
Reincarnated With The Strongest Bloodline

An unremarkable man, who leads a mediocre life until he discovers that he's the long sought after serial killer. Owing to the secret existence that dwelled within himself, he ends up with two bullets lodged into his skull. Just when he was glad his pathetic life was over; [Greetings and welcome to your afterlife, the incinerator, unclean soul. In your previous life, you carried out several atrocities...] Against his weak protests he is plunged into an unknown world as a forsaken son of a god with the goal of atonement and purification of his soul.

Arrkein · Fantasy
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230 Chs

Cultivation Based Power System Explained

This world is called Ancieru within it there are different races whom can manipulate the universal energy called Gi.

The first step to manipulating Gi is to create something called a Hub/Territory which is an entire world within your mental space.

The Hub has different levels, its level is determined by the colour of the Hub's star (sun)

1. White

2. Grey

3. Red

4. Purple

5. Obsidian

The Hub evolves by being fed Gi and it usually takes many years for anyone to breakthrough from white to grey and even harder to the next levels.

Gi interacts differently depending on which race or bloodline you're from. This is determined by the '3 sacred discplines' namely, the soul, the body and the mind. Each individual can only manipulate Gi through one of these disciplines and the choice on which one can use is entirely up to where and to whom they're born.

Upon creating your Hub there are different power classes which are called gates. There's of course gate zero, which is the foundation. A strong foundation is important for any warrior.

1. Novi (this gate has three stages before one can ascend to the next gate)

2. Mortal gate (five stages)

3. Primordial gate (seven stages)

4. Void Gate (nine stages)

5. Omni gate (infinite)

Breaking through between gates requires special fruits. For the foundation gate you only need Eidolon/Riel Stones which is a material with concentrated Gi.

1. Hydra Tears

2. Unicorn Hair

3. Fairy Freckles

4. Phoenix Flame

5. Dragon Heart

Each of these fruits have different grades depending on how many stages the gate has. For example, with Novi gate you need Hydra Tears, making this fruit be 3 grades. With Unicorn Hair it has 5 grades and so on and so forth.

Using a grade 3 fruit while you're still maybe at stage 2 will cause unimaginable consequences. It could cause insanity which brings us to an entirely different topic.

I've touched a bit about sins in the chapters, but I doubt it needs a chapter explanation. If you have any questions, feel free.


The Soul discipline is subservient to the Body.

The Mind discipline is subservient the Soul.

The Body discipline is subservient to the Mind.

Of course the above doesn't mean anything if the two people are in different stages or gates. There are other exceptions.

If someone is a hybrid like Levi, it's possible to inherit attributes from both races but it's impossible to inherit two different disciplines.

Example, if you're half human and half elf, humans here manipulate Gi through their souls while Elves do it through their minds. So if you're half of each, you'll only inherit the soul, since the mind is subservient to the soul.