
Men’s Intuition

The Grand Archmage of the Kraetor Empire, Evexius, looked at the list that was given to him by the elves, along with the ring that contained the items that they had brought beforehand. 

The ones written on the list were rare resources that could only be found on the Silvermoon Continent, and the Grand Archmage had to admit that the Elves had given them an offer that was very hard to refuse.

Naturally, since it was just written on a piece of paper, it held no value whatsoever. However, if the Elves were to really prepare and send them the things that they had written on the list then the Kraetor Empire definitely profited from this exchange.

The Young Empress didn't even bother to look at the Elves' offer because she was confident that the Grand Archmage would be a better judge than her when it came to valuable resources. She might be smart, but being smart didn't mean that she was a walking encyclopedia who knew everything about the world.

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