
Reincarnated with an Attention Seeking System

Like my any other works, I might go into a hiatus and I don't know when I'll be back. Anyway, this is a mix of a fanfic and an original. It's about a World where Portals appeared around the World and extraterrestrial like Demons and Angels appear. Our mc won't be a coward but he is also not dumb, you don't need to worry about that. Of course, he might make a dumb decisions but it's for the plot but I'll try to tone it down. Also, he might show smartness but only to my brain capacity so, most of the time he will be dumb and normal at the same time like any teenager do. But as time goes on, he'll mature enough like all of us do but I don't know when cause like I said, it's my behavior and my brain capacity. I'm quite playful you know but not dumb but do dumbshit most of the time which we go through our lives. Anyway, Ciao

Forgettable_Author · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 - The Beginning

Somewhere, in a beautiful but dangerous world where demons, humans, and angels fight on a daily basis, It's a world full of opportunities and dangers where you can get a precious treasure from an inauspicious rock, but also where the dangers can be seen or felt as if even your teammates can be a danger to yourself. In this world, there are places known as portals where you can be teleported to another dimension of its own universe or world, where you'll get a brand new identity. You can be a commoner or a king depending on your luck.


This is the story of a hunter and an otaku who was killed by his teammates like the story in a book. He goes by the name, Prince. Prince is a man of fortitude and kindness, he help the needed and protect them from danger. He is a great hunter that loves animals. He loves adopting animals as he see himself like them who where abandoned on this forsaken world where the world run by a rule of strong.


Because of that damned rule, he worked his ass of for 10 years until he became one of the most prominent hunter, an S rank hunter with a skill called Nature's Call. A skill that calls upon the nature or should I call it summoning disasters. It's a overpowered skill that let's the user call disasters, altering landscapes, summoning the plants and everything that's aligned with Nature. 


At first, Nature's call was known as the weakest skill because in the early stage, it only works by summoning a weak vines that can break by even a baby and thus, Prince life was the hardest in the early stages but as he practices with it more and more, he saw the potential of his skill that he develop it to it's strongest.


With the Nature's call, he can make the demons scared for it's life when facing him and because of his skill, the Angels aren't hostile to him and only him. 


While the Angels aren't hostile to him, humans are a different matter. They started to covet his skill and tried to use him like speeding up the growth of crops in the name of feeding poor people, which is using his kindness. These is just one of the few things that's been done to him and there are even attempted assassination but because of his Nature's call, he was always protected 24/7 except when he CANCEL the skill.


Thus, in just a slight mistake of letting his guard down to his trusted companions. He was ganged up by them.


" You Bastards!?" Prince said in disbelief and anger as he looked at his trusted companions.


" Don't look at us like that Prince, you should know how the world works right? It's all about benefits and since it is quite tempting. We all agreed to the contract. Well, any last words?" Ron, the oldest and has the most experience of them all, said sneering.


" Yeah, it's not like you can pay us the amount they gave to us. If you're curious how much they paid us, I'll tell you. They offered us around 10 billion for your head. Just treat it as a gift from us okay" Vic mockingly said.


" Looks like my poison is taking an effect on you effectively. Well, I have a trust on my skill, even an archangel can be affected by my poison" Warlos said while fixing his eyeglass with his middle finger as if mocking Prince.


Prince looked at them with hatred and sadness as he has been together with them for 10 years and because of some devil's offer, they killed him.


" Remember this fuckers! I will hunt you down and kill you all with my own two fucking hands! Do you hear me! I'll kill you all!(cough blood)" Prince's consciousness slowly fade away as he looked at their faces one more time before lying to the ground, sleeping eternally.






In some remote planet where humans live peacefully, a guy around 18 years old was looking at his phone when a notification pop up.


[ Do you want to reincarnate with the mentioned benefit:

Attention Seeking System

Starter Pack:

- Skill-up Stone

- Memories of Prince ]


" Eh? What's with this ads? Is this a joke? Well, it won't hurt if we click it right. It's not like it's like those stories where they got reincarnated by just some ads aaaAHHHH.." The guy said but as he press the confirmation button, a blinding light engulfed his entire body.







Back to Planet X-14


"Ugh, my head hurts!" The guy said. Suddenly, fragment of memories from Prince overloaded his head as he pass out.


Minutes later, he woke up groggily but clear eyes.


" Looks like I've got the memory of Prince successfully and it seems I've reincarnated to a kid named King. Thankfully, I don't have the resentment of Prince toward his Teammates which is something I like as it is quite annoying if I have that from the multiple novels and mangas I've read till I was at the present" King said and looked at his status board.


He know the basic of operation for the system because of all the novels and mangas. He also know that in the near future, there is a possibility that he'll become a slave of the system which he must have a plan to counter the control of the system for the betterment of his future. But for the present, he must use it to it's full capability.


[ Status

Name: King ( King Albinus IV)

Age: 5

Level: 1

Mp: 100/100



Strength: 4

Stamina: 7

Agility: 5

Durability: 4

Intelligence: 10

Luck: 10

Mana: 20



Skill: Water Control Lvl:1


Note: Normal Adult has 10 to all of it's stats except for Mana

Note[2]: Mana can be varied by each person, some has 1 or some has 10. Which is the max for a unawakened person 

Note[3]: The attributes might be changed in the future to the letter ranking E to EX]


" Albinus? Is that some royalty name or just a normal last name? I think I've heard... No, Prince heard about that last name before, it was in some portal he visited and had a worst time because it's a world where everyone uses water based power. Some are weak at using it and some are strong that they can control a huge amount of water that weighs around thousand tons or more. Well, they are not that versatile of using it though as one of the locals said to me that the bigger the better. " King muttered, recalling the memory of Prince.


" The question is... Where am I? Am I at the same world as Prince or the guy from earth? I might as well discover it on my own. There's no point in dwindling here. I can also practice my skill to an acceptable level. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten the memory of King but it's quite a coincidence that this body is named King while the memories I've got was from Prince. Heh, what if the name of the Guy from earth is Butler or something " 


Then, a sharp pain assaulted his head as he grimace from the pain.


" The fuck!? I was just guessing and it really is Butler! Who the fuck name their kid Butler? From the memories of Butler, he is also an orphan and love watching anime, mangas, and novels. Except, he isn't like the type of guy who like to cosplay even though he is not a shy guy or anything. He just doesn't liked it "


King walked away from his previous location while training his Water Control skill.


" I am at the forest where I have to find or hunt my own food. Thankfully, I can manipulate water and filter out the filthy things in it but I have to be around level 2 for my skill to be able to filter the harmful bacteria. Right, I have the Skill-up Stone. I wonder what it could do?"


King opened up his inventory and see an inauspicious looking stone. He took it out and the system does it's thing, showing the description.


[ Skill-up Stone


Description: A stone that can level up a skill by one and has a 0.001% of evolving the skill to it's one of evolution ]



" That's quite nice and looks depressing at the same time. Well, I just want to level up my skill anyway. System, use the Skill-up Stone for my skill" King confidently said as the stone was consumed and break into a fragment of lights that slowly sipped into his body before reposing at the glowing white orb inside his head.


[ Skill: Water Control has successfully leveled up to Lvl 2 ]


" Looks like I'm not that lucky at all. I am not hoping for my skill to evolve... Well, a little bit. Anyway, I've got to find a place to live. Somewhere safer for me " King said before settling down to an abandoned cave which is near to a stream. Must be luck(plot) working.


Seeing that the sun is in the middle, King uses his old knowledge of knowing the time. It's 12 pm. King praise himself for knowing which was thanks to his two memories. Anyway, he go out to the stream and uses his water control to kill fishes. Using the knowledge of Prince, he light a fire using the ancient method, using stones. He did it the first time thanks to the survivalist skill of Prince from his starting days of being a Hunter.