
You Don’t Have A Sense Of Humor

A few minutes before Thanatos descended on the Fourth Layer of the Underworld…

Calli, who had just left the Fourth layer after meeting Erinys, suddenly found herself frozen in place. 

Suddenly, her entire vision was warped by a bright flash of light. When the light receded, she found herself face to face with the God of Death, whose eyes had already started to blaze crimson.

"You have met Erinys," the God of Death stated. "Tell me, where did you see my daughter?"

It wasn't a question, but a direct order, making Calli's body shudder. All of the Ferryman of the Underworld were personally chosen by the God of Death. 

They had gained a unique privilege that others could only dream of in the Underworld, which had allowed them to live a life of comfort. However, all of them were subject to the whims of the God of Death.

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