
Chapter 5 Escape.

In the dense atmosphere, charged with the aftermath of the Lightning Tribulation, Sect Master Ren Feng stood at the entrance of the mountain, his senses heightened by the intoxication of wine and the imminent threat of approaching adversaries. The air crackled with a volatile energy, mirroring the storm that had recently swept through the mountain.

As Ren Feng surveyed the surroundings, a group of assailants emerged from the shadows—cultivators adorned in dark robes, their eyes gleaming with a malevolence that hinted at a deep-seated animosity. Ren Feng, undeterred by the odds stacked against him, met their gaze with a steely resolve.

The leader of the attackers, a figure cloaked in a sinister aura, stepped forward. "Ren Feng, Serenity Peak Sect's last defender. It's amusing to witness the feeble attempt to protect your precious disciple. How quaint."

Ren Feng's response was a composed silence, his eyes narrowing in anticipation. The wind carried the scent of wine as he unsheathed his dao, the blade glinting ominously in the dim light. The tension in the air was palpable as both sides braced for the clash that would determine the fate of the sect.

"You think a pot of wine will make you invincible, old man?" sneered one of the attackers, a hint of mockery in his voice.

Ren Feng, unswayed by the taunt, raised an eyebrow. "It may not grant invincibility, but it certainly enhances clarity in moments like these."

The skirmish erupted in a blur of movements—flashing blades, arcs of Qi, and the clash of opposing forces. Ren Feng moved with a fluidity that defied his age, each strike calculated and precise. The attackers, though numerous, found themselves challenged by the seasoned skill of the Sect Master.

Amidst the chaos, Ren Feng engaged in brief dialogues with his adversaries, the verbal exchanges mirroring the physical intensity of the battle.

"You think you can save this dying sect? You're just delaying the inevitable," jeered another assailant.

Ren Feng parried a strike and countered, "Sometimes, it's the delay that makes all the difference. The sect's flame may flicker, but it won't be extinguished easily."

As the battle raged on, the attackers, fueled by a relentless determination to quell Serenity Peak Sect, intensified their assault. Ren Feng, however, displayed a tenacity that seemed to draw strength from the very mountains surrounding them.

One of the assailants, a particularly skilled cultivator, engaged Ren Feng in a fierce exchange. "You're a relic, Ren Feng. Your time has passed. Yield, and perhaps we'll spare your life."

Ren Feng, without breaking his focus, retorted, "I may be a relic, but I'll be a relic that stands tall against the tide of your malice."

As the battle reached its zenith, Ren Feng's movements became a dance of resilience and defiance. The assailants, recognizing the indomitable spirit before them, grew more desperate in their attempts to overcome him.

In the midst of the chaos, Ren Feng exchanged a knowing glance with the attackers' leader. "This battle serves no purpose but to feed your vendetta. What do you seek to achieve by destroying Serenity Peak Sect?"

The leader, momentarily caught off guard by the unexpected question, sneered. "The sect stands as an obstacle to our ambitions. Its demise is a necessary step towards our supremacy."

Ren Feng, his gaze unwavering, responded, "Ambitions built on the ruins of others often crumble beneath the weight of their own arrogance."

As the verbal sparring continued, the battle reached a crescendo. Ren Feng, despite his formidable resistance, began to show signs of weariness. The attackers, fueled by desperation, intensified their onslaught.

One of the assailants, a younger cultivator, broke free from the melee and approached Ren Feng. "Old man, your futile resistance is admirable, but it ends here. Any last words before you join your sect in oblivion?"

Ren Feng, his breath heavy, managed a weary smile. "Oblivion may be our fate, but the echoes of our resilience will linger in the winds that sweep these mountains."

In a final act of defiance, Ren Feng unleashed a surge of Qi, momentarily repelling his adversaries. However, the leader, seizing the opportunity, delivered a fatal strike. Ren Feng, with a quiet acceptance, succumbed to the blow, his dao falling from his grasp.

The assailants, momentarily victorious, surveyed the battleground. The mountain, witness to the clash of wills, stood silent and resolute. The storm that had brewed earlier had cleared, leaving only echoes of the struggle that had transpired.

As Ren Feng breathed his last, his sacrifice echoed through the silent peaks. The attackers, now faced with the aftermath, surveyed the land they had claimed. The remnants of Serenity Peak Sect lay in ruins, the once-thriving community reduced to a somber memory.

In the stillness that followed, the mountain stood as a testament to the transient nature of power and the enduring spirit of those who dared to defend against the tide of adversity.

The fallen Sect Master, now a part of the mountain's ancient legacy, left behind a legacy of resilience that would echo through the annals of Eldora's history.

In the aftermath of the Tribulation Lightning Trial that unfolded at Serenity Peak Sect, Elysia emerged from the confines of her hut, her gaze sweeping across the aftermath of the Lightning Tribulation.

The air was heavy with the scent of burnt Qi and lingering traces of the elemental clash that had transpired. As Elysia surveyed the destruction, a voice echoed in her mind—an ethereal whisper carrying the weight of Ren Feng's last words.

Stepping onto the battleground, Elysia's eyes fixated on an unexpected sight—a small, unassuming Interspatial Ring lying on the ground. Beside it, a weathered letter fluttered in the mountain breeze. Curiosity mingled with the fatigue that clung to her form as she approached.

The letter, adorned with a few hastily written words, held a message echoing with urgency and sacrifice. "Run away and don't look back. As long as you are alive, the Serenity Peak Sect will never die." The simplicity of the message carried a weight that resonated with Elysia, a call to survival amidst the ruins of the sect.

Beside the letter lay a porcelain bottle, emanating a potent medicinal aroma. Recognizing the potential healing properties, Elysia wasted no time. With nimble fingers, she uncorked the bottle and inhaled the powerful scent. The medicinal essence, a concoction of rare herbs and potent Qi, provided a respite for her weary body.

Her resolve unwavering, Elysia understood the implication of the message and the sacrifice made for her survival. The assailants had forced a choice upon her—to heed the warning and flee or face an uncertain fate within the remnants of the sect.

As the medicinal effects took hold, Elysia felt a surge of energy replenishing her depleted Qi, and the injuries sustained during the Tribulation Lightning Trial began to mend. The porcelain bottle, a symbol of unexpected aid, became a lifeline in the aftermath of the tumultuous battle.

Consuming the healing elixir, Elysia's thoughts raced, contemplating the path ahead. The mountains, once a sanctuary, now bore witness to the scars of conflict. The echoes of Sect Master Ren Feng's sacrifice lingered in the air, a poignant reminder of the price paid for her escape.

Without hesitation, she took a final glance at the remnants of Serenity Peak Sect—the once-thriving community reduced to ruins. The Interspatial Ring, now in her possession, held the essence of the sect's legacy. With a deep breath, she embraced the weight of the responsibility bestowed upon her—a survivor destined to carry the torch of Serenity Peak Sect's resilience.

As the first rays of dawn painted the mountain peaks in hues of soft light, Elysia, fueled by newfound strength and the legacy of her sect, turned away from the battlefield. Her footsteps, guided by the message and the sacrifice that paved her way, echoed through the silent mountains.

In the wake of destruction, she ran—a lone cultivator carrying the hopes of a fallen sect, leaving behind the remnants of a once-thriving community and embarking on a journey into the unknown.

Unbeknownst to the assailants, as they advanced through the remains of Serenity Peak Sect, they passed by the fallen body of Sect Master Ren Feng. Ren Feng's final act of defiance lay dormant within the sect, a testament to the cunning and resilience that defined the old Sect Master.

As they approached the Core Area, the heart of the sect, an ancient formation, carefully concealed over the years, sprang to life.

The mountain itself seemed to tremble as the unseen forces within the sect's foundations began to stir. The assailants, confident in their perceived victory, were oblivious to the impending calamity that awaited them.

As Elysia distanced herself from the sect, a void emerged within her as the familiar aura of the Sect Master vanished. The gravity of the warning letter and the sacrifice of Ren Feng lingered in her thoughts, infusing her steps with a poignant determination.

Back within the sect, the assailants, oblivious to the impending danger, pressed onward toward the Core Area. Their footsteps resonated through the silent ruins, unaware of the concealed calamity awaiting them at the heart of Serenity Peak Sect.

As they breached the threshold of the Core Area, the ancient formation unfolded its power. The once-sacred mountain transformed into an instrument of destruction as the self-destruct sequence initiated.

Unseen energies pulsed through the bedrock, triggering a cataclysmic chain reaction that threatened to consume everything. The assailants, now trapped in the maelstrom, were to become unwitting victims of Sect Master Ren Feng's final gambit.

A couple of miles away, Elysia faced the shockwave of the mountain's self-destruction. The air quivered with the force of the explosion, and distant echoes reached her ears. Adrenaline surged through her veins as every step reinforced her commitment to the escape that had become her sole purpose.

Caught in the mountain's wrath, the assailants were engulfed by the destructive forces unleashed by Ren Feng's strategic cunning. The very landscape they sought to conquer now turned against them, mirroring the indomitable spirit of Serenity Peak Sect that refused to be extinguished.

As the shockwave rippled through the mountains, the assailants, along with the remnants of Serenity Peak Sect, became casualties of a self-inflicted demise. The once-thriving community, now reduced to ruins, bore witness to the culmination of a battle that transcended the physical and delved into the realm of strategic cunning.

Impacted by the shockwave, Elysia maintained her distance, a solitary silhouette against Eldora's sprawling landscapes.

The scarred mountain stood as a testament to the sacrifices made in the name of resilience—a legacy that would linger even as the echoes of the explosion faded into the distance. The mountains, once silent witnesses, now bore the weight of a history marked by sacrifice and survival.

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