
chapter 3

Memories started flooding into Ian's brain.

Apparently, he was female! And even worse, he could get pregnant!

The blow Ian felt was painful, but any fluctuation he showed didn't seem to get into the eyes of Caesar. Or maybe, Caesar thought he was conflicted and his reaction was quite normal.

Ian still couldn't remember any faces or names, but Ian knew that in the current world, some men could get pregnant! Men who could get pregnant are usually identified by a beauty mark on the face or neck that was red, Ian was born with one under his eye.

Ian was aghast, he didn't mind being with a man, in fact, he was quite glad! But he didn't want to give birth! Luckily the birth rate here seemed quite low, Ian frowned it also seemed as if his memory was triggered by some words and the like. So he would have to hear the words to remember everything he knew about them in this world and learn how to speak.

The only other difference from his original world seemed to be some animals that he had not known of before were in his memory. The animals in this world seemed much larger and a bit more dangerous than what he remembered.

But, getting back to the issue at hand, what if the tribe followed wife sharing? He didn't want to be a pleasure slave! Maybe Ian should just run and survive, he's done so many times in the past when he was a special agent. He had vast knowledge in a lot of things and Ian himself was raised on a farm, so he knew about many plants and animals.

Ian looked up at Caesar purposely showing a complicated expression.

Caesar's thin lips formed a straight line, obviously, he was not one to reassure others," To enter tribe, you must choose someone in the tribe as a mate. Or you can't join."

Ian looked at Caesar pitifully," Mate?"

Caesar turned red from the attention, how simple, Ian thought," Yes, the female can choose someone who is willing when they enter the tribe and officially join."

Ian pondered over it, just controlling one caveman shouldn't be too hard right?

He looked up at Caesar carefully, but before he spoke, Caesar said," If you don't find a mate, you will be kicked out."

...Well, that answered it.

Ian nodded slowly, but internally, he was in a riot! He didn't want to be some weird caveman's bride! The tribal people would probably not be very hygenic, he didn't know how they treat females here. What if he was treated as an accessory?! What if he got paired with an abuser or someone who doesn't shower and has bad breath or an ugly person?!.

Ian tentatively glanced at Caesar, Caesar was very handsome, just his type, mature and suave. If he had a dream boyfriend, this is what he would want him to look like. Caesar would have looked so nice in a tuxedo.

"Only one... mate, right?" Ian asked.

"Yes, we stay with one mate unless they dislike each other. Then they may split," Caesar reassured.

Ian nodded," You have a mate?" Ian suddenly questioned.

"...No," Caesar responded looking surprised.

Ian nodded, suddenly, his eyes widened," You're bleeding!" he exclaimed touching Caesar's chest realizing he spoke in english before saying back in Caesar's language," wait."

Ian hurried out of the cave to get some more yarrow and dry leaves and quickly came back.

He motioned Caesar to lay down, Caesar looked at him strangely," You are a witch?"

Witch?!!! he wouldn't be burned at the stake, would he?!!!

"No, no,"' Ian replied as calmly as he could," My tribe... everyone.. knows this."

Ian nodded obediently laying down and watched in keen interest as Ian reapplied the yarrow and rebandaged him with the dry leaves.

How could he look so good??? Ian thought. he couldn't believe he was thirsting after this caveman, but such a handsome man... Ian decided not to blame himself.

When he was done, Ian walked towards the puddle, quickly washing his face and his arms. He scrubbed his legs feeling really dirty. He frowned at all the dirt that came off.

Ian walked back to Caesar who was looking at his other wounds," Do not touch...," Ian struggled with his limited vocabulary, before taking Caesar's hand away from his wound," rest."

Caesar nodded staring at Ian's hand before looking at his face and quickly looked away. His expression was stoic but his ears had turned red.

How cute! Ian thought.

"Did you hunt?" Caesar suddenly asked," Did you make the spear?"

Ian nodded.

Looking back, Ian said," I ...will cook. You rest."

Caesar looked perplexed and looked like he wanted to help but with Ian's insistence, he laid back down.

He was well mannered too, Ian thought, what a gentleman, especially for a caveman!

Ian quickly built a fire with some dry grass and sticks. He quickly skinned the rabbit and put it away, he would use it to make some clothing or a bag later on. Ian burned some coltsfoot and spread the ashes across the rabbit meat, grounded the pepper, and did the same. Then he cut the garlic with a sharp stone and ground it a little and put it under the skin of the rabbit and in its belly so that the flavour would permeate.

Ian but the rabbit over the flames. While he waited for it to cook, Ian went out and got some tall grass. He hacked them at the root and brought it back to the cave. He spread more on the cave floor to make it more comfortable, making sure to avoid the flames.

Caesar watched on in rapt attention, it took Ian's entire willpower not to look back at him.

When he was done, he continued roasting the rabbit.

"Did you put the vines across the front?" Caesar asked.

Ian nodded smiling at him, he beckoned Caesar forward. Ripping a piece for himself, Ian gave the rest to Caesar, "Eat."

Caesar looked at him in surprise and accepted the food. His eyes widened as he took a bite," It's really good!"

Ian smiled, it was not that great, Ian likes spicy things and the dish was quite plain. But it was done well, and the meat of the rabbit was very tender and juicy.

"Eat more," Caesar said seeing Ian finish.

"No, enough," Ian sighed, he really needed to learn the language quickly.

Caesar nodded pensively.

He studied Ian while Ian pretended not to notice.

"Ian," Caesar called. Ian perked up, that was the first time Caesar's called his name, it sounded nice coming from him," Will you go to my tribe?"

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