
Our Saviour...?

Evan roared defiantly, challenging his upcoming fate and his conscience started to fade away; just like a lamp in a storm, it tries to keep burning but the gales are too strong to sustain; it just leaves a final flare before it fades away.


After biting and ripping everything every limb of Evan's body the monster jumped over to claim the kill and finish him with a fatal blow. One rodent jumped over his back and grasped his neck.

Just as it was about to sever Evan's head from his body it stopped abruptly.


As if it was the manifestation of Evan's roar; a miracle happened, a loud howl that pierced through the sky spread throughout the forest.

The moment rodents heard the howl they stopped in their tracks as their bodies went stiff, even those who were just about to snap Luna's and Evan's necks stopped and moved back without any further movement.

As they looked above; they could only see the shadow of a Fox because it was floating in front of the moon, but they could see its eyes, just that was enough to strike fear into most of them.


Seeing the monster showing hostility towards them, they were already shaking in fear and retreated with any delay, the leader of the rodents had retreated, but that did not satisfy the monster.


With that roar it was like a declaration of war, if the rodents did not scram right away, they would have to fight to the death.

The black plague rodents were cowardly monsters at the bottom of the food chain, the arrival of another monster had already scared them but now that monster was showing his hostility, they just gave up without a second thought and ran away.

The monster slowly descended and looked over Evan and Luna who were lying in a pool of blood and the only thing remaining of their body was their head and chest region.

[Sigh, I was too late but now the priority is to save them] As the voice sounded, their bodies were covered in golden light as they disappeared.


After a few hours in a cave.

Evan could be seen sleeping peacefully on a stack of hay in a separate section of the cave system, something he hadn't been able to do ever since his parents went missing.

And who knows how but all of his injuries were gone, it looked so natural if not for some scars over his body nobody could tell what Evan had gone through.

Kiyuu !

Luna had just entered the room when she saw Evan was also safe. She had also healed, and her fur was pure white once again like it had never been dyed with her own blood.

Luna went near sleeping Evan as she rubbed her body over his chest, she licked his face in hopes of waking him up; she had been doing that for the past month.

Evan felt a familiar sensation over his face and chest as he was starting to wake up.

Everything was going perfectly when suddenly a memory flashed when he experienced a similar feeling where rodents were sitting over his body as they ripped apart his limbs.


Evan screamed as he experienced the pain through the memories once again.


Luna was shocked, she cried and called out to Evan several times in hopes of waking him up, but it just made it even worse.

Suddenly a woman appeared out of nowhere, and she kept her palm over Evan's head.


Soon a warm light enveloped him. Under its influence, Evan slowly calmed down and fell asleep once again. Then she picked up Luna and before Luna had a chance to free herself, they disappeared.


After some time, Evan opened his eyes and looked around him only to see cave-like walls and him lying on a haystack. This time as his memories resurfaced, he was calm.

It was like all the negative emotions had been suppressed, so even as those traumatic memories resurfaced, he did not experience them, he felt like a third person looking at someone's misery and felt a little bit bad for him, just a little.

Next, he got up instinctively but then remembered how he had lost his arms and legs but as he looked down; He was shocked when he saw his hands and legs were there, attached to his body working perfectly fine.

If not for finding himself in a completely unknown place and small scars all over his body, he might have thought that he just had a nightmare and a pretty bad one at that.

Evan was checking out if he still had any injury when he touched his cheek; it was a little bit moist.

' My body is completely dry, how come my cheek is moist? the one who does that is only ...'

"LUNA? Luna where are you?" As soon as he remembered about her, he started shouting in hopes that Luna could hear him.

[Oh, you are awake already?] a feminine directly transmitted to Evan's mind.

"W-who are you?" Evan asked shocked by the phenomenon. He could hear the voice but could not find the source of it.

[stop looking around you cannot see me. Anyways, quickly get changed and then follow the passage out of the room till the end leading into a big hall. We are waiting for you] the voice was transmitted once again.

Evan wanted to ask more questions, but he did not bother, it was not like his earlier question was answered anyway, so he might as well follow the directions and check out what was waiting for him.

He changed into the new clothes which were too big for him but if you were in his situation where Evan was only wearing underwear right now and even that was in tatters. Would you be able to reject the clothes?

Just like normal and sane people, Evan also wore the clothes without any complaint following the motto of ' something is better than nothing'.

After wearing clothes Evan came out of the room (cave section), he saw a long passage and across the passage, there were many rooms connected to it.

Evan checked a few but he did not find any human, so he did not bother checking the rest of the rooms and reached the end of the passage covered by a curtain.

He pushed it aside and went in, what he saw ahead was a huge hall whose walls were covered with some weird scribblings, but he did not pay much attention, most of his attention was on a huge throne at the end of the hall.

On the throne sat someone; when Evan got near the throne, he saw the person sitting on the throne and her appearance immediately smote him and he forgot everything else.

Her face was so beautiful and enchanting, her long scarlet hair cascaded like a waterfall while her white embroidered dress created a captivating contrast. She sat on the throne with dignity and grace while her long slender fingers moved through the fur of a white wolf on her lap.

' Huh…a white wolf? Luna!'

As soon he saw Luna, he came out of the trance and remembered everything.

"Hey, you release Luna right now!" Evan shouted as he ran and quickly reached in front of the throne.

 Seeing him, Luna got restless, and she slipped out of the grasp woman's grasp and ran towards Evan.

He quickly picked her up. "Thank god, you are okay," he said as he checked if she had any injuries because the monsters also attacked her.

Only after confirming her well-being did, he place her behind him and look at the woman sitting in front of them.

Evan took out a Kitchen knife that he had gotten while checking a room on the way, he did not find any human but that does not mean he did not find anything useful at all.

"Who are you? and where are we? and how can we return to Thorn village?" Evan asked her as he pointed the kitchen knife at her.

The woman did not reply she merely chuckled and vanished from her spot and before Evan could recover from the shock, she appeared behind him and picked up Luna saying.

"Well, that was something new, I never imagined the first human I get to meet after so many years would point a weapon at me and that too a kitchen knife; is this a new trend or something?"

Evan was shocked and spooked as she suddenly appeared behind him and by the time he turned back, she had already disappeared with Luna. When he turned and looked at the throne, she had already returned to her position with Luna sitting on her lap.

Seeing how she could have easily killed them if she wanted to do so, Evan changed his stance and threw away the knife, it's not like he could use it to fight with her.

"Good thinking," she said while clapping "If you would have been any more disrespectful, I would have to use some strict methods" As she finished her sentence; her eyes shined, and Evan suddenly felt immense pressure which forced him to kneel.

When he tried looking at her the beautiful woman and graceful woman was replaced with the silhouette of a huge red fox with nine tails. Looking at her now, I suddenly remembered my bedtime story where monsters transform into humans.

Before Evan was forced to lie down due to the pressure, the pressure suddenly disappeared like a puff of smoke. Evan slowly got up.

"I'm sorry for such rude behaviour, it's just that after going through so much when I saw Luna with you, I was scared you might harm her and then..." Evan was about to say more but she raised her hand and asked him to stop.

"I know what happened and how bad your condition was, if not for my timely arrival and healing both of you, you two might have lost your lives." She spoke.

Evan was taken aback for a moment, as he realized that his actions, albeit unintentional, he had threatened our saviour who saved us from monsters and treated us.

'How shameful and ungrateful of me.'

Evan gritted his teeth as he understood what he had done was unacceptable. He had hurt her pride and goodwill, and to compensate Evan was even ready to put down his pride and ego that he had earned during this short span of six months.

"Thank you so much for saving us, I have no for to show my gratitude, but I will return this favour once I get strong enough in the future." he was about to kneel to show her his sincerity, but she once again appeared in front of him and stopped him.

"Hahaha, no need to do the unnecessary stuff and to be honest if not for you freeing me, I wouldn't have been able to save you, so it is you guys who saved yourselves, hence as far as I am concerned our debts are already settled." She spoke.

'Huh...? What does she mean by that?'

"It's a long story let's discuss it as we eat, speaking of which do you know how to cook? If yes, then could you please make something delicious, I haven't for ages." She said with a cute pleading expression.

Evan was left speechless once again.













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