
Chapter 1

My name is Russell Maxis. I am a 17-year-old high school student and I have always have loved the Halo franchise. I have read a lot of the lore and played all the games.

In every game, from Combat evolved to the upcoming Infinite, I have had the tag "049" I use it as my very own SPARTAN tag.

Right now, I am on my way to get "Halo: Infinite" the newest edition to the Halo franchise.

The line to get it was horrible, but, I got through it. I was walking home and got too excited, I walked across the street without looking and heard a loud noise.


I looked to my left and saw a large semi-truck heading straight for me. I threw my arms up in front of me, Halo in my hands. I waited for the impact, only to feel nothing.

I lifted my arms and saw an unfamiliar ceiling. 'am I in the hospital?' I thought to myself 'Why do I feel so good?' my back pain from year's of bad posture was gone.

I tried getting up, but, found myself restrained from the waist down. "What's happening?" I asked myself.

[You have successfully completed the SPARTAN-II augmentations]

I stared at the floating box in front of me, 'SPARTAN-II augmentation? Like, the Halo SPARTAN augmentation?' Before I could say anything, a man walked into the room and stared at me before running out of the room.

After a few minutes, I could hear some voices talking, "Jefferson, you must have been seeing things, there is no way that kid is still alive." I heard a man say. "Sir, I'm positive I saw him sitting up on the table" the man, presumably Jefferson, said.

The two men entered the room, the man, who seemed to be Jeffersons commanding officer stared at me with wide eyes.

"Jefferson," the man said, not breaking eye contact "get one of the professors" Jefferson looked at him "pardons, sir?" The man turned to him and yelled "I SAID, MOVE YOUR ASS AND GET ONE OF THE PROFESSORS!" Jefferson took a step back before, once again, running out of the room.

The man walked to me. "Hello, Russell, do you know who I am?" I stared at him before responding "no, sir, I don't" the man had a small sorrowful look in his eyes.

"Well, if that's the case, I am Captain Jack White, and you died during your augmentations. Do you know what you are?" Jack said. I looked at the floating box in front of me "I am a SPARTAN. A being made for war" Jack looked surprised at that answer. He looked down and let out a dry chuckle "I guess you're right"

The door shot open and a man in a lab coat walked in. "Professor," Jack said while standing up, "I assume you've heard of the situation?" The professor looked at Jack "no, I just came here in a rush to see a child's dead body. Of course, I heard of the situation!"

The professor moved toward me "they kept the restraints on you? Let's fix that" after taking the restraints off me and shooting Jack a mean glare, he took me to his office where he told me about what's going on.

From what I understand, my body failed in taking the augmentation and I died. In some miracle, I came back to life.

He told me my name was Russell and my tags were 049. That couldn't be a coincidence I thought to myself.

I chalked it all up to a wild dream I was having while in a coma from getting hit by a truck. That's it...right?

hi, I'm new to this fanfic thing and I might miss some things from the original halo lore and might make plot holes.

if you can bear with that, welcome, and enjoy

Zealousidealscreators' thoughts
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