
Wait Quests?

In a clearing two children, a boy and a girl, could be seen in their own repetitive weapon stances. The two were staring at each other intently, waiting for a small opening. After a minute the girl bolted forward ,the boy seeing her running towards him waited patiently as his grip on his sheathed katana increased as if ready to swing at a moments notice. The girl raised her sword above her head, and swung it downwards taking advantage of her momentum to increase the speed. The boy leaned forward a little and swung his katana at extreme speed which was caused by the quick draw technique he had used. The two swords met in the middle, the girl tried to use her aura enhanced strength to suppress him but the boy used his swords momentum to push her sword above her head and as such unbalanced her. The girl tried to retreat but the boy jumped forward and put the edge of the katana next to her head.

Ryu:"It seems I won again." he had a slight smile as he teased the girl.

Pyrrha:"Once more! This time I'm going to win." the girl definitely didn't like losing.


Me and Pyrrha have been sparring partners for a week now. It started with her wanting to compare her strength to mine and lost. After losing she continuously challenged me, before we knew it we had become sparring partners. Which wasn't bad as it helped me get fighting experience. On a side note I'm so happy I bought that concentration skill ,because in a battle to the death, even a slight lapse of concentration could take your life. Of course me and Pyrrha weren't dueling to the death and just sparing.

______________________________A few days ago__________________________

[Ryu, would you like to claim your rewards?]

'Rewards? What rewards? I don't remember winning any.'

[You have completed a few quests. It's just that the popup was blocked as it would hinder your vision.]

'Okeyy... show me these quests which I have completed unknowingly. Wait, couldn't I choose to refuse quests.'

[Quests without penalty are automatically accepted.]

[Quest: You gonna sleep on the street or what

Objective: Find shelter

Reward:1000 Ap]

[Quest: You thought I was a warrior, but it was me, Blacksmith-kun

Objective: Max out your blacksmithing skills first evolution

Reward: 1x instant breakthrough pass]

[Quest: All I see is red

Objective: Meet Pyrrha before the show starts.

Rewards: 10.000 Ap]

[Quest: On a Grind

Objective: Grind for a consecutive 10 days

Reward: Id create/escape]

'Ah, I see. Hm, hm. I like the quest names. Jarvis turn on notification for quests but turn of pop up.'


'Now that I'm already on the system lets buy a few things I want. Jarvis what's my AP count.'

[88.300 sir]

'Good, how much is the 3 haki set.]

[120.000 sir. Conqueror's haki is 80k alone.]

'Huu.. by me the observation and armament haki. Buy the best quick draw technique you can with 48.000 AP.'

[Bought. Bought.]

[Status,Skills, Items.]

[Name: Emiya Ryu

age:8 lvl 1 0/1000

HP 600/600 106.5 ph

MP 35.000/35.000 31.5 per minute(pm) (+1,5 from natural regen speed)

Ki 2496/2560 725 ph

Str 68 + 10% boost = 74

Agi 85 + 40% boost = 119

End 60

Int 79

Wis 47

AP: 7.300

Condition: Angry, Annoyed]

[Muramasa blacksmithing Advanced lvl 8/100 Super Rare Exp 16.00/80.000

Unlimited Blade Works V2:lv 10/100 Rare Exp 13.890/50.000

Swordsmanship lv 86/100: Common

Aura reading: Rare

Aura Control 89/100 : Common


Sleep? Common

Concentration Common

Fire magic Rare 60/100

Enchantment Magic Super Rare 42/100

Id create/escape 1/10

Low Armament haki 1/10

Low Observation haki 1/10

Quick draw 1/100]

[Carbon steel katana Peak Rare Dur:117.780/120.000

Enchantments: Increased Sharpness 3, Increased Durability 2, 20% Agi boost, 10%Strength boost

Mana gathering Bracelet Rare Dur:20.999/21.000

Low Level Enchantments:Mana gathering 2 (30 mana per min),Increased durability 2, 20% Agi boost

Necklace which retrains Peak Rare Dur:1.000/1000

Enchantments:Debuff 2 ( -30 to all stats, can be turned on and off), increased growth 2 (+20% EXP)] (A.N: Debuff and growth increase are more complicated so take up 2 spaces. 1 space per 5 lvl.)

________________________________After sparring with Pyrrha_______________________

'Today is the day.Today, is The day.' Today was the day Ryu would try out the ZOMBİE DUNGEON. As a fan of dungeon diving games he loved dungeons. But before excitement could get the better of him he made a few important notes.

'This dungeon may kill me, I will be fighting to the death. I will have to kill stuff. Ok, I'm totally and fully ready.' Ryu had his debuff off, his equipments durability had been repaired fully, he had all of them enchanted to the brim as every 5 levels brought the enchant limit per item up by one. He for motivation sake had used the Rare clothing of choice to get Senji Muramasa's clothes and enchanted them with {+30% Endurance, +20% Speed, Durability increase 2, Auto repair 1} which was pretty self explanatory, but the auto repair was nice because the item repaired itself. He had bought 2 +100 Hp potions, which were in his quick use slot where saying "slot 1" would cause him to consume the consumable in slot 1.

"Id create zombie."

Ryu suddenly saw everything as a blur, when it stopped he was surprised. He was still in his room and it was still night, but his room looked as if it hadn't been used in ages.

'So Id takes the shape of the place I'm in but changes it to fulfill its need. I guess there are zombies round her so let's get to hunting. I have been level one for two months now, I want to know what leveling up feels like.'

He jumped to the window at the opposite side of the room and then by holding the edge of his roof he swung himself on top of it. There he scouted his perimeter and found two zombies walking near it. The zombies had dusty and tattered clothes, parts of their flesh missing and bones showing. Ru made a plan to see how though these zombies were. He took a broken wood piece from his house and threw it to over the zombies so if they were to look there their backs would face him. Like planned the zombies turned their backs on him and went towards where he threw the wooden piece. Ryu grabbed the handle of his sword and slowly filled his blade with mana. One of the tricks he learned is that by manipulating and cowering his sword it would do more damage and depending on the amount he put in it , it could travel in the air. He put a little more than enough so the sword arc will definitely reach the zombies and at least injure them. He used his quick draw skill to express all his might as he swung his sword to increase the speed and power of the arc. As he swung, from the tip of the swords a thin line was traced on mid air and went towards the neck if the two unsuspecting zombies at 6 meters per second. In a matter of seconds a clean cut had separated the heads of the zombies fro their neck along with leaving a 3 meters long and 3 cm wide crater but that wasn't surprising what was, was the fact that the crater was a meter deep into the ground. Normally this would be impossible for him. Why it happened was because Ryu used his fine control to make the ark as thin as possible while also compressing it so it's just as durable.

[20 Ap earned, 260 exp earned.]

"*whistle* Damn didn't expect it to be that effective. Jarvis tell me when I level up or get a item, everything else is not important right now. Also tell me when there's 5 hours left till 6 AM."

Instead of using the same trick twice Ryu used his pure swordsmanship to take down the next 2 zombies. He couldn't cover his sword with armament haki but mana enhancement was more than enough to behead two unsuspecting zombies from behind. After that he used a bow with swords instead of arrow to kill 2 more from a distance. He notched another sword onto his bow, aiming it at a building he charged it with holy fire until it was super charged to test a theory. Well, firing it caused a 5 meters wide crater to be formed taking down 6 zombies which were inside the building he shot. Incase you were wondering he tested if any damage could pass onto the real world, no it doesn't but wounds do. It's a good thing he doesn't plan on getting hurt a lot because he's no M.

[Ryu, you have leveled up. You have gained 10 status points you can freely assign to any of your stats. You have completed the mission {I alone level up}, as rewards you have gained an additional 20 Sp(status point)]

'Nice, so it's like a video games point stuff ,but I won't use them as I have noticed that the higher my stats are the harder it is to raise them. Wait a fucking moment, Jarvis tell me does it become harder to raise ones stats after leveling up.'

[Yes. Yes it does]

'Why didn't you tell me?!'

[I am here to give you any assistance you need, but I can not tell you hidden features until you figure them out]

'*Sighhh* Id escape.' thankfully he had a box full of shit ton of accessories. Why? Well he was planning on making an item which stored the exp instead of discarding it like some Mc's. Well it could be useful at some point.

Everything blurred once again and Ryu appeared in his room. After a second he went and sat on top of his bed, his hand reached as the inventory opened with a box coming out of it. After taking the box out of it , he carefully taking out a necklace before he closed the box and put it back into his inventory. The necklace had a black chain with 2 jewels mounted on it separately, one of the jewels was red the other gold. Ryu proceed to enchant the gold one to collect the character Exp he was getting and redirect it at the red jewel where it will be stored. And with that the 'Levelo Freezo' was made. He didn't know why but everything that ends with A or O sounded cool.

[Levelo Freezo Chain Dur:2.100/2.100

Gold Jewel Dur:2.000/2.000 Exp:0/20.000

Enchants:Exp redirect , Exp Storage 2, Durability Increase 2

Red Jewel Dur:2.100/2.100 Exp:0/30.000

Enchants: Exp storage 3, Durability Increase 2] (A.N: Exp stuff is considered a higher level enchant therefore will use up 2 spaces at a time. As he levels up his enchantment skills the enchants which cost 2 or more will eventually cost one, and no it will not cost less than one.)

Thank you for the support. I will try my absoulte best to try and keep my fanfic of quality!! And thank you AvaDumot as your comment has touched my hearth!!!

*Cries manly tears*

Also were the fights good. My first time writing them. I put alot of effort into them.

Side note: I didn't forget about quests!It was all a trap. I know you fell for it because even I the creator fell for it!!

Leo_Valdez996creators' thoughts
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