
Dear Kaguya

I would like to start with a letter.

Kaguya, I want you to read this letter before I die.

If you never find this letter, then I will get ratioed in heaven.

But if you find this letter, I want you to know that you are such a bad - I mean, I am in love with you, basically I was, because if you read this letter, I'll be in heaven eating grapes.

Ah, I wanted to know more about you; I still regret the fact that I did not make a move on you. You were always so sweet and beautiful. You were always so different from others. I never had the guts to approach you. I was just sitting on a bench and looking at you, your hair, your pretty smile, your extraordinary beautiful eyes.

I wish I had time to talk to you, but I never will, and I do not have much time left, so yeah, I should have talked to you when I had the chance. That's a regret I'll carry around with me in other life, along with my other regrets and mistakes.

If you are reading this letter, I wish you the best.

Izumi, a boy you never had a chance to talk to.

P. S

Now I would like to say something to you, the one who is reading this right now.

Promise me something, and that is to dare, dare to do something you love. You know, this world sometimes seems unfair. I am sure you have been in a situation where you have felt inferior to others, but believe me, you have never been an inferior.

There are always people who judge you for everything you do or people who are just better than you, but that's how life works.

If you want to change and prove them wrong, start changing, you can do anything, you are not weak at all, you are strong, you are not stupid, you are smart.

Make your own success and stigmatize this world by your presence, okay, that's a bit too much, but for certain you can become a successful person.

In conclusion, please just go and talk to the girl or the boy that you have an extra rapport with and do not be a wimp.

these words with a lot of love.

_ _ _ _ _

The sun disappeared from the horizon, and that was the moment when I drew my last breath. Before I died, I felt my mother's tears roll onto my left hand. It was cool as a snowy landscape.

Ah, I wanted to do so many things before I flew away, but I just did not; I was stuck in a damn bed for a whole year watching TV, especially anime. I had a love for this art. Also, a year ago it was the last time that I saw Kaguya, so I decided to write her a letter before I died.

The moment I closed my eyes, I was in a place filled with darkness, and I felt like I was corrupted by something evil, a demon? I could not understand it.

I spent six hundred and fifty-two days gazing with open eyes into absolute darkness. I had resigned myself to the fact that my life would go on like this.

"So this is what it's like to be dead," I kept saying to myself and only to myself.

The days passed agonisingly, no image, no sound, just nothingness.

It was as if I were under a spell, as if a wizard had put me under an infinity spell. On the eight hundred and sixty-ninth day I saw something, something shining into the depths, I could not move at all, so I was just watching it, day by day this light continued approaching me, but very slowly.

On the day three thousand- six hundred and seventy eight the light was ready to touch me; I took a better glimpse; and this light had a girl's shape. She curled up like a newborn baby.

Day by day she grew up. On the day nine thousand- four hundred and thirty two, she finally stood up like a normal person. I saw her walking towards me. She came close to me and gave me a kiss. I could feel her lips. They were so soft and sweet, I wanted to bite them.

It was actually my first kiss and it was the strangest thing I had ever done, plus it was with a light figure, I had no idea.

"You are me and I am you," The light figure said in a mysterious voice.

"What do you mean? I am dead, what the fuck is going on here, I am not in Jojo, these things only happen there."

The light figure suddenly tried to choke me. I could not breathe, but... I did not feel any pain. I had no idea what was going on anymore.

I felt her thighs touching my private parts and her breast touching my own chest; next she touched my cheeks with her soft hands.

I sensed an enormous energy emerging from within me. I was ready to explode, my eyes were getting weaker, and the last thing I saw before I exploded was this light figure smiling at me.

On the one thousandth day, I opened my eyes and saw an apple tree above me.

"W-what the hell is going on? How can it be that I am still alive?" I asked myself.

Countless thoughts ran through my head. I was scared, but I became even more scared when I saw my body.

"Wait, why am I naked and why am I a woman? A WOMAN?" I screamed while I was panicking.

I could touch boobies and the fact that I was completely naked, what was that about? I dared to look down and see that my sword was missing, and then I understood that I was a woman.

"Okay buddy relax, it's just a stupid dream, you are DEAD you can not be alive,"

I started running to find a clue that I was in a dream and this was not reality. I was really shocked, not by the fact that I was a woman, but by the fact that I was still alive.

"The darkness was not so bad, now that I think about it, ah I want to disappear," I kept talking to myself, until I saw a cultivator looking at me.

I was so ashamed that I hid in the flowers. The cultivator approached me and touched my right shoulder. I was ready to explode again, the same feeling as back then.

The next moment I brought disaster, the whole landscape was rotting; all I saw was ash; I turned around and looked at the place.

"What the hell is going on here? You are responsible for everything, are not you? You damn creature," I referred to the light figure that came up behind me.

"You were the weak link, but now you are going to become a strong link, the strongest to be exact," The light figure informed me.

"The strongest? What do you mean by that? EXPLAIN", I shouted.

"The answer is you, I have nothing more to say, farewell and do not forget to make the right decisions," The light figure said and faded away.

Immediately I started watching different events from the world or from mythology, I was feeling so dizzy, but I could discern some of them, Adam and Eve, Ragnarok, Valhalla, French Revolution, World War I and World War II. It felt like an endless journey through the world.

After a few minutes, I stopped, I saw a little butterfly approaching me on the surface.

"What the hell?" I said while touching the butterfly.

I was back in the darkness, at least that's what I thought, but I just had my eyes closed, when I opened them I saw a whole crowd around me shouting at me "PULL THE SWORD" I was so confused and to be honest I was about to cry. But I saw a rusty sword with an extraordinary design hooked on the ground, as the crowd kept shouting.

"Am I supposed to pull this sword? Why me?" I questioned.

A man pushed me towards the sword. It seemed so unwonted, but at the same time I could sense an enormous energy from that sword, it was calling me. I could feel it.

I was so lost, I did not even know my name or what exactly I was, but this sword was hiding something and it was definitely answers.

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