
Reincarnated into Modern Family

A man who had a hard first life gets reincarnated into the ‘Modern Family’ world, where he gets a second chance at life. He will try to live this life much differently than his last, but some habits are harder to lose than others. The way he chooses to live his new life will certainly be a new journey for him and one where he learns what he missed out on the first time. Welcome back to all those who have read some of my other Fanfics. I hope this one entertains you as well and I am glad to have you back. For the newcomers, welcome and I hope you enjoy the story. As for how the story will go, it will be a slice of life very much and I feel slower, as I will try to build the relationships naturally. It will follow canon for the most part, with a few changes here and there, you will see as you read. This will be written mostly from the MC’s viewpoint, only switching POVs when necessary. Disclaimer: I do not own Modern Family or the book cover.

Anomander_Adaar · TV
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After spending the week spreading word about the party, and helping grab some other items that would be needed for it. The day the party was being held arrived. Alex and I dressed up for it, as it was necessary since our sponsors told us we had to. We dressed up as Superman and Lois Lane since DC Comics released the newest Superman movie. 

Alex left to go to the Bee Club to meet with her sponsor one last time before the party began. I headed to the Porcellian Club to help do the final touches too before the party. Getting there I see many of the guys are already wearing their costumes and carrying around the various items that are needed for the party. 

"Gabe! Come on we need some help!" Jacob says seeing me enter the house. With a sigh, I walk over and grab the box of liquor someone recently bought to help keep the party stocked.

After a couple of hours of helping do the final touches, the party's first couple of guests arrived. Eric was made to watch the front door along with another Club member to ensure people paid their entrance fee. Though it seems they are not charging women or anyone who brings multiple women with them. 

"Gabe, go help out at the bar now," Jacob says to me as I walk down to the basement and become a free bartender along with Mickey. 

"So, have any experience making drinks?" Mickey asks me as we are waiting for people to come get drinks. 

"No, not really," I say since I know the very basics and nothing special. 

"Ok… then listen carefully…" Mickey says to me before telling me the recipe for several popular drinks that might be requested tonight. 

"Though if someone asks you for something you don't know just flag me down. Also don't forget to card everyone, we can't fuck around with serving minors. The cops have been getting undercover officers into the parties and almost shut down a Club last year that was found serving minors," Mickey tells me as several sluttly dressed women come downstairs and over to us. 

"Hey, hey! Anything special you ladies want?" Mickey says trying to flirt with them as one of the women is eyeing me up. I'm no bodybuilder, but I do keep myself in decent shape and this skin-tight Superman outfit is showing off my body fairly well. 

The women order some drinks as Mickey makes them all their drinks, giving me a side look to not step into his attempt to get laid later. I just walk over to another side of the smaller bar and make one last mental note of where everything is and how much we have. Mickey seems to have no success with the women who just grab their drinks and walk back upstairs. 

"Gabe, send all the ladies my way," Mickey says to me as I just shrug and nod my head to him. 

Over the next hour, the Bee Club all arrived and with them, many more people finally started to show up. The house was quickly becoming crowded as many guys tried to get into the party seeing all the sluttly dressed women. Mickey was mostly focused on trying to get laid and taking his time serving any woman who came up. While I was helping everyone else, though I made sure to card everyone who came up. 

"Bro, please! Just give me a couple of shots!" a guy says to me who I already carded and saw was a minor. 

"No, now leave before I get you kicked out," I say to him getting annoyed at his constant pestering. 

"Fuck you too!" the guy says while flipping me off and storming off to wherever. 

'Fucking hate these people,' I think to myself as my past older self starts to resurface having to deal with young and horny people. 

"Hey Superman you busy? Maybe we can hang out upstairs alone," the young woman from earlier says to me with obvious drunkenness. 

"Yeah I'm busy," I say turning from her and going to help another dude who walked up. 

"Fucking incel!" the young woman says to me making a few people turn to look over at us. 

'I'm gonna smack a bitch today,' I think starting to lose patience since I'm tired of dealing with drunk and horny people all night. 

"Mickey, take over, please," I say to Mickey who quickly comes over to mediate the situation while I go take a five-minute break. 

Walking upstairs, I see the place is very crowded as people are walking around everywhere with red cups. People are playing all sorts of party games and some even are almost full-on fucking in front of everyone. I walk past all the people who are walking around and make my way outside. 

Outside I see Alex and Maya helping Eric with getting the money from the people who are waiting to come inside. Thankfully it is not a cold night, otherwise, people would be getting hypothermia just waiting to get into the party. They all turn to me seeing me come outside, with Alex giving me a helpless look. 

"Needed a breather, some people can't hold their liquor," I say with a sigh as a few more people are let inside once a few leave the party very obviously drunk. 

"Want to switch places?" Eric says to me with some sarcasm, as we both know we can't since we were given these roles. 

"I wish," I say to him as I sigh and walk back inside the house to go back to the bar. 

Getting back to the bar I help Mickey once again. Around midnight, my sixth sense got alerted, as this weirdly familiar sluttly dressed woman made her way over to the bar. Mickey was busy flirting with some others, making me need to help this new one. Though this woman was wearing a slutty cat woman costume, even with a mask she seemed very familiar to me. 

"Can I see your ID?" I say to the woman who gives me a hesitant look. 

"If I don't see your ID, I can't give you anything," I say to her as her look changes to one of blatantly checking me out. 

"Sorry I don't have it, as you can see no pockets in this costume," the woman says with a flirtatious voice. She then poses for me showing her costume that is skin-tight and shows her hourglass figure. 

"Ok, but with no ID, no drink," I say to her not backing down and giving her an annoyed look now. 

"You can't make an exception even for me?" the woman says trying her best to seduce me. 

"No," I say with an even more annoyed look now. 

"Fine, then maybe your friend will," she says walking over to Mickey while swaying her hips trying to make me jealous or something. I just roll my eyes and go to help another guy who walked over. 

I see from the corner of my eye, that Mickey seemed to have been talked into giving the woman a couple shots. She gives Mickey a charming smile, before smirking at me making a kissy face, and walking away. Once I give the guy I carded a beer, I walk over to Mickey with a very annoyed face. 

"Mickey! She didn't have an ID, I thought we were trying not to fuck around here," I say to Mickey with a hushed voice but annoyed that he caved into a woman purely for her seduction tactics. 

"Yeah had an ID, it was between her cleavage," Mickey says as I just stare at him for a few seconds before shaking my head and walking away. 

I just gave one last look to the woman who was staring at me still, before ignoring her the rest of the night. Though something about her seemed very familiar to me, however, I can only assume she is not a cop otherwise we'd all be screwed. 

Then the next few hours go by very quickly as it just becomes a blur of people getting drinks. By two in the morning, we ran out of liquor and almost all the beer. By that time everyone was already super drunk or passed out in a corner somewhere. While the few lucky ones were doing the deed wherever they could. 

Alex and I made our way back to our apartment, where I still did slap a bitch that night. As Alex was very in the mood when we got home and I would never say no to that. Though Alex got to sleep in, I had to wake up early to help clean up the house from the party. 

I grumbled to myself as I got out of bed leaving a naked and very warm Alex behind. Then I walked out to the cold morning air and made my way to the Porcellian Club once again. Getting there I see a few people groaning as they leave the house, with some doing the stereotypical 'walk of shame'. 

Entering the house I can see it is an utter mess, with trash everywhere and still passed out people on whatever they could find to sleep on. With a sigh, I walk into the kitchen and make a pot of coffee for myself and the other people who will be waking up soon. As the smell of coffee enters the house people start to come downstairs or get up and walk into the kitchen for it. 

"Gabe?" I hear someone say and notice Molly Clark the president of the Bee Club. She is wearing what seems like Jacob's clothes as she comes into the kitchen. 

"Hey…" I say to her not sure what else to say. 

"You are Gabe, Alex's boyfriend right?" Molly says to me as I nod my head. 

"I thought so, I'm Molly by the way. The president of Bee Club and girlfriend of Jacob," Molly says as I nod my head understanding the situation better. 

"Yeah I remember you, and Jacob never mentioned that," I say to her as she makes herself a cup of coffee while I drink mine waiting for the others to wake up before helping clean the house.

"Anyone else dating someone from our club?" I ask Molly who takes a seat at the kitchen table across from me. 

"No, not unless they are hiding it. Though if you and Alex get in, then you guys will be the newest ones," Molly says to me with a thoughtful look. 

"Coffee! Fuck yes!" I hear Mickey say as he comes into the kitchen and makes himself a cup. 

"Get any sleep?" I say to him as he turns to us having made his coffee. 

"Barley if you know what I mean," Mickey says with a smirk while Molly rolls her eyes and I chuckle. 

"Don't look at me like that, I know you and Jacob didn't get much sleep either," Mickey says as Molly glares at him before walking away back to Jacob's room I assume. 

"Women, am I right," Mickey says to me copying the coffee meme from Team Fortress 2. 

"So who'd you get lucky with? Anyone I can remember from last night?" I say to him changing the subject as he takes Molly's seat. 

"Nah, didn't get laid last night. Guess my dry spell will continue. I just said that to piss off Molly, 'cause now she will wake Jacob up to complain," Mickey says to me as I laugh out loud now causing a few others to groan waking up if the smell of coffee didn't. 

Over the next hour, the rest of the house woke up, with another pot of coffee needing to be made. Then we all started to clean up the house, with some of the other Club members groaning and having a hangover. It took a couple of hours before the house looked like it did before the party. Then I was finally able to go back home, where I found Alex relaxing in the living room reading one of her books.