
Chapter 2: The Primordial Demon


After Jurab shouted his Battle Skill. The darkness started trembling with unknown cracks appearing in the surroundings of both Loyd and Jurab.

Upon witnessing this event, Loyd activated his [Flight] skill as he soared high into the air, avoiding the red like tentacles coming out of the cracks trying to crush him into paste.

Once Loyd made it out of the tentacles reach by dodging and slicing some of them using his passive skill [Spear Wielding].

He activated his battle skill [Territorial Expansion], Causing the darkness around both him and Jurab to change into a landscape of an active volcano with meteors showering down from the sky.


(Jurab's POV)


Crap. So it was all just a facade to lower my guard. And what's with this ability of his?, did he summon us to one of the materiel worlds?, or is this just an illusion of his?.

Damn it, I don't have time to think about it. [WAR HAMMER!!!], I shouted as a long black war hammer with carvings on its head and a purple demonic aura oozing out appeared.

I launched off the ground towards the spirit who was on top of the volcano a few km's away who had a golden spear in his hand.

By the time I took around 4 giant hops to reach the volcano, he pointed his spear upwards with the clouds coming together as I could see lightning threatening to rain down from the sky.

I didn't fear it since I had resistance to all elemental attacks.

He probably doesn't know that I'm immune to such attacks. How insolent of him to think he's got the upper hand.

So when I saw him still pointing his spear upwards, I stomped onto the ground which caused a massive amount of debris to come down from the volcano.

Just as a large Boulder appeared in front of me, I used the blunt side of my war hammer to hit it towards the direction of the spirit like a cannon ball.

I kept doing it repeatedly until there were no more boulders left as I followed behind the most recent one, anticipating for an opening.


(Loyd's POV)


He must be thinking that I'm using this lightning attack without even knowing his resistance against it.

Too bad he doesn't know what's coming as I summoned the Lightning in the sky to rain down on the boulders heading my way.

I kept doing this until I saw the last set of boulders heading my way as I then activated my battle skill [Dark Magic].

The reason why I activated dark magic was because it wasn't a natural element. Well not the one I have since the dark magic I have is death magic but without a form.

It's hard to comprehend at first but if you observe more closely, the concept of my dark magic is actually made up entirely of the demons I've slain instead of the darkness that's found when there is no light.

The reason why my death magic looks like dark magic is really because of my experience.

After all, when I died, what met me on the other side was complete darkness, even if it wasn't true death.

But because it wasn't true death I experienced, it merely got stuck in between death and what I thought was closely related to it which was darkness.

So because Jurab showed that he had no resistance towards any type of death skill when I looked at his stats, I believed that maybe this would somehow work even if it's a bit far stretched.

So I mixed it in with my other elemental skills such as my [Lightning Magic], which then evolved into [Dark Lightning Magic], making it an offensive ability.

I learned this through Emmanuel as he told me that I could mix abilities together as long as they are compatible.

Though it took me a couple of years to try and combine the both since it wasn't really true darkness, it still worked out in the end.

Once I felt his presence near me, I turned the once blue lightning into black lightning as it rained down yet again destroying the remaining boulders coming towards me.

When the Boulder that Jurab was using as cover got destroyed. His eyes went wide open, probably because he sensed danger from the black lightning as I suddenly heard him yell [ABSOLUTE DEFENCE!!!], when the black lightning started barraging him with multiple strikes.

This kept going for a few more seconds until the lightning disappeared with Jurab appearing once again.

But this time, he wore a thick black armour coated with strange runes covering his whole body from the neck down while emitting the same purple aura as his war hammer.

Hmm, he's much more dangerous than I thought he was.

[Indeed. Your chances are actually 60% instead of 65%]

I thought systems were meant to be perfect?


[Just focus on the fight or you'll really die]

Hehe, looks like you have a weakness after all. But you're right. Looks like it's time to engage in close combat.


(Jurab's POV)


What the hell was that earlier?, it wasn't dark magic yet it looked like it. This spirit is much more dangerous than I thought. But it seems like that's all he has since he's rushing towards me.

Heh, though I admit that your overall power is greater than mine, it doesn't mean you can win against me when it comes to close combat for I am the best when it comes to martial arts hahaha.

By the time he reached me, he thrusted his spear towards me as I easily evaded it while I responded with a kick in return.

We kept fighting with our minimum strength while using martial arts to test each other.

After a few more minutes of warm ups, we leaped away from each other before vanishing from our spots and appearing mid air with both our weapons colliding.

The ground beneath cracked as it couldn't handle the pressure while the air was shaking from fear due to our presence.

We kept fighting mid air as we disappeared and re-appeared every second but in different places as our power behind each strike kept increasing making the area around us tremble like an earthquake.

Just as I was about to swing my war hammer down on the spirit, I sensed danger from behind me as immediately shifted my body to the side upon feeling something right next to my heart.

I immediately leaped away from the spirit as I looked down towards my chest area to find a sword stabbed through from my back.


(Loyd's POV)


Wow. I was only a few centimetres from killing him. I used my battle skill [Telekinesis] to control my sword that was hidden from Jurab's view in order to sneak attack him while I was confronting him, trying to distract him which obviously didn't work, but at least I managed to injure him.

This should at least slow his movements by a lot giving me enough time to find an opening to end him.

So once I saw him leap away, I launched straight after him as I used [Telekinesis] again to put some boulders behind him and block his escape route.

Sensing that something was behind him, Jurab immediately faced his legs in the direction of the boulders causing him to land on it as a huge hole was formed making him fly through as I could see him try taking out the sword.

I lost sight of him when I reached the other side of the hole he made as I spread out my magic sense trying to find him.

Yet Just as I was about to move from my spot, the ground starts to rumble as I looked down to sense him coming from below.

I was too late to react as he suddenly came out and grabbed my leg while throwing me down onto the floor with all his strength before following up with both his legs stomping me down as I bounced off the ground the first time he threw me.

He then grabbed my head with his large hand before slamming me back down onto the ground as he kept doing it repeatedly as I was slowly losing consciousness.

I need to do something before I actually die damn it. C'mon, think Loyd think. Uuuuh…

Aaagh Stuff it!, I don't care anymore. I'm using it.

[I agree with your decision but it is going to consume most of your magicule's and leave you weaker than usual]

Not like I got a choice anymore since I'm going to end up dead if I don't do anything.

[Alrighty then. I just hope you don't die so soon when we haven't even left the spirit world yet]

You're meant to be supporting me damn it. Ughh, I don't have time for this.

[HEAVEN'S JUDGEMENT!!!] - { I changed the name from heavenly shower to this since it's more befitting for its skill}


(Jurab's POV)


Huh!?. I sense a weird phenomenon above me as I look up to find all the clouds dispersed from where they used to be as a large hole formed in the middle of the sky as a golden ray of light shined down upon me.

It felt so serene and calming that I didn't want to move away since I didn't want this feeling to leave me.

So I closed my eyes as I let the warm light envelop me which stopped my killing of the spirit.

But I didn't care at the moment until the very next second I felt my instincts scream at me to run away.

I opened my eyes to find multiple golden lights in a form of thousands of angels descending from heaven as they all held their hands out in a shape of a high five pointing towards me.

Yet before I could even react, a huge rune like golden shape with a circle on the outside, square on the inside and a triangle in the middle with a weird language written all over it.

This only caught my eyes for a second before a huge arm came out reaching for me as it was closing in at a fast rate.

I panicked as I could feel my body trembling in fear as I yelled out a skill only meant for emergency situations.



(Loyd's POV)


Just a few seconds after Jurab loosened his grip on me, I quickly used spatial magic to teleport a few km's away from Jurab as I slumped to the ground looking at the golden hand land on top of the volcano where our battle took place.

Did I get him?

[Hmm, I don't think so. I managed to sense that he used his special ability, meaning trouble for you]

It's fine. That ability should be able to handle a being even 3x more powerful then myself unless he summons one of the 7 demon pri… there's no way that his skill allows him to summon one of them now right?

[By the power signature I'm sensing from the demon he summoned, it shows that he's at least 10x more powerful then you. Meaning…]

Well this is a shitty problem…


(Jurab's POV)


Just as the hand was about to crush me like a fly, I sense a powerful aura right next to me as I used all my strength to turn towards him and kneel on the ground.

"Oh my, such an interesting skill here. Who knew that a weak insect like you would come across such a thing. How brilliant!"

A demonic voice said with passion as I sensed him glance towards me as sweat started to run down my face profusely before looking back at the golden hand.

"Tell me. Who did such a marvellous thing?"

"It was a spirit I came across not long ago Lord Black as we both engaged in a battle"

"You mean the child over there. Interesting. He's not a spirit nor is he an angel. How fascinating. Looks like I'll be having fun for the next few millenniums hehehe"

~ A few seconds later ~


(Loyd's POV)


[It looks like he's heading our way Loyd]

I can see that. Maybe we should just, you know, act like that guy attacked us first and I was just the little innocent boy that doesn't know what he did wrong.

[You really are shameless aren't you. Besides, I don't think he would fall for such a trick]

Yeah your right. Can you try see his stats?

[Let me see…]

[This was all I could find since your no where near his level yet]

[Name: Black (Noir)

Age: ???

Gender: Male

Race: Demon Primordial

Level: ???

Health: [???/???]

Magicule's: [???/???]

Strength - ???

Agility - ???

Vitality - ???

Resistance: {???}

Passive Skills: {???}

Battle Skills: {???}

Special Skills: {???}

Ultimate Skills: {???}]

Well doesn't this bring me hope. Maybe we should just watch the rest of AOT before this guy helps me find out what the answer for true death really is.

[I can't really take you serious Loyd when your acting like this]

Sigh, That's cause your not meant too. It doesn't really matter since he's already here.

"Greetings. It's a pleasure to meet an anomaly like you. Though I may not have a true name, you can refer to me as Noir"

Huh?, he's similar to the anime except a bit more hostile since I don't give him the same level of interest as Rimuru which is great for me since it means I can find a way to make this guy leave me alone.

"Hi Noir, the name is Loyd and it's a pleasure to meet a high being such as yourself"

"Oh. You know who I am?", he said while his aura started to become suffocation, making my battle skill [Territorial Expansion] shatter like glass as we appear back in the spiritual world filled with darkness.

"Y-yeah, I-I heard a-a lot about you from the demons I've met so far. Hehe", I replied while while flashing him a smile for I don't know what reason. Maybe because this will be the last time I'll live ahaha. Man I'm going crazy.

[You don't need to worry too much Loyd. I've managed to observe his movement and aura closely which brings me to the conclusion that he's not aiming to kill you. Well, at least not at this moment]

Sigh, you really know how to make a guy calm down don't you.

"Hmm, Jaune and Violet would probably love to meet you considering their carefree attitudes.

I've decided, if you manage to defeat me when I'm using only a tenth of my physical abilities, then I'll let you live and have you accompany me back to the Primordial Grounds.

If you fail, then you have to become my test subject and die a painful death. Oh and I won't use any resistance or skills except basic and maybe some advanced martial arts Okay!"

This seems simple but I can't even sense his strength or agility, let alone how proficient he is in close combat.

Though I've seen him fight in the anime, it's not enough information to actually help me out in this endeavour.

But it's not like I got a choice in this. Wait… Emmanuel, do you have that auto thing like Great Sage when she helped out with Rimuru against that ogre demon lord.

[Hmm, though I have something similar, it's not as perfect as hers since she seems to be more experienced than me in being a system]

[I think I'm starting to get the sense of feeling useless now. I now partially understand your feelings when your useless]

You've been getting more rude lately. Maybe I should start calling you a wish version of Great Sage from now on.

[You do that and I'll make sure you never see any entertainment from me again]

Hmph, how cheap. Anyways, would your combat be better than mine if we switch places even if your ability is not as good as Great Sage's.

[Yes. I am definitely more suitable in this situation if we consider your current state]

Sigh~, Fine. Let's a least try our best to win this so we can go back to relaxing like before.


"Alright. I'm ready", I announced while switching places with Emmanuel as my eyes went from bright golden to full black like an abyss with nothing in sight but darkness.

"Ohh. Then let us begin", Noir replied in his demonic voice.

"[Indeed. Let us begin]"


(Noir's POV)


What was that!?, I sensed his aura changed from joyful and bright to empty and emotionless.

This is far more interesting than I thought!, I really need to take this anomaly back to the primordial grounds. But first, let us begin with a simple exchange to see where his abilities lie.

So without the neither us moving from our position for around a minute, we both vanish at the same time while re-appearing in the centre of our stand off, exchanging blows with each other without blocking any hits that the other throws.

We kept going at it for a few minutes and I managed to noticed that this boy is actually copying my moves like an ability I know that's similar to [Perfect Copy] which is very rare even within the spiritual world.

He's also created openings in the vital areas of my body while trying to locate a weakness he can exploit.

It won't be long before he does find a way to force me out of this exchange, so I send a kick to the left side of his head which he tried to evade since it proved fatal, but it was only a feint as that kick soon vanished into thin air as my other leg suddenly appeared on the right side of his head making it difficult for him to dodge.

This forced him to block for the first time which put a grin on my face as I then brought my right leg downwards as I used it's momentum to lift my body up as I sent a real kick to the left side of his head this time, making him teleport a few metres away from his original position.

"It seems that I won that little warm up. But It's now time to really get started", I said as the boy then summoned 2 swords with dark flames enshrouding them both as he launched off the floor towards me.


(Loyd's POV)


Emmanuel, using the dark flames on the pair of swords is consuming a lot of our magicule's. We still haven't even restored our energy from our previous fight with Jurab.

[I know man. But it's the only thing I can think of that would actually bring damage to him since any other form of attack won't do anything to him]

Hmm, I'll try find any weak spot during your fight. For now get ready since I just sensed his aura thicken even than before.

[Yeah. The air is getting harder to breath. I'll try end it fast]

Right after Emmanuel said that, he launched towards the demon Noir while swinging his swords in an elegant yet unpredictable manner as small cuts were appearing on the demon's body.

Because we're using dark magic by enshrouding it onto the swords, the cuts on his body seem to be unable to heal as the flames that managed to land on him are merely burning without dying.

"What a dangerous ability", he stated before engaging us in a more fierce manner as his strength and speed started to increase so much that my body was starting to have trouble keeping up.

So I leaped high into the air as I threw one of my swords towards him which he evaded easily before launching towards me.

Yet before he could reach me, the sword I threw earlier turned around before shooting back while aiming at Noir's heart.

Once I noticed him getting ready to dodge the sword, I quickly flew down towards him as I summoned my spear before throwing it down towards him as I used [Spatial Magic] to teleport both my weapons out of his view making it hard for him to predict where it's coming from.


(Noir's POV)


What a tricky situation. Hmm, I should just use his body as a shield and make him cancel his weapons.

Once I thought of this idea, the boy arrived right in front of me as he slashed his sword downwards with all his power.

I smirk at this foolish mistake as I quickly intercept it, only for my eyes to widen in surprise as his body suddenly turned into a blur with the spear appearing in front of me as I could also sense danger from behind which is most likely his sword.

Knowing I can't dodge this, I summoned out my wings as I swiftly use them to cover me like a shield.

Once the weapons proved no threat any longer, I unfolded my wings, only to find a smiling boy with the same happy and bright aura he had before.

He must be smiling because he won this exchange since I used my wings which wasn't supposed to happen.

But I smile as well since this spirit started to intrigue me even more than before.

"I guess it's your win. But do tell me, how did you suddenly disappear in front of me. I know your speed is not that fast while you should not have had enough time to teleport?"

"That's cause I used [Illusion Magic] combined with [Mind Manipulation] making my mental attack stronger than before. I also put every amount of magicule I had into that attack making it seem like my real body because I remember you saying not using any sort of resistance in this fight which made me save this as a surprise attack", the boy replied as he slumped onto the ground while closing his eyes.

"Hehe fascinating. The others would surely find you interesting when I bring you back. Follow me. Oh and the demon you fought before will also accompany us as you can exact your revenge upon him for trying to kill you"



(Loyd's POV)


Sigh, you were amazing out there Emmanuel

[Yeah, that was quite the interesting battle. I wonder what the other primordials are like]

Well, Let's go find out shall we.



[Aurhor's thoughts]

Hey guys. People have been asking for what the MC looks like so I will describe his appearance in the next chapter.

Also, for those who are still confused as to why Diablo is stronger than he was before he met Rimuru, I will explain why in future chapters so please bear with it until we get there.

Next chapter