

He woke up refreshed and quickly got changed into his favourite outfit, he wanted to impress at this tournament after all.

As he made his way to meet the rest of the students he started to think on what he would do at the tournament 'probably best to not get involved and let Itadori and his brother jump the curse'.

He smiled thinking about Itadori and Todo both jumping the cursed spirit as he met with the Jujutsu Tech students facing off with the Kyoto students.

He grimaced as he heard of the students say something odd "We're sorcerers so physical age does not matter" 'right I need to make sure to stay clear of him'.

He did watch the same guy start to analyse his yearmate Megumi, he ignored that and decided to stand around and do nothing until Itadori got here.

He watched with a grin as Gojo ran over with a crate and released Itadori who did an odd dance as he was released.


He watched this from the back almost having to leave due to the second hand embarrassment of the encounter.

He watched with a smile as Gojo started to show Itadori off to the Kyoto students.

'Damn…Gojo really set Itadori up for failure huh'

The spectacle was interrupted by an old man shouting about Sukunas Vessel and of course Gojo responded in the mature way and threatened the old man.


Boruto watched as Itadori was pressed for information on Makis blade slaughter demon. He almost laughed out loud. Honestly, Itadori was incredibly funny.

He nearly laughed again as Itadoris response to Pandas' question about his specialties. The response was 'Punch, Kick'.

He had to hold in his laughter just watching Itadori simply interact with everyone else.



He kept his eyes open as he stayed at the back of the group of Jujutsu High students and kept an eye on any cursed energy signatures, he did notice Maki gave him an odd look when he revealed the Jogan but ignored it.

He watched as the group suddenly stopped as Todo showed up. He was giant with biceps the size of Borutos head, to say he made an intimidating sight would be understating.

"Yeh! You're all together now come at me, all at once!" Todo shouted clearly excited about a battle, a battle unfortunately Boruto will not take part in as Itadori does need to get his ass beat to get stronger.

As soon as Itadori hit Todo with a knee he scattered with everyone else he made sure to stick to team Megumi which consisted of Megumi, Maki and himself.

Whereas team Panda consisted of Panda, Toge and Nobara, he thought they were slightly unbalanced but didn't protest.

Tean Megumi was running through the forest coming across the occasional cursed spirit and exorcising them quickly.

Until he spotted cursed energy above the blanket of trees they are currently under. "Yo, scout on top of us to our east" Megumi nodded before climbing a tree and making a hand sign that summoned an owl with a mask.

The owl blew the scout out of the sky brutally, he winced but didn't have time to think as they were quickly approached by the Kyoto school.

He quickly kicked the blue haired girl into a tree using a fraction of his strength leaving her to Maki who quickly pressed her advantage.

His ears perked at hearing another clash, he fully turned and kicked the Kamo clan heir in the side sending him flying into a tree as well, he let Megumi take care of the rest of the fight.

They both finished their respective fights quickly with both enemies retreating, he wouldn't be surprised if they were waiting to attack again.


Megumi, Maki and himself all stood in a loose circle. "It's odd, all the Kyoto students are travelling in a group and they're heading towards Yuji" Megumi looked tense.

"Could they just be looking for the cursed spirit?" Maki asked Megumi who disagreed.

"No, unless this special grade is insanely cunning demon dog would have sensed it" the dog growled and Megumi looked worried "Do you think they may be trying to kill Itadori?" He asked, clearly worried.

He started to tune out the conversation when he saw a familiar cursed energy signature, it was far away and it was incredibly faint but he could almost see it clear in his mind.

It had also seemed to sense him as it stopped dead in its tracks and turned towards him.

"Megumi, Maki you both need to leave now"


"Megumi, Maki you both need to leave now"

She turned to check on what Boruto was saying and caught him staring at a random tree, she walked over and placed her hand on his shoulder.

She saw his eyes widen suddenly before she felt herself kicked into a tree, as she quickly regained balance from the hit she heard a loud crash as a cursed spirit came crashing through the woods.

Boruto had kicked her out of the way of the approaching spirit she quickly realised. She also realised the power of the spirit, this is the special grace they needed to kill to win and as she was about to rush she froze as the look on Borutos face.

It was the most emotional she has ever seen him, it's hard to describe what emotions she saw in his eyes all she knew was whatever those emotions were was that they strong.

"Leave now! This is my fight, you go save Itadori!" He screamed at them trying to get them to leave, she wasn't convinced this was a special grace and he couldn't even deal with a first grade 5 days ago.

"This is the same spirit that attacked me! I can handle it now, leave" he demanded as he kept his eyes on the spirit.

Megumi didn't hesitate and started to run towards Itadori and Maki hesitated before deciding to trust him, she will be back to help in no time as well he just needs to buy time.

She glanced back one more time to see Borutos right side suddenly gain the same black markings he had gained in the kitchen.


Borutos eyes were wide as he stared at the cursed spirit. He could feel his arms shaking and his heartbeat was pounding erratically, he felt a drop of sweat fall from his forehead.

He remembered the cursed spirits' swipes and swings, he remembered it laughing as it cut him to shreds. It's laughter as he was left in a damp muddy field bleeding obscene amounts of blood.

He thought back to all the pain it caused and one emotion ruled over the others…despair.

He was in Boruto Uzumaki's body, no he was Boruto and he couldn't beat a squid. He was in the body of a god. He was an Otsutsuki now and he was getting beaten by a random cursed spirit.

He tried to calm himself and observed the cursed spirit.

It's the squid thing but it was different, it's skin is now pure black and its amount of eyes had been reduced to the normal amount of 2.

The thing was bigger than last time and had far more cursed energy which was why it was so much faster than it was last time. Its head was no longer in the shape of a dome but now more like an arrow.

Its head had multiple spikes over it as well; Boruto also noticed that the thing's mouth had grown significantly.

It now has 2 arms with hands that were clenching and its tentacles were now a dark blue with no sludge covering them instead a clear liquid was lightly coating the spikes.

Borutos eyes were narrowed upon the creature that had previously nearly killed him, his blood was pumping and his heart was beating like a drum.

He took a deep breath before unsheathing his sword and holding it in front of himself in a guard while he activated his Karma seal, he can't explain how he did it all he knew is he did.

"Y-YoU…i ReMbemBeRe Yu" the curse spoke with its voice raspy and cracking, he could feel himself shiver slightly at the sound but charged the creature.

The cursed spirit noticed his charge and started to roar which released a shockwave that he barely avoided as he suddenly changed directions.

He jumped into the trees and used them as shields, he couldn't hide and sneak around. This thing had sensed him earlier after all.

He had to jump as a tentacle almost grazed his face 'Fast!' The tentacles were far faster than last time, he had to drop from the trees and drop back into ground level as it started to use all its tentacles to start ripping down the trees and throwing the debris at him.

He was dodging the debris fairly easily but could get himself trapped in a cycle of dodging like last time. He needed to be smarter this time.

He saw an opening in the debris and took advantage, he used his speed to speed past the debris within metres of the surprised cursed spirit. He used his sword to cut an approaching tentacle as it passed.

He jumped back instantly and luckily he did because where he previously stood was destroyed as all 30 tentacles started to ravage the surrounding area.

His sword didn't cut through the tentacle , it merely sliced it badly and that's because he forgot one key thing.

He pulled the Katana in front of his eyes and slowly applied wind chakra, he finished just in time to dodge out of the way of the spirits next barrage.

And then he had to dodge again, and again as the thing didn't give him time to attack. It was constantly following his movements as it did last time.

He felt himself slipping again and needed to do something and then his cheek was sliced by a tentacle that luckily swiped him.

He tried to jump back but couldn't move! He felt himself being grabbed by the tentacles that started to encase him. It's spikes digging into his skin as it started to move him towards its weak spot?

He looked up and noticed the squid's weak spot was now an incredibly dark blue and the most obvious new addition was a squid's beak.

He could feel his skin and muscles being ripped into, he held in a scream. He needed to think or move; he just needs anything right now!

Suddenly however he was able to move!

He quickly tried to break free with pure strength but couldn't release himself from the dozens of extremely strong and durable tentacles enclosing him from the neck down.

His right hand had dropped the sword when he froze so he used the empty hand to start building and rotating chakra.

He remembered his first day here and how he killed his first ever cursed spirit, he tried a rasengan that didn't work but did explode in his hands.

He felt a feral grin grab ahold of his bloodied face, his grin was bloodstained as the building chakra in his hand suddenly exploded.

It hurt his own hand sure but it was worth it.

He looked upon the screeching squid, most of its tentacles were now dismembered and it was bleeding heavily. He was still grinning as he charged the spirit.

He punched the cursed spirit, sending it flying through the forest. He followed shortly behind, he did manage to grab his sword on the way.

He noticed the spirit using its tentacles to slow itself down by digging them into the ground. He grinned as he cut those tentacles off before he kicked the spirit, sending it even further through the forest.

Borutos eyes were alight in joy as he kicked the spirit again sending it into a shallow river. He reapplied wind chakra to the Katana while running.

Quickly he slashed any tentacles that were trying to fend him off, he could feel himself enjoying this.

His heart was soaring as his eyes were tracking the tentacles as they all swiped at him. He could hear the air cracking as the tentacles were used as whips.

He could feel the ozone in the air as his Chakra was released into his air. He could hear the sound of wind as he swung his enhanced Katana.

In a matter of moments he had removed almost all of the cursed spirits tentacles with precision. He felt an unnatural amount of glee at seeing the curse slowly try to crawl away using its arms.

He could hear its screeches and whimpers as he slowly walked towards its bloody body. He's honestly surprised it's not already dead with the amount of blood it had lost.

Ignoring the fight going on not even 50 metres away between Megumi, Maki and Hanami he ignored all of it. All he wanted to experience was killing the thing in front of him.

He slowly walked over to the spirit and with a malicious grin he poured more chakra into the sword before using all of his strength and swung down into the spirit's head.

The wind enhanced sword cut through the spirit like butter. Boruto listened as the spirit's whining was cut short and then watched as its body was disintegrated in the shallow river.

His grin quickly fell as he looked down at himself, still very injured from when he froze. He thought back to the fight wondering why he did freeze.

It must have been the clear liquid right? He thought to himself, he honestly didn't know how the thing got so much stronger or even survived the first fight.

As he was contemplating on why he froze he heard a shout of pain to his left, he quickly looked over and saw Megumi on his knees and Maki being choked by the special grade spirit Hanami.

His eyebrows furrowed before he sheathed his sword and disappeared in a burst of speed.


'This special grade is strong' Maki thought to herself as she was being choked by the beings cursed technique. She could feel herself smile in relief at seeing Boruto finally notice them.

It took him ages, but he was fighting that other special grace and wasn't that a shock, he's been a jujutsu sorcerer for less than a week but has beaten a special grade she thought to herself as she waited for Boruto to rush over and give some assistance.

Boruto does remind her of Yuta in some ways but she ignored that line of thought as she saw Boruto put his sword back into the sheath?

Her eyes widened as he suddenly disappeared, 'did…did that bastard just leave!' and as she was contemplating murdering the bastard her train of thought was stopped in its tracks.

In a blink Boruto was suddenly there. He was standing on the special grades head!

Suddenly she was free of the wooden binds before she heard a smash, Maki quickly jumped back and saw the Special Grade had been smashed into the ground by Boruto.

Quickly Maki looked up as she saw 2 people falling towards the ground.

Itadori and Todo hit the ground with a smash, Boruto kicked himself off the Special grade who was quickly confronted by Todo and Itadori.

Maki felt herself be picked up by Boruto and couldn't even protest it, she felt terrible she's honestly surprised she could jump when she was freed from her binds.

She looked over to Panda only to see Megumi being held by him. Panda was running next to Boruto and as she looked at Boruto and saw his wounds.

His blood was leaking onto her she realised, her hand lightly pressed against his chest doing her best to stem the bleeding.

Her eyes started to close not of her own will, she could hear a muffled discussion between Panda and Boruto but couldn't resist closing her eyes.

Next chapter