chapter 1 : really ! this life is annoying

The smell of the rain was filling my lungs , the cold atmosphere calmed me and reminded me of home ,my name is mirin and have reincarnated ....yes i know its a lot to swallow but believe me that is not even the weirdest part ,i am a baby ... my dad the emperor of the empire know as " argen ".

believe it or not, i am a baby that has a fully developed brain ..but my limbs aren't . but being royalty is pretty nice ..according to the maids there are huge hot water springs located deep down under the castle which is only used by the royal members and right when i was thinking about the hot water touching my skin and the humid air steaming my face ,some lady in a black gown said "because of you my sister died ,you don't deserve anything you little shit " well since i was a newborn i couldn't show proper emotions and the only thing i could was cry so then i started crying.

"WHO IS CRYING SO LOUDLY IN MY FATHERS PALACE " and then he looked at me and said " oh its my half sister ,what a disappointment " right then a maid said " your majesty if the baby does not cry during birth it means the child has some sort of deformation so to clarify even your majesty cried during birth " she was true a new born baby must cry during birth or will be declared specially abled. " AN INSOLENT MAID LIKE YOU DESERVES TO DIE ,HOW DARE YOU SPEAK BACK YOUR MASTER ,GUARDS EXECUTE HER NOW !" well i being a cute little baby who was born 20 minutes ago ,who has under developed limbs and already wants go to the hot springs couldn't just lie down comfortably when a maid with sense was going to be executed ..so i did what any baby does when they are born i cried as loud as i could for 3 minutes straight and finished the supersonic super effective baby cry with tears streaming sown because my mini lungs pained a lot ..

my "big half brother " looked really astonished and remember that lady who cussed at me earlier about killing my mother yeah she was also surprised but almost immediately she raised her hand to slap me ,her face red and she looked really angry and in the corner of my eye i noticed that my "dad " the tyrant emperor of argen ,that dude was leaning on wall with arms crossed , she slapped me real hard ,okay but like any baby i cried but then i slapped her back with my small hands ,it felt good ! i must say the satisfaction of slapping a person mhm .. well i don't think you have to imagine her face . then my half brother pulled out is sword and came right at me but my father turned around and walked away ,my brother slashed the sword at me .. well i didn't die but some red coloured barrier protected me and a baby wolf appeared near me i was like me , like it was born just 20 minutes ago , it was so cute
