
Reincarnation in Yu Yu hakosho

The journey of a guy through a world of spirits and ghost trying to become the strongest and enjoy his life,let’s see if his involvement in this world will change anything

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Beginning of a New Life

POV: Daisuke

As I started reading I was surprised at the amount of informations.

The Spirit World has a system in which they rank all beings within the three worlds, including the Living and Demon Worlds. These ranks are given based on the being's physical abilities (strength, speed, etc.) as well as the amount of spirit/demon energy they possess. They are separated into six classes, from weakest (E-class) to strongest (S-class), with three tiers (upper, mid, and lower) typically in each one.


The weakest class of all. Demons of this strength aren't strong or smart but they are incredibly violent. However, their strength is just above that of the average human. Most humans and Spirit World residents fall under this category.


The second to lowest class. Like E-class demons, they usually aren't very intelligent (with few exceptions) or exceptionally powerful; but their strength and endurance is super-human compared to an average human. However, compared to most demons they are very weak. The strongest humans with spiritual awareness in the world are all D-class.


This is about average strength for most demons. They are much stronger than E and D classes, but their power pales in comparison to the stronger classes.


This class is where the strength level skyrockets and is the beginning of the upper class demon power levels, where the difference between the previous classes is absolutely enormous. B class demons are far more powerful than C class demons, but they still can't compete with the higher classes. This is, in most cases, the strongest class of demon that can be found in the Human World.


The second to highest class, A-class strength level are almost exclusive to Demon World while the Kekkai barrier is up; the only exceptions are if a human attains this strength, a demon achieves this level in Human World, or if the barrier is destroyed and demons with this power can traverse to the Human World


class demons are the highest class. They are so strong that even a "low" S class' strength can completely devastate a large area,Demons who possess this strength are said to be godlike in power and are so strong that they are unable to exist within Ningenkai without affecting the fabric of reality. 

I have a lot of work to do to reach to top eh I thought to my self after seeing all this.

No matter I have time if I am twelve that means I have two years to prepare before the story begins

I should use this time to train my self in martial arts and create a balanced training plan consisting of psychical and spiritual training.

The training of my last life should help in this regard as for spiritual training I will start with the most basic of all and that's meditation to get a feeling for my demon energy and maybe get inspiration from all the anime's I watched.

But first and foremost let's get accustomed to my surroundings and this new body I thought to my self as I made my way to the bathroom to take a look at my self in the mirror and the sight before me was surprising to say the least I didn't expect to look like this I was tall child for my age i still had the chubby cheeks of a kid.

But what surprised me most where the eyes staring right back at me those purple eyes where quite the sight I had the feeling if I stared longer I would lose my self and complimenting them was a really dark shade of black hair.

Well I lucked out at least I ain't an ugly orge or a little midget like some other demon in this series I though sarcastically.

I moved around the appartament it was nice and cozy I had a bedroom a living room a kitchen a bathroom and even a guest I room

It seems modern and well taken care of that being must have done this I thought to my self as I took an old looking phone from the table and going through it I didn't find any information regarding the life of this boy it's like the moment I awakened I came to exist in this body directly.

At least I hope I have money to leave a comfortable life while I train as hard as I can.

Anyways after taking a look around I decided to go on a walk around town to see if I find a gym and maybe some martial arts dojo.

And so after I put on a black Shirt and blue jeans I went out of my home not forgeting to take the keys with me.


Walking around town has a unique experience to say the least the people are all friendly and nice I even received an apple from an old grandma down the street she even pulled my cheeks.

I know I am adorable but this is to much plus the stares won't stop for a long time.

I even found what I was searching for tomorow I will defently go and register at the gym and at the dojo for kendo.

As for money I am loaded to bad I can't use all of it, there was a limit on how much I can take out until I turn eighteen, but it doesn't matter the amount that I am allowed to take out is enough to feed a family of four for quite some times.

I even saw the school at wich the main protagonist attends and the one at wich I am apparently studying.

And as a last step I decided to go on a shopping spree and buy whatever clothes I liked.

After all this I went to my new home checked my status again just to make sure took a shower ate and threw my self in the softbetsm

And just like that my first day on this new world ended.