
Trying To Find Ways Of Communication


"I see! So you want to cook something for my son, alright." My mother instantly liked that. "Let me teach you some easy recipes for pastries then, dear." She said, while we were already eating breakfast.

"Aaah! Thank you so much, Auntie Faylen!" Celica smiled adorably.

"You can just call me mother-in-law if you want, no problems with that." My mother giggled a bit, although Celica didn't seem to get the meaning behind those words.

"I think Auntie Faylen is good enough!" Celica smiled, as she was preparing the dough.

"A-Ah, sure, don't worry…" My mother seemed slightly disheartened.

"Mom, you can't just force her." I whispered to her. "Leave her be. If she has feelings or not, that's up to her."

"Yes, I know." My mom nodded. "S-Sorry about that, I did get ahead of myself, haha…"

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