
The last day in the old world and the arrival of the new one.

The rain knocked incessantly the windows of a young man who was in his room, sitting on his bed admiring the old revolver of the family.

An old relic which was given by his grandfather to the Father of Lucas, a unique piece many would think, but it was not more than a simple weapon in the hands of Lucas.

A cold, inert and useless piece of metal that were used for the purpose of harming or killing a person or any living being that was able to impact for Lucas this cold weapon became his only friend.

Lucas admired the sensual figure of the weapon, its dark coloration almost completely erased by time, its thin cannon and the last bullet that it had been carrying for many years.

Luca's arm felt heavy lifting the weapon with the intention of using it, as if someone else was trying to stop him, but it was obvious that he was the one trying to convince himself that there was someone present trying with all his might to prevent Lucas from raising the weapon.

The gun barrel had finally reached the desired position, just to the left of the head of Lucas now he was one step closer to ending his life but at that moment his whole life passed before his eyes.

One by one the memories since he was conscious until that day passed in front of his eyes, but despite this he did not put the weapon down.

The finger of his hand began to pull the trigger slowly until it finally reached its maximum point and a loud explosion was heard.

Lucas's arm fell on his bed, still holding the weapon steady while a bit of smoke came out of the barrel.

Lucas still was conscious until he began to notice how everything became more and more heavy for him, he could not blink or speak slowly he began to feel as he left his body, as if abandoning his own existence until he closed his eyes and all sound stopped completely.

A long moment of silence made Lucas feel as if he were in a silent and still ocean, slowly moving away from the shore to lose himself in the infinite ocean to never be found until a voice began to speak to him from nothing.

"Looks like you've finally arrived...young Lucas, I'm god, do not be scared!"(God)

Lucas looked around, but look where he looked at everything he could find with his eyes was only white, white and more white color.The only one who had a different color was the person in front of him, with a white tunic and a brown beard and blue eyes the man in front of Lucas called himself god.Obviously Lucas at that time thought that he was dreaming, and he began to touch his own face to check if the situation was real or just a dream was still.

The person in front of Lucas approached and placed his hand on his head showing a warm smile.

"It seems that you have gone through a lot to get here and now I want to give you the opportunity to live in another place where you can be really happy, where your imagination can fly free and not feel locked inside a cage of negativity, would you allow me to give you that opportunity?"(God)

Lucas remained silent, watching the white floor listening to the words that this person said to him, but in the same way for him at that time it was impossible to talk.

"This new place for you will be like the fantasy worlds you saw in the books, your imagination will be your weapon, and your creativity will be what takes you away in that new world!"(God)

God always observed Luke closely as he does with all the people of the world observing and judging every little action and observing Lucas felt a certain happiness when he saw how the little 12-year-old Lucas had published his first novel of fantasy and later he observed how the 24-year-old Lucas had finished a novel that had taken him 4 years of his life to finish it.

God was always watching every little moment of his life, but being a god he was unable to directly affect the lives of people to help them when he observed that Lucas was about to commit suicide he made a decision.

Giving him a new life would be better than trying to fix the previous one.

But in that same moment the voice of Lucas could be heard loud, clear and full of anger and sadness as the same time.

"Why?! Why can not you change my life before?" Why did I have to endure all that until I got to the day of my death? "(Lucas)

God knew that Luke was right, God remained in silence disappointed in himself, knowing that the young man in front of him was right, God decided to answer him with the truth.

"I can not change people's lives directly...it's all up to you, it was not your fault to be born into a family that does not support their own child."(God)

"But now I have the opportunity to give you a new life and I will even give you something that perhaps you will appreciate more than anyone in the whole world!" (God)

God with a gentle movement of hands created a book and an identical pencil that Lucas possessed.Lucas turned his head, looking at both articles and recognized them immediately.

"My...first book and pencil? (Lucas)

The first Book and pencil for many novel writers are like relics that keep their happiest memories and their most desired dreams.

For Lucas, it was not different, that book and pencil were the first ones that he bought with his own money and hard effort, which made those two articles more valuable for him.

"That's right, Lucas, these two objects are the ones that you lost a long time ago, but in reality, I took them and kept them until the day I could give them back to you!" (God)

Lucas stood up and stretched out his hands until he reached both items, but before he could take them he made his hands back.

"I fear they have a price and before sending you to your new life I want you to forget most of your previous life, so you can live happy and not be bothered by bad memories, but as I said the decision is yours. "(God)

Lucas did not think twice and took both articles and suddenly began to feel like he forgot everything until only the happy memories of him and his books were left.

God released both objects and smiled once again observing Lucas with a new smile on his face.

"I hope, that this new life will be to your liking, I will be watching you behave well."(God)

God approached his hand and placed it on Luca's chest, causing him to lose consciousness.

Lucas felt a gentle breeze and as the warm sun touched his face and the sound of the plants feel stirred by the wind was the only thing that could be heard.

As he stood up a huge shadow flew over him, the creature was completely covered with black scales, his huge dark wings of skin and bone made Lucas fascinated by the sight.

Flying over his head was an authentic dark dragon, a mythological creature that existed in the mind of every writer of fantasy novels, a majestic creature without a doubt.

Lucas unconsciously began to run after the dragon until at one point he reached some bushes and as he passed to the other side of them, he found himself on a great deep ridge and in the distance he could see a sea of mountains and an authentic forest and a huge castle in the middle of that forest.

A smile crossed the face of Lucas when he began to observe everything more carefully in that beautiful place which God had sent him and now Lucas saw a new opportunity.

A new opportunity to live the way he wanted.

This is my first fantasy novel so I will do everything as detailed as I can and also describe the monsters, characters and places in the most detailed way possible thanks for reading.

honest_writercreators' thoughts
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