you." She whispered softly as she watched him eye the river's curves. "Hey, Sona." She gently tapped his chest.

"Hm? That's my name, Del." Sona grinned and looked down at the young Goddess.

"Smart ass." Deltune scoffed and cupped his face in her hands. "This is my thank you present." She shifted her weight and sat up as she pressed her lips to his and closed her eyes.

"Del..." Sona went to protest, but when she pushed her lips against him, he lost the will to argue. He closed his eyes as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

'Sona. I never thought a man could make my body feel this way.' Deltune thought as she grew bolder and slipped her tongue into his mouth.

"!" Sona was caught off guard by her sudden aggressive behavior, but the surprise rubbed off quickly as they pushed their tongues against each, pausing only to catch their breath. After several minutes, the two slowly pulled apart, their tongues the last thing touching as they separated their lips. Sona chuckled softly and pressed their foreheads together. "Wow, Del...that was very bold of you." He teased. "I think I'm starting to be a bad influence." He joked.

"Hehe. Maybe..." Deltune giggled shyly as she used her tongue to lick her lips. "I don't mind, though. I'd only do this for you, and with you. Be grateful." She retorted and poked his cheek gently.

"I would hope so, because..." Sona placed one hand on his face and slowly slid his hair back as he raised his head and met her gaze. "I would hate to have to kill some poor, unsuspecting fool for touching my woman."

"Sona...?" Deltune tried to cover her mouth but she burst into laughter. "You are such a dork. How can you say things like that with a straight face?"

"Wha...? Hey, I was being serious here!" Sona protested loudly and sighed in defeat. "I try to be romantic and sound tough and it just blows up in my face." He hung his head low.

"I'm sorry, my dear." Deltune wiped a tear from her eye. "You can just be so corny sometimes." She leaned down and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "I didn't mean to laugh. I'll make it up to you...tonight, okay?" She looped her arms around his neck and used both her hands to play with the hair behind his head.

"It's fine, Del. I promise. The role of the Fool has always come naturally to me." Sona smiled as she played with his hair. "You don't have to do anything to make it up to me. Just be you, Del." Sona's eyes drifted down her body and came to a stop at her chest. 'That swimsuit definitely brings out her curves.' He thought to himself.

"The Fool, huh? Maybe that should be your Mage name." Deltune teased. "Then, you just be you, too, Sona." Her face lit up when she caught her lover gazing at her highly exposed chest. "Be patient, you horndog." She gently flicked his forehead.

"Hm. The Fool, huh? Just like Oda Nobunaga." Sona muttered under his breath and chuckled softly. 'From Fool to Demon King. I hope that transition doesn't happen to me.' He thought to himself. His thoughts were interrupted by Deltune's gentle flick. "Hm? Oh, sorry, Del. You just...look really good in that outfit." He admitted with a warm smile.

"Oda who?" Deltune questioned. She watched his face twist as something flashed through his mind. "Sona, my Love?" She gently patted his chest with both her hands. She breathed a silent sigh of relief when he spoke again. Deltune smiled softly. "Well, you did pick this one out for me, of course I would look good in it." She replied in a faux arrogant voice and giggled. "You okay, Sona? You've seemed pensive since last night. Did father say something weird to you?"

"Oda Nobunaga, an infamous daimyo from Japan's Sengoku Jidai, or rather, the Age of Warring States. Oda was considered the First Great Unifier of Japan. His loyal retainers Toyatomi Hideyoshi, and Tokugawa Ieyasu, were the other two. However, he ended up becoming known as the Demon King. Besides that fact, Akechi Mitsuhide betrayed him and he was forced to commit suicide." Sona explained a brief piece of history from his world. 'That doesn't bode well. I hope nobody betrays me.' Sona looked up and smiled softly at Deltune. "Not so much that he said something weird, but that he gave me some unsettling news, but also hope."

"Oh, that's so...horrible, betrayed by someone whom you respected and trusted." Deltune sighed softly. "That sounds...so sad. I wouldn't want that to happen to you, my love." She wrapped her arms around her body. "What news?"

"I couldn't imagine betraying someone I had such devotion for." Sona wrapped his arms around Deltune and held her close. "It won't, my beautiful Goddess. I won't let it happen." He gently rubbed her back to try and ease her anxiety. "He told me he found the sword of the Godslayer. It's in pieces, but I know where to look. We can gather the pieces, reforge the Astral Tyrant, then I can slay Eslios. Once he's gone, I can devote my life to you and the other women." He explained slowly. "So just wait for me, Del. Once this is over, I'll give my all to you, and to them."

"You know just what to say and do, Sona. Thank you." Deltune relaxed in his arms and closed her eyes. "Your words and your touch are kind and warm. Just like the aura of your soul. I want you, always, my sweet, handsome hubby." She whispered into his chest. Her eyes went wide at the mention of Astral Tyrant. "So he finally found the weapon that can cut divinity? That's a relief." She closed her eyes again and snuggled into his chest.

"I'm glad I can help you relax, My Goddess. The aura of my soul? Arzotz said something similar." Sona blushed at her words. "My lady, that's embarrassing, and calling me hubby all of sudden?" Sona sighed and kissed the top of her head. "Yeah, I'll find it." He held her close. "Our stop is just up ahead. You about ready?"

"Yes, we, Gods and Goddess' I mean, can see the aura and color of a person's soul. It reveals their true nature, even if they behave the complete opposite." Deltune explained and giggled softly. "Doesn't hubby mean husband? I learned it from your world. It fits, after all, we are officially engaged now." She looked down at her ring. Another giggle escaped her lips when he kissed her head. "Not really. I like laying on you like this. It gets crowded with all eight of us surrounding you. I want to enjoy having you to myself a little longer." She blushed and kissed his chest a few times. "Please?"

"Oh, I see. Well, that doesn't make me feel insecure at all." Sona buried his face into her hair and closed his eyes. "Yes, you are right. It's a shortened, cuter version of husband, and I suppose you aren't wrong. With the ring and everything, you are my future wifey." He blushed. "I know what you mean, but I wouldn't change a thing. Besides..." He ran his fingers through her hair and inhaled her scent deeply. "You'll have me all to yourself tonight, but we can stay like this for awhile. If that's what you want."

"Don't be insecure, love. Your aura is beautiful. I love staring at you, just to see your aura flair up." Deltune smiled softly. "Well, then Hubby it is." She giggled innocently. "Oh, wifey, huh? Hehe. Hey, don't. I didn't shower this morning." She protested when he buried his face in her hair. "You're impossible." She sighed in defeat. "Can we? A few more times would be enough." She whispered as they passed the pier and didn't disembark.

"You are to kind, baby." Sona smiled into her hair. "You still smell...sweet. Yet oddly familiar." He tried to recall her scent but couldn't place it. "We can do this all day, if that's your wish. As long as your birthday is a good one, I'll be happy."

"S-Sona..." Deltune whined as he inhaled her scent. "You are such a...oh." She sighed in defeat once more. "Being with you is enough to make me happy." She leaned down and started kissing his chest. 'This is your payback.' She thought to herself.

"Hehe. You are so...mm...Del what are you--?" Sone sighed as she started kissing his chest once more.

"I'm so what?" Deltune grinned mischievously as she started licking his chest every couple of kisses. 'Hehe. If anyone saw this, I'd die of embarrassment, but he enjoys this so...' She moved her hair from her face and continued kissing up and down his chest.

"Cute. You are so cute...is what I was going to say." Sona inhaled deeply as several moans escaped his lips. 'You have to stop, Del.' He thought, but his protests were never given voice. "Ss...I thought...you wanted to wait..." His breathing grew heavy as she started licking his chest every so often. "D-Deltune..."

"Hehe. Cute, huh? If you say so." Deltune smiled up at her red headed lover. "Waiting doesn't mean I can't tease you until tonight." She locked eyes with him. "Kiss me?"

"I do say so. Very cute." Sona took the opportunity to catch his breath and swallowed hard. "Oh, so I can tease you, then?" His eyes drifted to her lips when she asked for a kiss. "Come and claim your kiss then." He grinned and closed his eyes.

"It's my birthday, why would you tease me?" Deltune's face lit up when he told her to claim her kiss. "What if...I said I wanted you to kiss me, for my birthday?" She questioned.

"Isn't it only fair?" Sona opened his eyes and lightly dragged his fingers across her neck. "Is that what your saying?" He grinned mischievously. 'It takes two to tango, my love.' He thought to himself.

"Ahh..." Deltune shivered as his fingers caressed her bare neck lightly. "I want you to kiss me. Is that what you wanted to hear?" She pouted.

"Yes." Sona smiled and gently grabbed her chin.

"S-Sona..." Deltune closed her eyes as Sona started leaning closer.

"I love you." Sona whispered and then gently tilted her head to the side. He nuzzled his face into her neck and started to kiss along her neck and collar bone.

"Ah...Sona..." Deltune moaned as he went back to kissing her neck and along her collar bone. "I meant on my lips..." She protested with a wine but closed her eyes and sighed happily as he maintained his grip on her chin. "I...love you, too..." She breathed these words.

"I know what you meant, but as you said, paybacks a bitch." Sona grinned as he bit down on her shoulder hard and started to suck gently.

"Ahh..." Deltune covered her mouth as a soft scream escaped her lips when he bit down hard. "Mmm....S-Sona..." She moaned his name as he sucked on her shoulder gently. "Make sure it's one I can hide." She pouted but she was smiling behind her hand.

Sona slowly pulled away to admire his handiwork. "I put it on your shoulder, my love. It wouldn't do for a Goddess to be seen with a hickey on her neck." He kissed the mark he had left on her. "I've marked you as mine now."

"Ha...ha...you're mean. A heads up would have been nice, at least." Deltune pouted but sighed happily when he kissed the hickey. "I've always been yours, silly." She placed her hand against his cheek. "Forever. Now, can I get that kiss? After the embarrassment you've subjected me to?"

"But if I warned you, I wouldn't have gotten that adorable response." Sona teased. "I am yours forever, too, my beautiful Goddess." He nuzzled his nose against hers gently. "Of course." He pushed his lips closer and they barely touched hers. "Ready?" His lips brushed against hers as he spoke each word.

"You are such a tease." Deltune sighed and pressed her lips to his as they shared a gentle, passionate kiss. She grabbed the back of Sona's hair and held on tight.

Sona smiled into the kiss and closed his eyes. He sighed softly as she grabbed hold of his hair. 'Her lips are so sweet.' He thought to himself as he slipped his tongue into her mouth.

"!" Deltune was shocked by Sona's sudden aggressive behavior. She chuckled softly as she used her tongue to play with his.

Sona finally pulled back, his chest heaving heavily. "Are you satisfied now, my Goddess?"

"That'll do, my Hero." Deltune giggled innocently and buried her face into his neck. "So, is being reincarnated in another world everything you thought it would be?" She questioned.

"I'm happy to serve, Goddess." Sona smiled and shook his head. "Hm? Where did that come from?"

"I just...didn't want you to feel like I tricked you into coming here." Deltune closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck tightly. "Being with you, is more then I could have ever hoped for. I thought I could be content, merely watching you from afar but..."

"Del..." Sona pulled her into his chest and wrapped his thick, toned arms around her. "I've told you before, my Goddess, I'm alive because of you. By all rights, I shouldn't be alive right now. I'm happy, I'm loved, I'll be getting married. This all because of you." He ran his hands through her long blue hair. "Content watching me from afar? How long have you been watching me?"

"Sona..." Deltune cried into his chest. "You are so good to me. Every day with you has been full of bliss, love, and laughter. I was ecstatic to find out that you loved me." She sobbed. "I've watched you for years, my love. I don't know if you remember, but we met before."

"Del..." Sona cupped her face in his hands and used his thumbs to dry her eyes. "Knowing that, makes me so happy. I'll continue to make sure our life is always full." His eyes went wide. "We met...?"

"I know you will, baby." Deltune whispered softly and nodded. She placed one hand on each of his and held them against her cheeks tight. "Five years ago. Don't you remember? You found a young woman being surrounded by a gang of thugs." She explained.

"Wait..." Sona paused and closed his eyes. 'Five years...ago...?' He tried to recall the events. 'Time blurred together for me, trying to find a certain time frame...' He sighed softly and buried his face in Deltune's hair. 'Maybe...' He inhaled her scent deeply a few times.

"Ah, Sona...?" Deltune whispered sheepishly as he sniffed her hair several times.

'I..know this scent.' Sona's eyes went wide and he pulled back as he met Deltune's gaze. "It was...you..."

"You do remember..." Deltune gasped.

"I thought that..." Sona grabbed a handful of her hair and brought it to his face. "That your scent was familiar. You are the beautiful woman I saved in that alleyway..."

"I am..." Deltune blushed at her lover's actions. "They had me pinned under them, and they were trying to strip me."

"That's right..." Sona's body shook with anger as he recalled the events. "I called them out and they all rushed me with the intent to kill. I blacked out at that point...the only thing I remember...was standing over their unconscious bodies, covered in blood." He closed his eyes tightly. "When I finally looked up, you were gone. What were you doing there?"

"You were very brave to stand up to them, and strong, my love. You took down six armed thugs on your own. You went out of your way to save a woman you didn't even know." Deltune smiled warmly and caressed his cheek gently. "Let go of that anger, my love. You saved me. That's when I knew, without a doubt, that you were the man I wanted to love." She leaned up and kissed his forehead. "I was waiting for you. I wanted to meet you, before you died, but after they ambushed me, I was to embarrassed and upset to let you see me like that." She admitted reluctantly.

"Deltune..." Sona grabbed her hand and held it tightly against his cheek. "It wasn't out of bravery. I was trying to use the fact that I saved you as a mark towards my own redemption. I'm sorry." He smiled softly when she kissed his forehead. "Okay. I'll try not to hold onto my anger. So, you've loved me all this time?"

"Despite your own selfish reasons, you still put yourself in danger to save me." Deltune smiled and gently pinched his cheek. "Good. If you ever feel like you're losing control, come to me. I'll sooth your anger." She blushed and nodded slowly. "I've loved you for a long time. Much longer then you know. And now, you love me. It still feels like a dream." She rubbed her nose gently against his and smiled. "But this is real. I'll become your wife."

"I suppose you're right." Sona smiled and chuckled softly when she pinched his cheek. "I'll be relying on you then, Del." He blushed when Deltune rubbed their noses together. "Wow...how lucky can a guy like me get?" He smiled softly. "I'll always love you, never forget that. I'll be the best husband this world has ever seen. I promise."

"You can rely on me always. I'll never let you down...hubby." Deltune smiled softly. "Extremely lucky. I'll always love you, too." She blushed at his words. "Even though we're only engaged, I already think of you as the best husband."

"Hehe. Hubby. I don't think I'll get use to that anytime soon, but I enjoy it." Sona sighed softly and stretched his arms above his head, yawning softly. "Well, thank you, Wifey." He kissed the tip of her nose. "I'm getting hungry, how about you?"

"You're so adorable. I'd do anything for you, baby." Deltune sighed happily when he kissed the tip of her nose. "Yeah, I could eat." She admitted as Sona paddled towards the pier using his arms.

When they reached the dock, Deltune climbed out and then helped Sona get up out of the tube. "Okay. I'm gonna go get changed." Deltune whispered. She leaned over, kissed his cheek, then dashed up the pier with a smile.

"Heh. She gets more adorable with each passing day." Sona admitted with a small chuckle. "Well..." He stretched his arms above his head and yawned once more. "Better follow suit." He slowly made his way to the men's changing room. By the time he had finished, Deltune was already dressed and waiting outside for him. "Sorry, did I keep you waiting?" He flung the bag with Deltune's swimsuits over his shoulder.

Deltune was rubbing her shoulder where Sona had left his mark. 'I can still...feel the sensation...' She giggled bashfully and looked up when she heard Sona's voice. "Oh, no, not at all. You have everything?" She turned to face him, the bags in her hand rustled with her movements.

"Mhmm, I've got everything. Well, let's go find a place to eat." Sona extended his hand towards her.

"Hehe. Yeah." Deltune grabbed his hand and laced their fingers together. "Have you looked through the restaurants already?" She asked as they started walking, hand in hand.

"Nope. I wanted to be surprised this time. So, I was thinking about letting you pick the place." Sona squeezed her hand and smiled softly.

"Oh, such a playful response." Deltune giggled and leaned into him as they walked. She laid her head on his shoulder and started looking around the underground city. 'I wonder what types of food they have...' She pondered to herself.

"Well, I try to keep things lively." Sona looked down at the young blue haired Goddess. "The vendors should be just around this corner." He commented as they rounded the corner and went off to the right. "Yeah. This is it. All these buildings and vendors are food oriented. Take your pick, my love. Anything you want. It'll be my treat."

"Oh, wow." Deltune gasped. There were dozens of buildings with restaurants, and even more vendors peddling their creations on the sides. "Hehe. You don't HAVE to buy everything. I've got money, too." She puffed up her cheeks and pouted.

"Of course I do. It's your birthday, Del. I didn't have enough time to buy you a gift this year, but I at least want to do this for you. Please?" Sona gave her a pleading look and sad puppy dog eyes.

"I--But--You..." Deltune went to argue but that look he was giving her made it hard to focus and collect her thoughts. "I give up. Okay, but our next date is on me." She commanded.

"Success." Sona shouted happily and shot her a mischievous grin. "Of course, my beautiful Goddess, whatever you desire." He gave a slight bow as they walked around the food court. "So, see anything that looks good?" He questioned as he tried to bring the conversation back to food.

"I'll get you for everything you've pulled today. Just you wait." Deltune whispered and shot him a sideways glare, but she was smiling despite the look she gave him. "Hm. I'm not sure." She stopped at a nearby street vendor and gazed over the grill.

It was a small, bustling vendor. The main attraction was a bowl of rice, topped with pork, eggs, and vegetables. There was also several bottles of sauce nearby that the chef would pour on every bowel.

"How about this? Excuse me, sir. What's this dish here?" Deltune questioned over the crowd and pointed out the vendor's biggest selling item.

"Ah, excellent choice. That is our signature bowel. It's made with rice, a heaping serving of mountain boar, a fresh cracked egg and served with vegetables." The old bearded dwarf explained.

'That almost sounds like Katsudon.' Sona thought to himself as he listened. "Well, how about it, love?"

"Yeah, that sounds yummy! Two bowels, please!" Deltune half shouted happily.

"And a tankard of mead." Sona piped in and smiled at Deltune.

"Aye, two Yopford bowels and a tankard of mead!" The dwarf called back to his crew. "Give us ten minutes. Total is 30 Silver." He held his hand out in front of the young couple.

Deltune was digging through her purse quickly, but Sona beat her to the punch. "Here you go, my friend. I'll take the mead when our food is ready." He handed the man thirty silver coins.

"Sona..." Deltune whined as she watched him pay. "I told you I could pay."

"Haha. Missy, men are hard headed and stubborn creatures. Sometimes it's best just to acquiesce. Go sit down at one of outdoor tables. I'll bring ya everything once its hot and ready." The old dwarf bellowed loudly.

"Thank you very much, sir." Sona bowed and grabbed Deltune's hand. "Come on, love. Let's take a seat." He gently tugged her arm and led her to a nearby table. He took a seat on the wooden table.

"He's right. Between you and my father, I'm beginning to think all men are like you two." Deltune sighed and smiled at Sona's back. "But I suppose that is what makes me love you more." She admitted and took a seat on the same side of the wooden table as Sona. She laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.

"Well, I can't speak for Pops, but as for myself, I only get this way with you and my other women. That's because I want to care for you, as a real lover should." Sona admitted and smiled as Deltune laid her head to rest on his shoulder. "Oh, you love me more, huh?" He teased and winked at the blue haired beauty.

'Partner. Are you safe?' Baenthor's voice echoed in Sona's mind, a sense of urgency in his speech.

'Baenthor? Yeah, why wouldn't I be? Is something amiss?' Sona replied quickly and rushed to assuage his partner's worry.

'I'm not to late, good. Sona, you must flee Yopford. Now!' Baenthor commanded abruptly.

'I won't ask why. I'll do as you say. Explain later!' Sona replied and slowly rose to his feet to not arouse suspicion. "Oh, Deltune. I forgot something back at School. Let's head back before I forget again." He grabbed Deltune's hand and helped her to her feet.

"Oh, what did you forget?" Deltune looked up and saw Sona's face. 'That look...' She nodded and grabbed his hand. "I swear, you are so forgetful. You almost forgot it was my birthday, too." She added and played along.

"Oh, my, my. You two look very lovey-dovey." A seductive feminine voice sounded out behind the young couple.

"Haha. You really think so?" Sona chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his head with his free hand. He turned around to face the voice. Chills appeared on his spine but he smiled all the while. "Everyone says we make a great couple."

There was a beautiful, black haired woman standing behind them with an evil smirk. "Oh, he didn't tell me how handsome you were." She purred and gracefully ran her fingers under Sona's chin.

"Handsome, me? Haha. Someone's been feeding you lines, my lady." Sona shivered at her touch. 'She is...evil...' He looked to Deltune. "Well, if you let me drop her off, I'd be more then happy to...come back and...play." He paused between certain words and gave her coy smile, playing on his alluring charm.

'Sona...who is she...' Deltune squeezed Sona's hand. 'I can taste the evil air around her.'

"Oh, play with me? I've never had a man offer himself to me so...willingly. And with his lover attached at his hip.'" The young woman's fingers caressed her lips and her chest heaved heavily. "I have a feeling you won't return, but..." She leaned her head close and put her lips next to Sona's left ear. "I just wanted to meet my enemy..." She whispered into his ear and licked his cheek before turning around to leave. "Eslios sends his regards, Champion..." She waved to them as she walked away.

Sona dropped to his knees as the young woman left without another word. He clutched his chest tightly and tried to catch his breath. "She is...so strong..." He gasped. 'Baenthor...who was that...?' Sona was trying to calm his racing heart. 'She didn't feel...human...'

'She isn't. She is a demon. A strong one at that. You should know that demons are ranked by tiers. The stronger their mana, the higher their rank. She is a sixth level Demon Lord, at least, or perhaps even higher. She was toying with you. Sona...breathe...' Baenthor spoke into Sona's mind.

Sona inhaled deeply as he felt Baenthor's power flow through his body. 'A Demon Lord...By Arzotz Beard...do I even stand a chance...'

Deltune dropped to her knees by Sona's side and brought his arm around her neck. "Come on, love. Let's head back." She grabbed their stuff with her other hand as they made their way back to Yopford's Portal.

'At your current level, no. I'm sorry, Partner. If Saphira removes the last seal on your Mana, you could probably fight to a stalemate, but even that is merely a fifty percent chance. Keep growing stronger. I shall finish my preparations to meet you. By helping me, it can increase your chances. I promise that with my help, and the help of those women, you won't lose when the time comes.' Baenthor whispered these words of encouragement before he disappeared.

"Del..." Sona whispered, his voice harsh and quiet.

"Don't speak, love. She put a weak hex on you when she licked your face. It just sapped some of your strength. Rest. I'll get you home." Deltune cooed softly as they arrived at the Portal. She paid the fee and the two returned to their home at Dragon Peak Academy.

"Sorry...for ruining your birthday..." Sona whispered as they slowly walked up the stairs to their room.

"Shh. I had fun. You did well, my love. Don't worry about that now." Deltune whispered. 'Even after all this, his concern is still for others, even over his own well being.' She thought to herself.

"Sona...? What happened?!" Saphira gasped as she rushed to her student's side. She grabbed his other arm and helped Deltune carry him to the room.

"Demon...Lord..." Sona managed to speak and buried his face into Saphira's chest. "Master...I'm still...to weak..." He closed his eyes and sighed heavily. 'More training. I need more...' He mentally vowed to himself.

"She put a weak hex on him that sapped his strength. I think Baenthor gave him some of his power. It's the only reason he's still conscious." Deltune explained and frowned at Sona's words. "You aren't--"

"Be quiet, idiot!" Saphira smacked the top of his head. "You've only had two months to learn. She's probably had over one hundred years. Demons are immortal. They don't die from old age. To even stay awake and sane after being cursed by one is no small feet. Even without Baenthor's help, you survived. Take pride in that, my foolish student." Saphira smiled when his head fell into her chest. "Rest. After we meet your Partner, we can increase your training regiment." She kissed the top of his head as he started to snore.

"Saphira...thank you." Deltune smiled softly. 'I am...starting to grow fond of her. I can understand why...he loves her just as much as he loves me.' She watched as Sona fell asleep. "I must admit. I didn't like you clinging to him so much...at first."

"Don't thank me. Thank him. He wanted us to become friends, but I'm happy he pushed us together." Saphira smiled softly. "I know, Deltune. I was well aware. You weren't very subtle." She giggled innocently as they entered the room and carefully laid Sona on the bed. "What changed your mind about me?" She sat on the bed by Sona's head and ran her fingers through his hair.

Deltune sat down on the other side of Sona and laid her head on his chest. "I've seen everything you do for him. The way you look at him, treasure him, and love him. You do so much for him. I'm so grateful he found someone like you." She closed her eyes slowly. "He told me...about your past. He's still sifting through all your memories, but he can feel your pain, Saphira. You've lived a long, lonely, and hard life. He wanted to ease that pain. To lift that heavy burden from your shoulders. He wants you to live a full and happy life...with him. With us." Deltune grabbed Saphira's hand. "I want to be your friend, Saphira. Not because of Sona, not because of your past, but..." She smiled at Sona's strawberry blonde lover. "But because I like you...for who you are..."

"Deltune..." Saphira giggled softly. "I should have known if he told anyone, it would have been you." She squeezed Deltune's hand when the young Goddess grabbed her hand gently. "It took me a thousand years, but..." She locked eyes with Deltune. "I finally found a home. A place where I belong. And a man who accepted every part of me without question or judgment. I could search the rest of my immortal life, and never find a man more worthy of this heart of mine...or a friend as devoted as you, Deltune. I like you, just as you are now, too."

The two of them shared a gentle embrace before laying down and cuddling up to the sleeping red head for a short nap.

Sorry for the delay. It's been a crazy week and I've been a little under the weather. [Not Covid thank god!] I'll be sitting up an Instagram and I have a Facebook Group. Also in the process of sitting up a ******* account for those who might be interested. I'll hopefully have everything sit up by the next chapter! Thanks for reading and supporting me! <3

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