
Man up!

After a while of burying his friends, he got a total of 15 stamina due to the repetitive back and forth walking even when he had low stamina. He also finished the quest and that left him get the cleaning skill and the 50 EXP as said by the quest.

Now it's just normal work for him to do as a worker ant for the colony. But he's stronger than before and

faster than before. He's able to finish this daily Quest of his way faster and easier.

Gamo started walking back to the first floor of the colony and began to rest from all that tiring work.

"Phew~. That was tiring having to carry 10 bodies to the deepest floor. I'll rest for a little bit and then start to work." Gamo thought to himself

"But, hopefully I won't have to run into any mana caterpillar or beetle, I don't wanna deal with those 24/7. Maybe good for experience and to increase my skills, yeah, but I don't want to have a slight chance of risk everytime i collect food."

If Gamo wanted to survive then he would have to get stronger. He can't just simply get food and survive, no! He doesn't know what he might run into next time. It's most likely that not all beetles are the same, neither are the caterpillars.

"And the beetles caused chaos to the hill, rude."

And this is where Gamo thought he should put more effort to become stronger. Train more with his skills for more effectivity.

"Hmph! Alright then. I'll put more effort instead of wussing out and I'll grow more and level up more! I'll turn this colony into the strongest colony!"

And Gamo came to a conclusion.

He then rested enough and then got up to do work and went scavenging and searching for materials once again.

After about 5 minutes.


Gamo was searching Continuously for a good find but heard a skitter across dirt. He stopped in his tracks

"What was that?"

Gamo looked to the left, he saw nothing but strands of grass and a few small rocks. However, when he looked on his right, past the grass strands he saw what was making noise.

It was another one of those mana caterpillars. It's mana armor was not activated since its not alerted or attacked. Instead, it seemed like it was in it's healing state because it was glowing green.

"Ah, you... my first enemy of this world."

It started walking over to a dead, fallen, one-winged flea. It was going to eat it until...

"Nope, hold on there! You aren't getting that one."

Gamo dashed and attacked the caterpillar's body from the side with a strong bite, catching the caterpillar by surprise.

"That one's mine you stupid caterpillar"

[-60 HP]

[110/170 HP]

"Oh yes! That did alot of damage!"

The caterpillar backed up, then started to glow red.

"Oh I remember this glow... Hmph! Come at me then will you? I was scared because I didn't know what you were."

The caterpillar then came running at Gamo, but he dodged it, going to a side of the caterpillar he didn't bite yet.

"But now I really how simple you are and how easy it is to kill you"

Gamo then put his mantle on that side and caused a major slash to appear on it's body because of how it was still dashing through and the mantle cutting through flesh.

[-50 HP]

[60/170 HP]

The caterpillar came to a stop after running past him but it started to glow blue. Gamo remembered this being an extra armor, and since it's blue from a Mana caterpillar and purposely hard to bite through, Gamo calls it Mana armor or mana skin.

"Heh, that won't stop me from breaking through it and killing you. It used to be a struggle by now it's nothing much."

"Once I break through it, you're dead!"

All it takes is that mana skin being gone and that's it.

Will he really be able to break through it?



To be continued...