
Chapter 5


Name: Adrian Von Veridian

Gender: Male

Age: 0.9

Level: 1

Race: Human

Guild Rank: None

Status: Veridian Family's First Born

Family Name: Veridian

Family Rank: Low-Noble

Family Status: Crashed Noble Knight house

Experience: 0/600

Health: 3/4

Mana: 0/4


- Strength: 2

- Perception: 1

- Endurance: 1

- Charisma: 1

- Intelligence: 5

- Agility: 1

- Luck: 2

- Magic Power: 1


- Domain (Enchant to Access)



Im finally level 1 and my attributes have gone up.

OOH! Intelligence is 5 huh, and I gained a little of Strength and Magic Power.

But look at my Skill. I finally unlocked Domain!

I immedietly noticed a ray of ember particles floating around me.

The room became dark, and the only source of light in the room was the light eminating from the particles.

The particles concentrated into a rectangle, and moved to make the shape of letters.


Congratulations! You have Unlocked the Domain Skill

Now Unlocking the Panel...



Welcome to the Domain Skill's Panel

This Panel is only visible to you

Domain Level: 1

Domain Subskills: [Mental Enchantment]

[Translation] [Mana Control]

Domain Points: 0

Open Shop


Ayo! This is way cooler than what I expected it would be.

OOOH! Look at the Subskills, Mental Enchantment, Translation and Mana Control huh

Translation will help me a lot more reading the book now!

I wonder what Mental Enchantment does?

"Mental Enchantment will give you the ability to think faster and better" a robotic voice came from the panel floating ahead of me

Woah! It can talk aswell?

"Mental Enchantment also had a time limit and a cooldown. You will be given one minute of Mental Enchantment per week" the panel said.

Well everything had to have a downside.

On the upside, I will be smarter now won't I?

Ok Panel! What is Mana Control?

"Mana Control allows you control Mana, However, your Magic Power and Mana are very low right now."

"You will only be able to cast Menial spells"

Ok... How can I level up my Magic Power and Mana?

"There are different tasks you can do to increase your stats. You can train Magic Power and Mana by using Mana Control" the Panel said.

Ok.. Well I guess I could have expected that.

I mean, its a no brainer.

"Additionally, you can increase our stats from Combat" Panel said.

Combat huh.

It will be a long time before I have to use my own two hands against someone.

When will I ever be able to live without suffering from problems?

As a part of the Veridian family, Won't I have to go to battles?

I guess it guaranteed to go to the Army in a Knight House isn't it?

As I was contemplating myself again.

I began to feel sleepy.

Once again, this baby body cannot handle all of the work that im doing.

I laid on my crib, and slowly closed my eyes.

Goodnight Panel.

In the morning, I woke up super early

Ok, how do I begin using Mana Control?

"Since you have the Domain Skill, you only have to think about it. And it will happen" Panel popped up.

Oh, I forgot about Panel.

Ok, if I do it right, I only have to think about releasing Mana from my body

and Manipulating it.

I began to feel as if I was out of my body, While still being in my body.

I could move my hands.

I felt the Mana from inside my body, I could feel very little of it.

I softly grabbed the Mana with my hands. The tingly feeling, like I was touching electricity.

It tickled me, but I was able to move it away from my body.

"Don't remove to much of it, or you'll be tired" Panel said.

Ok, I brough out just enough for it to be see able.

Now What Panel?

"Now Imagine flowing water, turning into raindrops" Panel said.

I closed my eyes and imagined the path of a river, going to a waterfall

and falling down to earth.

Clouds surrounding the water.

I opened my eyes.

And to my surprise, it was raining.

In my room, just in front of me, a small cloud, sprinkled water on the wooden floor.

This scene calmed me, it made me safe.

But, I thought I had very little mana, How was I able to do this much?

"Your Skill far exceeds those of this world, you cannot compare your mana to other beings" Panel said.

"One tiny drop, could be a pool for anyone else" Panel said.

"But right now, you are as weak as a mere f-class adventurer" Panel followed up.

Awww! Why did you ruin the fun you dummy!

Enough of getting angry because of this Panel.

I can only train harder if I want to have peace.

I've set my goal to train everyday, and sleep.

I love sleeping!

For the next couple of hours I trained.

I couldn't cast other elements just yet because of my Magic Power

But I was getting better at imagining using Water.

Soon after that, I got an unexpected visit from someone.

Mila came back to my room.

"Master Adrian, I am sorry for my behavior yesterday." Mila said.

Thanks for reading! This one is really short sine I didn't have a lot of time on my hands while writing.

Karrotxzcreators' thoughts
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