
The pathetic end with a new beginning...

In a garbage-filled room where you literally couldn't walk without falling on something, leftover food and beer cans lying on the floor, you could make out a big, fat figure sitting on a chair in front of a computer, looking dirty and unkempt. , greasy and long hair, a fat and horrible face, dirty full of pimples.

You could see on the computer table a lot of food scraps, with some bags of chips and cookies, you can see how he is entertained watching a video of his favorite content creator, while enjoying some sweet and delicious cookies, all normal no ...?

From one moment to another you can see how the figure begins to move desperately trying to spit something, while trying to scream to get someone's attention even though he knows that no one will come to help him because certainly who would want to help someone as useless as him?

Tired of his desperate and useless movements, he decides better to wait for his end, an end that, although he would not say it out loud, he has been waiting for for a long time...


Darkness is the only thing he can see...well that's what he's been thinking for a while now, he certainly can't prove it one hundred percent because he doesn't feel his body and much less does he know if he really has eyes to see.

In this time that he has been alone to think about his old memories, you would be surprised to know that this boy who previously had a fat and horrible figure, was once the most popular person in his city, was once loved by many women, he was once extremely handsome and muscular, he was once…loved.

Several memories come to his mind as he puts a sad smile on his non-existent face, if he had never dated that girl, if he had never won her lust that day, that would never have happened...

A memory flashes through his mind, a memory so vivid that he can feel it as if it were happening right now.


You can see the protagonist driving at high speed while he did not care about the cars that were ahead, next to him is a beautiful woman with such great beauty that if you had seen her you would be stunned with just one look, the two can see in a drunken state while having fun with the adrenaline of the moment oh damn adrenaline...

"Drive faster honey, I'm too hot to wait any longer!"

"Hold on a bit, that's what I'm on, not only are you hot, I'm eager to get there quickly!"

He said it while driving much faster, the woman who was next to him suddenly approaches him and starts kissing him not caring that she was driving oh big mistake...

From one moment to another a truck appears in front of him without him realizing it, paying more attention to the kiss than to the wheel...


-End Flashback-

He smiles bitterly, his fever won him over reasoning and unfortunately he crashed into the truck, was he able to save himself? yes but at what cost

He woke up in the hospital, ended up with a burnt face, incurable, ended up without a leg and ended up with two lives, all because of his idiocy...

Unfortunately one can think that this was the worst but no! He was certainly to blame but brazenly the relatives of the young woman and the man in the truck blamed him and sued him to get millions of money, he went bankrupt and worse still had to spend 8 years in jail for the murder of two people. ..

His life was horrible without his good looks and without his leg he could not get a job or a place to live, after years of looking for a job he found one as a helper on a fishing boat, he worked for several years to be able to get enough money to get out of his mother's house where he had lived those difficult years, his mother was always good to him, she always supported him and everything and when she found out about the accident and that he had gone bankrupt she was the first to support him.

oh her mother... her beautiful mother how much she missed her years ago that she had passed away and she always regretted the fact that she was never able to help her for the great favor she had done for her...

His mother had left him an inheritance and his house, as he was an only child, everything was for him, unfortunately he never knew his father, his mother always told him that his father was a tall, handsome and hard-working man, but one thing stood out more, his mother. he always told her that her father was a kind person with a charming personality.

how he wished he had met his father sometime or been able to see a photo of him, sadly his mother had no photos with him, saying that the photos had been burned with his old home.

Well continuing with his life, he lived in the house that his mother had left him, alone, to remove his depression and anxiety, he ate and ate until he was unrecognizable, that handsome and charming boy had been left behind to just be a horrible and repulsive man. fat, until he died pathetically because of a cookie, he smiles sadly his perfect life went from bad to worse...

"Well, it was certainly my fault. I sincerely regret my mistake, my son."

A great voice is heard from all sides until it is focused in one place and everything begins to light up.

An imposing and large figure, with a large beard and a large dress appears in front of him.


A feeling that he would never have thought to have at a time like this.

"oh that my son is for me, after several millennia you feel tired of seeing fear in people's eyes, as this is my domain I programmed it so that useless emotions such as fear and nervousness could not affect the persons"

"mmm understandable I would do the same if I had lived the same as you it would be very overwhelming"

"Yes indeed it is"

"Well, changing the subject, how is that about what was your mistake?"

"Oh yes, it was my mistake that this happened carelessly, one of my sons made a mistake, the truck was not for you, it was for the person behind you, but since you passed it, the truck went directly to you, my son in charge of the truck realized realized his mistake but it was too late and that happened"

He didn't know what to think, he certainly wanted to be angry and start yelling at him and reproaching him that it was his fault he had suffered this and that it was his fault he had to pay a penalty but he wasn't angry he didn't know why not maybe because of the modification of his domains or why honestly he had already accepted a few years ago that he should not blame anyone else that it happened because of his fault and irresponsibility he had already paid what he had to pay, his debts were already settled, that is in part because he accepted that he would die that day and he had no remorse.

"Certainly it is more because you have already accepted it than the modification of my domains, that my son is something that I honestly would not have expected from any human, you accepted your mistake and your debt has already been paid"

"But, I give you the opportunity to be able to reincarnate, live your life again, enjoy it this time, live it as you want, if you want to kill, kill, if you want to save, save, do what you want, my son, I am not going to give you any restrictions, rather I am going to give gifts so you don't have any problems in your next life, do you agree?"

I thought about it, it certainly sounded really good but did you really want that? If the proposal sounded excellent but he was waiting to be able to rest and maybe just maybe he would meet his mom again, oh shit how he needed her.

"mmm I see, very well I will make you a proposal you will live this next life that I am giving you in return you will be able to see your mother and say goodbye to her correctly, then do you accept?"

She said it while she smiled.

"I agree!"

I do not doubt it

Better yet, why doubt? he was giving him the wish he wanted so badly why refuse him.


She smiled as he snapped his fingers and all of a sudden she appeared... oh she appeared without any hesitation I jumped to hug her but when she gave him the hug she realized she certainly didn't have a body to do it with .

"oh sisi an apology I had forgotten"

With another snap of her fingers she could finally feel that she had a body and no more hug her mother.

"Mother! You don't know how much I missed you, how much I missed you!

She said it through tears.

"oh my little one, you don't have to cry, you know that I was always watching and caring for you, when you were drowning I did what I could to save you but the angels stopped me and told me not to do it that they will let you die so that you could be rewarded"

"That's the least of it, mom, how I missed you"

He said it as he hugged her mother tighter but not to the point of hurting her.

"I missed you too my little puppy, you don't know how much I missed you"

he said it while she hugged him as well, with some tears on her face.

they were embracing like this for a few minutes or even hours without separating from each other, when they finally separated they talked about the mother's experiences and some things about her son, when finally the time to see her was over, he hugged her and said goodbye to her with a smile and a few tears on her face, she then disappeared.

"A touching reunion I must say"

"thank you, thank you for letting me see her even for a few hours"

"You don't have to thank my son, I only fulfilled my part of the deal, now it's your turn to fulfill it"

"Of course, of course I'll do it"

"Well before you go I have to give you some information about the world you are going to and the gifts you will have"

"I understand"

"The world you are going to is a place where demons and humans are at war, you will certainly be born as a demon, the gifts will be to have a support system, all the types of magic where you will have to train them to be able to use it correctly, the ability of creation and destruction and immortality"

"I understand very good wishes"

"Certainly, the body you'll go with will be the first body you've ever had but it will be slightly changed by the demon bloodline so don't worry too much and enjoy your new life"

"Of course I'll enjoy it"

"Without further ado, I say goodbye, my son, one day we will meet again"

"goodbye god, and thanks for fulfilling my wish you don't know how much I appreciate you"

"You don't have to thank me, it was also a favor from your father"

"Wait wh-..."

the last thing he sees is God's smile and a dark figure behind him...

An apology if there is any spelling error, understand that English is not my first language, without further ado I hope you like it.

---------------------Su regalo es mi motivación de creación. Deme más motivación-----------------------

Harry_Sama7creators' thoughts