
Chapter 9

.....when we were done she took the plates and said that she'd be back in a little while with my new school uniform.

After a minute or so she came back and left me the clothes to change into. I changed my clothes and went out of my room to see Grayfia waiting for me patiently.

"Thanks for waiting"

Grayfia: It is only natural for a servant to await the one they serve.

"Of course"

Sirzechs: Oh! I see you're ready to go then.

"Yeah, I'm dressed but don't I need anything else?

Sirzechs: Well you do need some books but Ria's friend Sona should already have them, Ria told me so herself.

"Thank you for all the help man"

Sirzechs: No problem, I mean you did already promise to help my little sister so there is no need for thanks but I do appreciate your "thank you".

"Even so thank you nonetheless"

Sirzechs: It is a pleasure, now shall we go?

"Yeah let's go"

Grayfia: Allow me to teleport us.

As she said that she walked in between us and immediately after a Silver magic circle appeared underneath us before I started feeling a tingling feeling and my vision of our surroundings blurred.

I quickly closed my eyes to stop myself from becoming dizzy and as my eyes were closed I saw something I've only seen once before.

[Specific action has been executed]

[Gained Affinity Space]

[Creating spell]

[Teleportation Circle {F-} :

Create a Magic Circle underneath you with a Max diameter of {1XRank} meter(s) around you, the size is changeable with your will up to the Max you can make it as are the amount of others you bring with you.

~You can bring a Maximum of {1XRank} amount of entities with you.

~You can only Teleport to places you have been.]

'Oh I didn't expect that but awesome now I can teleport too Also I have a new Affinity that can be used to create a bunch of awesome spells '

And then still with my eyes closed I heard a sound I haven't heard in this world ....a scream.


As I opened my eyes I saw what or more precisely who that scream came from and what greeted my eyes was a crowd of what looked like teenage girls.

I then heard them start gossiping.

Girl 1: Do you think that's him?

Girl 2: It has to be right I mean isn't that the Crimson-Haired Prince of Destruction?

Girl 1: You're right so that means the woman is the Silver-Haired Queen of Annihilation!

Girl 3: And the last one?

Girl 1: That has to be HIM right, the one from the rumors?

Girl 3: You mean He is the actual son of Lucifer himself? As in the Prince and Heir to the Underworld?

Girl 2: It has to be right I mean look at that he even has Horns and a Tail.

As the girls kept gossiping and more people gathered at the entrance to the Massive Academy behind them we started to walk towards the entrance where I could see 4 People walking past the crowd towards us to meet us I presume as one of them was Rias and I could guess this would be our actual welcoming group instead of the bunch of gossiping teenagers.

Arriving in front of the group of 4 beautiful girls from left to right what I saw was a beautiful young woman with a voluptuous figure, very long black hair, and violet eyes. Her hair is tied in a very long ponytail, reaching all the way down to the floor with two strands sticking out from the top and sloping backward, with an orange ribbon keeping it in place.

/Akeno Himejima\

Next to her was Rias and then next to her was a bespectacled young woman with a slim figure, black hair styled in a short bob cut, and violet eyes.

/Sona Sitri\

Next to her is another young bespectacled woman with long straight black hair that extends all the way down to her knees, with split bangs and heterochromic eyes, with a violet left eye and a light brown right eye.

/Tsubaki Shinra\

Rias: Good morning big brother, Grayfia. Good morning Your Highness.

While saying good morning to me she did a small bow my way.

Around us, we heard almost everyone gasp in surprise or shock.

After her bow, she lifted her hand towards her right.

Rias: This here is my Queen Akeno, your Highness.

Taking a step forward she gave a bow and spoke.

Akeno: Akeno Himejima it is a pleasure and honor to make your acquaintance Your Highness.

"Good morning Akeno and Rias"

After my quick Good morning, I turned my gaze toward the bespectacled duo.

??? : Sona Sitri Your Highness it is an honor as well as a pleasure to make your acquaintance, also I do hope you enjoy your stay at Kuoh Academy and that no one bothers you.

Holding her left hand to her left she introduced.

Sona:And this is my Queen Trubaki.

Tsubaki: Tsubaki Shinra Your Highness it is a pleasure and honor to make your acquaintance.

After all of them gave a bow Sona quickly asked if we would please follow her to a better place for a meeting rather than letting us be gawked at by the rest of the school.

Arriving at what was said to be the Occult Club as it had the most space we all sat down except Akeno and of course my maid Grayfia while Tsubaki was sent out to collect my books and other necessities.

Looking around I ask what has been on my mind the whole while we were walking.

"So where is the rest of you're peerages?"

Sona: As I and my peerage am on the student council here they are doing their student council duties at the moment excluding me and Tsubaki of course.

Rias: And mine are off doing errands such as handing out fliers, doing summonings, and things like that, this will be my newest peerage member's first time doing a summoning but unfortunately he isn't used to magic so he can't use a teleportation circle.

'Oh now I at least know the timeframe I am in, now I just have to wait for him to come back '

"Hmm shouldn't they be in school"

Rias: Oh it's okay no one will have a problem with them not being in class because they have some, how to say leeway when it comes to things like not being in class,all supernatural beings do in this Academy as everyone knows some are devils that need to make contracts with others while the angels do whatever it is that those angels do...

Before she could continue we heard a knock on the door.

*knock knock*

???: Buchou I have a guest here with me that would like to come in and have a talk.

Rias got an annoyed look on her face as she asked in a serious and stern voice.

Rias: Issei who is there with you and why did you come back so soon shouldn't you be trying to get contracts?

Issei: I... I did try but I couldn't get anyone to accept a contract with me also with me is one of the angel follower's that are part of the disciplinary committee.

Rias's expression changed to an angry one but before she went off on whomever was outside the door I lifted my hand to have her stop and give her attention to me.

"Let them in I'd like to see what an angel's follower wants here"

Rias: As you wish Your Highness, let them in Issei.

Opening the door was a brown haired, brown eyed young teen and as he walked in a second later someone new walked in.

/Issei Hyoudou\

Behind Issei walked a pretty young girl with long blonde hair and green eyes. Her hair flows all the way down to her back, with split bangs over her forehead and a single strand sticking out from the top and sloping backward.

???: U-um Hello.

She said in a quiet voice.

"And who might you be?"

???: Oh I-i am Asia Argento I'm part of the disciplinary committee and my president asked me to bring you to them sir....umm.

"Prince Lucifer is fine , would you be so kind as to tell me why an angel would order a human to bring the Prince of Hell to them and also how do you think they thaught this task they gave you through?"

Asia: O-okay Prince Lucifer umm I think the president just wants to talk to you and could you please explain what you mean with your last question?

Grayfia: What My Prince means to ask is does your president believe a Demon Prince would go to greet an angel who we don't even know who they are or what their motive is.

Asia: I-i..

Sigh "Fine ill come but i better be treated with respect and great food ,id like to give angels food a try if they will even give me some"

Grayfia: My Prince are you sure.

"Yes...but first id like to ask"

Looking over at Sona.

"Would you please ask your Queen Tsubaki to bring my things to the occult room"

Sona: Of course your Highness that isn't a problem at all but I would also like to express my concern for your Highness and I would like to ask if I could come with just incase they disrespect you, and if necessary my sister is a satan so i can use her as leverage against them to keep themselves in line.

"If you really want go you can but im sure having a maid as strong as a satan is already good enough, but i won't stop you from coming because depending on what happens you might have to sit through a boring meeting or you might see some angels die we will have to see"

Asia: Eeep..

Sona: ...Are you perhaps making a joke Your Highness.

Sirzechs: Unfortunately not young heiress even when he asked to inroll here I asked if hed rather come here incognito to not let others know hes the Heir to the Underworld to evade some problems he said that hed basically rather be know as royalty then kill stupid people who disrespect him for not knowing who he is so if hes willing to kill random unknown people I'm sure he's fine with killing angels.

Sona: I....see ....should i maybe call my sister also?

"No no calm down, there is no need for that I'll be on good behavior as long as they are, I'm not some psychopath who goes around killing random people for no reason, they should at least give me a reason to kill them"

Looking back to the now frightened girl by the door.

"Don't worry so much Asia as long as they aren't too much on their high horses for being angels everything should be fine and also dont worry about yourself because I'm not gonna hurt you or anyone without a valid enough reason"

Asia: Y-you primise.

"Of course not I might be the Ruler or Lies but that doesn't mean I just tell lies"

"Now would you please escort me, my maid and sona to where we are supposed to meet this lazy president of yours"

Turning to sirzechs.

"You probably have work left to do right"

Sirzechs: I don't want to admit it but unfortunately you're correct so I'll be taking my leave now, have a wonderful first day your Highness and if it does come to a fight please try and get to safety and try to contact me.

As he said that he handed me a scroll and said"rip this and for up to 10 seconds I will hear whatever you say"

Sirzechs: Now then bye-bye.

He said as he disappeared into a magic circle.

~ ~ ~

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