
Hunting points Baby

In an forest you could see Jordaine running through a forest being chased by a pack of giant wolves.As the wolves came closer you could notice Jordaine biting on his thumb.

Jordaine:"Third Grear!"

His fist then became gigantic as he armaments it with haki making the colour of his fist turning black.

Jordaine:"Gum-Gum Elephant Gun!"

His giant fist then sent all the wolves flying killing some while seriously injuring others.

[x10 wind walker wolf killed 10000 system points gained]

Jordaine:"Sweet I got some new recruits, well then 'Arise' "

Ten of the wolves shadow then sprung up out of the ground staring at they're new master.

Jordaine;"Okay guys take me to your alpha" (I wonder how the guys are doing)

-------Three hours ago------

In a clearing you could see three boys about the age of five having a conversation.

Jordaine: "Okay so system what can you do"

System:[Well host I have the shop, inventory, status, summons,maps,gacha,quest communications and world travel options]

Jordaine::Wait everything else is self explanatory but what is communications"

System:[Communications give you the ability to communicate with other system users no matter what universe or alternate timeline of that said universe the host is in]

Jordaine:"Okay neat but don't think I'll need using the summoning system much.Status"





Legacies:Son Goku/Sun Jin Woo /Monkey D Luffy


Gum-Gum fruit-give the user a body made of rubber giving the user the ability to stretch and is able to lower damage when hit by blunt objects.

Instant mastery

Rulers Authourity-allows the user to grab enemies or a objects from a certain distance.

Quick silver

Voilent slash

Shadow Extract-Extract the shadow of defeated to enemies by turning them into servants

Shadow exchange-this skill allows the user to swap places with a shadow servant no matter where the shadow is

Zenkais-what doesn't kill you make you stronger

Ki control

Ki sense


Instant transmission

Observation haki

Armamentation haki

Conqueror haki

Skills points-0

Jordaine:"Not bad by the way do we have beginners package?"

Ajani::"What's a beginners package? "

Jordaine:Technically it's what the mc of the novel give them a good foundation in whatever world they're living."

Jeffery:"Sweet so Audrey can I get my beginners package!"


Ajani:"Audrey really man well I guess I should name my system too, how about Veronica!"

Jordaine:"Well ill just call mine Julie."

Jeffery:"Sweet I got rumble-rumble fruit and 50,000 system points!"

Ajani:"Neat I got all three of Zorro's swords and the same amount system points."

Jordaine:"Oh dude a got kick ass fedora!!!"

Jeffery:"Really a fedora."

Ajani:"You gotta admit it does look really cool."

Jordaine:"Well anyways let's split up and earn some system points that way we could buy the same ship Goku went to Namek in for gravity training, by the Julie how much is it for the shipl"

Julie:[That would be 100,000 system points]

Jordaine:"Well shit that's expensive good thing we're half there well guys, Gum-Gum Rocket!" as he said that his arm then stretch and latches on a random tree th blasting him off in an random direction when he landed in front a pack of giant wolves out hunting.

*Flashback ends*

Jordaine:"Holy crap that's a huge cave! Ah well should make this more." as he said you can see predatory look on his face as he took two daggers.

*Far north of Jordaine's current location*

You could see Ajani could be seen surrounded by several large polar bears.

Ajani:"How the hell is it snowing and why hell are there so many damn polar bears" one of the polar then swipe at Ajani to which he dodged then cleany chopped it's head off.

Ajani:"Ah screw it there's no use thinking about! Three sword style : Dragon twister." A huge tornado could now be seen in the surrounding area killing all polar bears in the surrounding area.

Veronica:[×13 Snow Fang Polar bear killed 13,000 system points gained]

*In another part of the forest*

As Jeffery was walking searching for dem free points he sees some monkey the size of an human adult with redish fur with yellow highlight torturing what could be seen as a small wolf pup with golden coloured fur with black lightning bolt marks on it .


Monkey fodder:"KIIIIIIIKIIIII !!!!"

Black flames then could be seen igniting on the five monkeys burning them alive

Audrey:[×5 Burning fist Monkey killed 5000 system points gained ]

Golden pup:"whimper"

Jeffery:"Hey hey calm down I won't hurt you" Jeffery then started to softly stroking the puppy while speaking in calm soothing voice which helps calm the little pup.This peace wouldn't last as giant gorilla jump down from the trees causing an mini earthquake.

Giant Monkey fodder:"OOH AHH AHH!!"

Jeffery:"Bastard you just have to interrupt my cuddle time huh I'll freaking kill you!" as he armaments his fist in lightning

(AN)/So this one is arm a bit longer than the first chapter I hope you armless enjoy reading my novel and again I'm new at this so please point the mistakes I make and give me ideas for the world's we will visit in the future\

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