
Prologue: Before

"Breaking news, here in ****** Druglords and Triads have engaged in an all-out shootout with the police"

"Sounds of gunfire can be heard across the area and.... hm?"

The reporter stopped talking for a while and turned around and saw the police retreating

"Wha...! The police are retreaing, I repeat the police is retreating! while SWAT forces are still approaching to the scene to help support the cops"

A cop was seen being shot on camera

"Casualties are occuring from the police. We will temporary hold the report for now while we go to a safer location to continue the report"


"HAHAHAHA!!! Good thing we were having a negotiation with the triads when the police suddenly came in huh?" One of the drug lords said to his fellow drug lords.

"Your Goddamn right there..... well let's go to another city to escape from this hellhole"

"I've contacted my drug syndicate and they will pick us up, we will just to have to specify a location"

"Oooohhh.... Nice job, I'll increase my partnership with you"

"Is that so. He... It seems I made a smart decision"

"For someone who is new to this business, your quite shrewd"

"If I'm not shrewd, how will I survive in this business"

"Your right about that, anyway our deal is already finsihed. We will split ways after we get out of this city" one of the triad members who seem to be in a high position spoke.

"Ahhh don't be like that. Don't be such a kill joy, if we die you won't get a deal, but there is nothing you will get from protecting us.... so how about this let us go to ****** city and break into that famous school for the rich and rape all the girls over there, while we wait for us to get picked by our syndicate"


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