
Bruh?! How You Gone Send A Genin At Me, Dawg?!

     During yesterday's training with his team, Yusuke was surprised to discover that Emiko had already awakened her clan's Ice Release Kekkei Genkai. She, as one would expect for her age, only knew a few simple jutsus that utilized it and was far more proficient in Wind and

Water Release.

     Naburo had mentioned that he was having difficulty expressing his clan's Dead Bone Pulse Kekkei Genkai. Although, he was determined to make it happen, because he would be the first person in his clan to have control of it in generations.

     Naburo specifically wanted to return to the greater population of his clan, still roaming the wilds and living like violent barbarians, in order to reign them in and show them a better way.

     Emiko was proud to be a carrier of her clan's Kekkei Genkai. She wanted to be a strong Kinoichi to set an example for the rest of her clan and lead them to a prosperous future.

     The occurrence rate for both their clan's Kekkei Genkais were abysmal but the Kaguyas even more so. If seeing Emiko being able to perform Ice Release was surprising, then seeing even the little that Naburo could manage with his Dead Bone Pulse was astonishing. Seeing them both here in the same team, was practically a miracle.

     But, of course, it was a miracle that Yusuke was quite glad had occurred around him. Mostly, because it meant he would have powerful teammates in the future and, if their paths ever diverged, they would make even better test subjects.

     The next day, the three newly graduated Genin stood in front of the entrance to the village training grounds, waiting for Sozen Sensei to arrive.

     Nobaru wore a white kimono type robe with black sandals. He had short spiky white hair, pale skin, and green eyes, with the area around his eyes being darkened and almost black.

     Emiko had deep black eyes and wore a black sleeveless top with a red whirlpool symbol, a white loose fitting mini skirt with a split in the front and back, black shoes, and skin tight mid thigh black shorts under her skirt. Her black hair was long and silky and almost reached her nearly exposed navel, as portions of it hung across her shoulders and down her front.

     Because of his Nij, (Ninja Ink-orperated Jutsu) Yusuke no longer wore clothes, as such. He was dressed exactly as he had been, on his first day of Academy, the only difference being everything he was wearing was constructed from his Nij and he had a Shino from Shippuden style bag over his right shoulder that contained all of his excess ink. His hood and goggles weren't currently equipped but he could summon them instantly any time he liked and he would, as soon as the training started.

     It only took a few minutes for Sozen to arrive. He looked towards his new pupils with a smile and greeted them, "Good morning gang! How are you this morning?"

     "Good morning, Sensei!"

     "Hi, Sensei."

     "Hello, Sensei."

     Everyone but Yusuke seemed less than impressed by their new Sensei's arrival.

     Sozen began scratching the back of his head, as he laughed awkwardly. "Ahhh, tough crowd, I see. So, how about we go for a little walk, eh? Loosen up a little, before we get started with anything else?"

     "Sure." Naburo.

     "Whatever you say, Sensei." Emiko.

     "Let's go!" Yusuke replied.

     "Ahhh, alright. Let's go then, just...uhh, follow me. Heheh."

     'Man, it looks like I caught a couple of mopey gloombringers this time. Ahh, why can't my team ever be just normal kids? Or at least as normal as seven year old ninjas can be? Although, now that I think about it, maybe I'm looking at just that. Maybe, this is as good as it gets.' Sozen thought to himself, as he began walking.

     Sozen led his one seemingly enthusiastic student and two unenthusiastic students away from the training field.

     They continued walking, until the edge of the village came into view and then continued onwards through the exit.

     "So, how about you guys tell me about yourselves? Let's get to know each other a little better." Sozen suggested to his seemingly perpetually gloomy students, with one exception.

     "Sure! I'll start!" Said Yusuke.

     'Kind of expected that.' Sozen thought.

     "My name is Yusuke Uzumaki. I'm nine years old, almost ten, and I like training, studying, and learning new jutsus. While I like most jutsus in general, my favorites are definitely Fuinjutsus! I also like seafood and red meats!"

     "Hmmm...a Fuinjutsu user, huh? Yusuke you say? Wasn't your father, Kiroshi, one of the Uzumaki Clan's Fuinjutsu Masters? He certainly would be glad to see you following in his footsteps." Sozen asked. 

     "Hehe! Yeah, he was pretty amazing! But, unfortunately, he never got to fulfill his full potential. The clan head said he could have been among our greatest Fuinjutsu Masters, if he hadn't died in the war." Yusuke said, seeming to become a bit sad, after revealing this information.

     "Ahh, well, that's all in the past now. I'm sure your father would be proud of you for carrying on his legacy."

     'Good grief! We've only just started and I'm already depressing everyone! And he was the enthusiastic one! Dammit! I've done this three times already! How am I not any better at this?!' Sozen thought, a bit dejectedly.

     "So, what about you two? Tell us a little bit about yourselves." Sozen urged the others.

     "Alright. My name is Emiko Yuki. I'm seven years old. I suppose I like most of the things Yusuke said, except for Fuinjutsu and Taijutsu. I also like ice cream and ramen."

     "Interesting, and you Naburo?"

     "*sighs* My name is Naburo Kaguya. I'm seven years old and I also like most of what Yusuke said, except Fuinjutsu and Genjutsu. I also like Dango and Barbecue."

     "Well, this is very interesting that all three of you seem to be really into training. Usually, kids your age have other interests. Aren't there any games you like to play or places you like to visit?" Sozen asked hopefully.

     All three of his students just glared at him, even Yusuke. "Ahhh, okay, so no other hobbies. Well, you all are certainly an interesting team. Maybe the most…"

     Yusuke immediately pulled out a kunai and turned around to block the assailant's attack. The two kunai clashed against each other and the assailant could just barely perceive that Yusuke's stance was somewhat strange.

     But not quick enough to dodge Naburo's incoming kick, as he used Yusuke as a stepping stone and put all of his strength into his attack. The assailant was caught under the jaw, by Naburo's kick, and was sent flying.

     As soon as the assailant's body went flying, Emiko dashed after him, only to be forced into defending against a kunai slash from a second assailant. He attempted to follow up with a kick to her stomach, when she blocked the kick allowing Naburo to pull the same maneuver he'd used on his partner.

     Currently, the first assailant wearing black and white was being kept busy by Yusuke's Death Sphere Puppets. However, a third assailant wearing blue and green arrived ready to attack him from the side.

     Yusuke ducked down and turned around allowing the assailant's momentum to carry him forward. Yusuke hit the assailant on the back causing him to lose his balance and land face first on the ground. 

     Quickly, jumping backwards from that position, while maintaining his control over his puppets, Yusuke performed the Great Breakthrough Jutsu directly into the third assailant's back.

     Yusuke then utilized one of his puppets that he had begun maneuvering his way, as soon as he saw the third assailant, and sent a barrage of senbon needles raining down on the grounded assailant.

     Before sending his puppet back to harass the first assailant, he swung it and another puppet towards his allies locked in battle with the second assailant.

     After noticing the barrage of senbons quickly closing in on his position, the second assailant had no choice but to attempt to dodge. This however had been an unfortunate position to be forced into, as Emiko had just finished her Ice Skating Jutsu. A sheet of ice spread quickly across the ground around them and, as soon as the assailant attempted to dodge his feet found no friction to do so.

     With the second assailant completely at the mercy of his teammates, Yusuke focused all five puppets back on the first assailant. The first assailant already had several senbon lodged in his body and more were being added the more he was forced to block and dodge.

     Less than seven seconds later, Yusuke could see Emiko running towards the first assailant. At this time, he also detected several shuriken flying towards him from behind. He had his Mobile Sensory Sphere active and it was showing its usefulness.

     Quickly spinning to the left, while throwing a kunai towards the senbon filled yet standing again third assailant, he then completed his turn and kept the pressure on the first assailant. As Yusuke was turning around, he had seen Naburo dashing towards the third assailant's position and left the matter to him, as he and Emiko focused on bringing down the first assailant.

     Less than three seconds afterwards, both of the remaining assailants had been defeated and subdued!

     As Yusuke's team were tying up the three assailants, they suddenly heard clapping coming from somewhere and turned to look in that direction. Their Sensei, who had suspiciously gone missing at the beginning of their battle, was walking towards them and congratulating them on their performance.

     "Haha! You kids did wonderfully, just wonderfully. I've rarely encountered more fluid and synchronized teamwork. Well done, indeed."

     "Hey, does this mean we can start doing real missions now, Sensei?" Yusuke asked, despite not having any interest in running around doing a bunch of missions Ranked D- for 'dopey.'

     "Yep! That's right! Although, I usually like to go through a bit of training, before starting any actual missions. Even for exceptional students such as yourselves, it's always a good idea to get some training in, before jumping into the real deal. Although, I somehow doubt that'll be a bother for the likes of you three."

     "Oh, Yeah!" Yusuke shouted, as Nobaru and Emiko showed a slight grin on their faces.

     Seeing this, Sozen stood there with his mouth halfway open, wondering what kind of situation he'd gotten himself into.

     'These freaking kids! The one time they almost smile and it's now?! Good grief! What kind of mad training maniacs have I been burdened with? This truly can't be a good sign! I'm certain it can only get worse from here! Kami have mercy on me!' Sozen resignedly thought to himself, as a dark cloud formed over his head and he completely forgot about the Genin assistants who were injured and tied up on the ground.


     Somewhere in the Naruto Universe's heavens, Kami sneezed.


     A tower of cards of unimaginable dimensions came falling down, filling the entire space, as far as the eyes could see, with falling fluttering red cards. "Dammit! That house of cards took me six millennia to construct! And all because of a damned sneeze! Hmmm...someone somewhere must've been talking about me." Then Kami grinned an evil grin. 

     "Whenever I find out who you are, I'll show no mercy."


[===== Three Months Later =====]

     Yusuke had rearranged his training schedule, once again, this time to accommodate having to do D-opey Ranked missions with his team. He had been on nearly forty so far and they became increasingly annoying the more he had to do them. 

     Of course, he kept up his facade of being the enthusiastic one and played nice with his teammates but he was in a constant battle with himself over how much of his potential he should demonstrate.

     If he kept his abilities a secret, not only would it be difficult for him to convince Sozen Sensei to train him past his current level he also would have to keep his most potent weapon hidden away, until a life threatening situation arose. That simply wasn't his style. Yusuke preferred to go all out from the very beginning, putting his absolute best foot forward and never underestimating his opponent.

     On the other hand, if he were to reveal the true extent of his abilities, wouldn't they be incredibly suspicious. He had gone out of his way to fail after all. He had been trying, over the past three months, to gradually show more and more of his abilities but he was uncertain as to where to stop or if he even should stop.

     Sozen Sensei had recently proposed a training session, in which they were all to demonstrate every ability that they had, during a display of their full current potential in a spar against him. Yusuke was currently deciding how much he should reveal, during that spar.

     'The more I think about it, I really think just revealing my true abilities would be less of a hassle. At least that way, I can deal with the consequences and then move on and the only secrets I would need to keep would be regarding my lab and experiments, which are much easier secrets to keep.

     'Not to mention, the only reason I even bothered hiding my true abilities was so I wouldn't draw unwanted attention and so I could believably fail the Academy to stall for more training time.

     'Now that I'm older and on a team with a Jonin Sensei, my abilities shouldn't seem quite so outrageous and failing the Academy has already been accomplished. 

     'That's it! Tomorrow, I'm going all out! Well, maybe not all out. There's still the Shadow Clone Jutsu that I absolutely cannot reveal, until I have a reasonable alibi for how I learned it. There's also the Rasengan that I'll need to pretend is a project I'm working on and slowly reveal it over time. But, aside from those two jutsus, everything else is going on the table, during tomorrow's match against Sozen Sensei.'

     The next day, Yusuke had arrived at the training grounds, where their matches were to be held. He was dressed in his usual Nij, standing beside his teammates, as they awaited their Sensei's arrival.

     During the past three months that had passed since he had graduated, his Uncle Jirobi and other family members were quite excited, to hear that he had not only passed but was also top of his class.

     This particular accolade didn't really mean much to Yusuke not only because he was older than all his classmates but also because he just generally wasn't concerned with what others thought about him. However, with this occurrence, he had been able to reassure his Uncle and Grandmother that continuing his Fuinjutsu training wasn't going to adversely affect his progress as a shinobi.

     He had been at a bit of a roadblock, when attempting to understand and calculate A-Ranked Fuinjutsus. He was attempting to work it out on his own but it was very slow going. Although, now that he had regained his uncle's guidance, his understanding and proficiency in A-Ranked Fuinjutsus was progressing swiftly and steadily.

     Just last week, in fact, he had finally managed to perform one of the simplest A-Ranked Fuinjutsus, or the simplest for him given his Mastery over Chakra Threads. The Five Elements Seal required the user to gather five different Kanji Seals one on the tip of each finger and strike the target with all five fingers simultaneously around the target's navel.

     This along with a few other improvements had been added to Yusuke's list of Masteries, during these past four months.

[Chakra Levels]

> Low Jonin

[Chakra Control]

> Chakra Threads > Mastery > 23


> Pigmented Bullets > Mastery

> Pigmented Shadow Snakes > Mastery

> Pigmented Clones > Mastery

> Nij Clones > Mastery


>> Standard

> Finger Carving Seal > Mastery

> Five Elements Seal > In Progress

> Memory Erasing Seal > Mastery

> Utility Paralysis Seal > Mastery

     [A seal Yusuke derived from the Paralysis Seal. Instead of requiring the user to look at and maintain eye contact with the seal, it can simply be placed on the targets body and will inject the user's chakra into the target and paralyze a certain area of their body depending on how large the seal is and how much chakra the user puts into it. Multiple of these seals can combine together to affect a larger area but, even if the user connects with it and pours in more chakra, each size of this seal has a maximum area of influence that it can cover.]

> Blocking Technique: Absorption Seal > Still In Development

     [This absorbs Ninjutsu and allows for them to be changed into usable chakra by reversing the rotation of the Ninjutsu's chakra. It requires extreme chakra control, as the reversing of chakra is mostly guided by the user and not the seal. This seal is different from the Enclosing Seal, which only acts as a Ninjutsu and other non standard targets storage container.]

>> Body Modifications and Rituals

> Ninja Ink-orperated Jutsu (Nij) > Mastery

     [A Fuinjutsu Ritual Yusuke performed, in order to have a mass of Chakra Infused Ink that could not only move easily at his whim to form into different shapes but also to activate various Fuinjutsus like the Storage Seal and Enclosing Seal. It also has the ability to assume either a liquid or solid state. Both the Storage and Enclosing functions can be activated simultaneously, on different areas of the Nij, but only one can be activated at the same area and time. The same goes for the liquid and solid states but the two functions can and always do overlap with the two states.]

> Chakra Ink Production Seal > Mastery

     [This seal Yusuke devised, in order to keep an ink-producing organ from an octopus alive and functioning inside of a separate space like a Storage Seal. It borrows matrices from both the Stasis Seal, Storage Seal, and Enclosing Seal. The finalized version was placed inside Yusuke's mouth under his tongue, with the assistance of his Shadow Clones. While this seal requires a constant flow chakra to remain functional, it allows the user to produce as much Chakra Infused ink as their chakra reserves can muster. The seal not only siphons Yusuke's chakra to keep the organ alive but to also infuse into the newly created ink, which the organ produces passively and then the seal actively infuses Yusuke's chakra into that ink. It then stores that ink in a separate space so that Yusuke can access it at his leisure. Since Yusuke's recent jump to Jonin levels of chakra, the drain this seal requires is negligible.]


>>Projectile Handling Techniques

> Advanced > Mastery

>> Sealing Katas

> Shadow Mist Sealing Kata > Mastery

     Yusuke was quite satisfied with his current progress and was actually anticipating his upcoming match with Sozen Sensei. He had been holding back for so long and he was unexpectedly itching to finally give it his all.

Next chapter