
Chapter 7:Merchant’s Guild

System:Ring! Ring! Ring! User walk up, it's morning.

Shomei:"Yawwwn* thanks System, I'm up. I slept great last night. How abou-, Wait do you even sleep?"


Shomei:"That's sad"

System:Don't worry about it, not sleep doesn't effect me.

Shomei:"Don't you get bored?"


Shomei:"That even more sad if you can't get bored"

System:I think it's a good think to be incapable of being bored.

Shomei:"I know it kinda is, but it still kinda sad you for to be alone and awake all night"

System:Don't feel bad.

Shomei:"I guess... Now that I think about it, I should give you a name instead of just calling you System"

System:Ok, there's a customization option. The User can name me, change my voice, and change my accent, etc.

Shomei:"Now I just feel like I'm changing the settings on Siri or Alexa"

System:But unlike them, the User can change my name.

Shomei:"Still doesn't make me feel any different"


Shomei:"Huuu... Whatever, I'll call you Eva and just change your voice to a girl"


Shomei:"You just sound like Alexa now"

Eva:You weren't pacific.

Shomei:"Sigh* fine, make your voice sound like... Hmmm... (Insert Favorite Kuudere; Rei Ayanami from Neon Genesis Evangelion, Origami Tobiichi from Date a Live, Blake Belladonna from RWBY...), alright"


Shomei:"Can you say something other than Ok?"

Eva:... Affirmative.

Shomei:"facepalm* Whatever"

Getting up, I used [D. Clean] on myself because I didn't have a restroom here and I was to lazy to go through the hassle of making a restroom.

Although making a house wouldn't really be hard, determining the materials and colors of the floor, walls, and furniture would take a lot of mental energy that I don't have right now.

Shomei:"Wait, how do I exit from my Inner World?"

Eva:Imagine the location of where the User fell unconscious to enter, and now imagine a "teleporting" there or imagine a portal there.

Shomei:"If I make a portal, I can bring other people in here right?"


Shomei:"Maybe I should let the slaves I save live here" After saying that, I "teleported" out of my Inner World; back in the forest.

Walking back into town, I went to the adventurers guild to check when and where the B rank test was taking place.

Asking Linda, I found out that the test was at the beginning of next mouth or in a week and I just needed to show up at 12 o'clock noon.

Linda also told me that Hrungnir was in the back training right now as a part of his daily exercise.

While I was here, I checked if there was any good quest I could do.

Since there wasn't any strong monsters nearby and bandits came here a lot, most of the quest was taking down a group of goblins, dire wolves, or slimes and guarding merchants.

Seeing nothing of interest, I leave the adventurers hall.

Shomei:"What to do now? I should probably save the slaves just in case anything bad... well anything worst happened to them"

Shomei:"Although I could level up my sensory skills to easily find them, I'm going to challenge myself not to do that. It would be boring otherwise"

Eva:... decides not to be OP when someone needs saving.


Eva:Nothing, I just thought that you should go to the merchant guild and see if they're selling information on slaves.

Shomei:"That's a good idea, what are the directions to the merchants guild hall then"

Eva:Go 0.4 miles to your right and turn left and go another 0.7 miles.



Reaching the merchants guild hall, the building is similar to the adventurers guild hall in that there both made of better materials than the other building.

The merchants guild hall had another building dedicated for the horse used to pull their wagons.

Walking inside, the staff lady was a young lady in her late twenties. Although the staff lady wasn't really pretty, she looked nicer than the staff members at the adventurers guild. Which is probably due to her using her "looks" to get better deals when trading.

Walking up to the staff lady, Shomei:"I would like to buy information on slaves" I whispered.

Hearing me, she looked a around before signaling be to follow her into one of the back room.

Following her, I enter a room that had decent furniture compared to what I have seen so far.

Seeing me sit down, staff lady:"Wait here, I'll get someone who'll be with you shortly" after saying that, she left.

Alone, I realized that I'm only wearing a shirt and pants from modern earth. Shomei:"Maybe I should try to fit in more" Saying that, I made myself a black mage robe with sliver accents at the end of my sleeves and along the hood and down.

Shomei:"Hmmm... I don't think this is enough. Eva, is there away for me to enchant this robe?"

Eva:In your current situation and location, no. I recommend the User to create an already existing magic robe

Shomei:"Ok, pick me out a the best robe then"



[X+. Master Robe of Destruction]


- 150% Mana Regeneration.

- 25% Reduction of Mana Cost of casting Destruction type spells.

- Fire Immunity.

- 90% Magic-Damage Resistance.

- 75% Physical-Damage Resistance.


- 5x[Ancient Demonic Elder Dragon Scales]

- [Ancient Demonic Elder Dragon Heart]

- 300x[Apocalypses Mother Spider Silk]

- 3x[Perfect Chaotic Mana Stone]

- 2x[Dark Adamantine]


Putting on the robe was mostly made of black smooth scales while the inside was made of a violet silk, with a triangle draped across the front of the body. The draped triangle, sleeves, and hood was accented with a dark red metal. The Robe also came with a violet silk sash to rap around my waist.

(Door Opens)

Merchant:"I hope I didn't keep you waiting"

Walking in, I saw a chubby man in white tights and a fancy green tunic with yellow accents while the staff lady from behind was behind the man, surprised by my new robe. Which is logical since it wasn't on me earlier and I didn't have a bag on me to keep it in.

Shomei:"No, don't worry about it. I didn't wait long"

Merchant:"Thank goodness. So I heard that your looking to buy slaves"


Merchant:"Isn't that what you came here for?"

Hearing the misconception going on, the staff lady stretches out her hand to get the merchant's attention. Before she could get the merchant's attention, Shomei:"Ah Yes. I did want to buy slaves, can you show me what you got?" Hearing what I said, the staff lady takes back her hand.

Merchant:"Of course, follow me o' great mage"

Shomei:"You flatter me"

Following the merchant, we walk farther down the hall before stopping in the middle of the hall. Bending down, the merchant pulls up the wooden planks off the floor, revealing a secret stairway leading underground.

Walking down the stairs, the merchant makes small talk. Merchant:"So what type of slaves would you like to buy? We have high quality females if your looking for someone to warm your bed at night"

Shomei:"Oh N-"

Merchant:"I would like to mention that we just got a new batch, so none of the girls have been touch yet. Still pure as a white daisy"

Shomei:"... Really"

Merchant:"Oh course, are organization has the best slaves in the country. But I have to warn you, we're only an transportation point and most of the slaves here are going to be moved. So purchase them while you still can"

Shomei:"... Ok"

Shomei:Buying slaves is the same thing as saving them right? I'll live a happier life in my Inner World right? I can create almost anything they want to... this is right, right? yeah... yeah, this is the right thing to do. Plus I won't I won't have to kill anyone to save them. That's another good thing right?

Eva:... this is ok, we need the User to start a harem. We have to start making this novel rated +18... this is ok. (MC can't hear Eva)

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