2 The longest training begins

" going after the god of war"

god of war: every day you will have war and martial arts class for seven hours.following with creation classes and medical classes. classes of knowledge will take place at night and practicals will be done on day.

god of magic-oi kid, you have to come every alternate day for magic classes .I have told god of creation I will tech you magic runes and symbols.so dont be late.

hikaru-how long do i have to stay .

god of war: dont worry we have increased your understanding capabilities so it wont take more than 100 years.

hikaru: 100 years?no way i cant stay here for 100 years.

god of war:but you were the one who said you wanted to learn everything.now we cannot do anything.

"So the classes got divided"

god of war(7 hours thrice a week)-weapon,martial arts and war techniques

god of magic(7 hours thrice a week)- magic,magic runes and symbol

god of creation(3 hours thrice a week)-magic equipments and weapons

god of medicine(3 hours thrice a week)-medicine,diseases and pill formations

god of wisdom(on seventh day)- give knowledge about the world's history magial beasts

rest of the time will be for self study.

hikaru: Fuck! even after dying I have to study.what the hell is wrong with my luck?

god of wisdom: Don't worry kid you won't even know when the 100 years have passed.Rest today and meet us tomorrow morning near the lake.
